Hi All,
Many of you have tried the Semantic Radar [
http://sioc-project.org/firefox/ ] and are using it to detect FOAF,
DOAP and SIOC profiles in web pages. Now I would like to ask you for
some feedback to make it better.
Firstly, please send all wishes, comments or bug reports to the
SIOC-Dev mailing list. You can also record them at the SIOC ToDoList
wiki page [1], especially if there are some webpages you want to
reference to.
Secondly, please respond to this short survery on where would you like
the information about [FOAF | SIOC | DOAP] profile appear when you
press appropriate status bar icon:
a) in the same window (as is now);
b) in a new window;
c) in a new tab.
This was prompted by Wikier's idea to open rendered RDF pages in new
tabs. Many thanks to him for the suggestion and implementation. But
other users may have different preferences - if so, please tell us.
Thirdly, what else do you want the Semantic Radar do in the future? Or
what additional browser platforms do you wish it supported, etc...
Please note that there is also Semantic Radar / JS [2] - a lightweight
version of SemRadar implemented as user JavaScript. It works with
Opera and Greasemonkey. With some help we could make it run with
alternatives of Greasemonkey for Internet Explorer as well.
[1] http://esw.w3.org/topic/SIOC/ToDoList
[2] http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/6361
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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Survey: Semantic Radar
Moin, me again.
it would be nice to have a configurable blacklist of URLs that should
not be analysed by the radar... uhm, that is already on the ToDoList...
Am 22.01.2007 um 15:32 schrieb Uldis Bojars:
> Firstly, please send all wishes, comments or bug reports to the
> SIOC-Dev mailing list. You can also record them at the SIOC ToDoList
> wiki page [1]
done. Christoph
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
Survey: Semantic Radar
On 1/22/07, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> Secondly, please respond to this short survery on where would you like
> the information about [FOAF | SIOC | DOAP] profile appear when you
> press appropriate status bar icon:
> a) in the same window (as is now);
> b) in a new window;
> c) in a new tab.
I'm personnaly happy with the current choice, since I can choose to
open in a new tab when clicking on the link.
> Thirdly, what else do you want the Semantic Radar do in the future? Or
> what additional browser platforms do you wish it supported, etc...
What could be nice is letting the user setup the list of server to
ping (currently only PTSW) when the plugin find any RDF data.
Eg: Running a personal service on my server that will get all pings,
and if that's a DOAP file that is about a SW-related project, add its
homepage to my delicious "to-read" feed.
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Survey: Semantic Radar
+1 for that. Having a list of servers to ping would be a nice
Am 22.01.2007 um 21:35 schrieb Alexandre Passant:
>> Thirdly, what else do you want the Semantic Radar do in the
>> future? Or
>> what additional browser platforms do you wish it supported, etc...
> What could be nice is letting the user setup the list of server to
> ping (currently only PTSW) when the plugin find any RDF data.
Christoph Görn
Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
this helps users kick ass?
Survey: Semantic Radar
> Secondly, please respond to this short survery on where would you like
> the information about [FOAF | SIOC | DOAP] profile appear when you
> press appropriate status bar icon:
> a) in the same window (as is now);
> b) in a new window;
> c) in a new tab.
I like the three, as we talked, perhaps we could offer the three on the
options dialog (I prefer the c option as default).
__ ___ _ _
\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
\ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_| GNU/LiNUX User: #298803
\_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_| Web: http://www.wikier.org/
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev?hl=en
Survey: Semantic Radar
On 22/01/07, Sergio Fdez wrote:
> > Secondly, please respond to this short survery on where would you like
> > the information about [FOAF | SIOC | DOAP] profile appear when you
> > press appropriate status bar icon:
> > a) in the same window (as is now);
> > b) in a new window;
> > c) in a new tab.
> I like the three, as we talked, perhaps we could offer the three on the
> options dialog (I prefer the c option as default).
That sounds good to me.
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