hello again,
why is the wordpress sioc exporter isn't in the wordpress plugins directory (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/) ?
i mean, it would be a good way to encourage people to sue it, wouldn't it?
keep on rocking in the free code
since both nodes and comments are exported through sioc,
why not add the has_reply property to nodes and reply_of to comment?
this should be handled in way that a comment of a comment (comment thread) should point to it's parent comment of course.
have a blast
also posted on drupal.org - http://www.adamtibi.net/sioc.axd?sioc_type=post&sioc_id=81867dd9-ba89-447b-928d-124c6df4a957
The sioc exporter gives a different rdf:about to a foaf:person and a sioc:user. so far so good.
when the exporter adds a foaf:maker node to a sioc:post, it puts the wrong rdf:about in the foaf:person -
it gives it the rdf:about of the sioc:user instead of the foaf:person!
this is a stealth bug but a critical one.
see for example:
foaf:person: http://www.adamtibi.net/sioc.axd?sioc_type=user&sioc_id=Adam+Tibi
sioc:post: http://www.adamtibi.net/sioc.axd?sioc_type=post&sioc_id=81867dd9-ba89-447b-928d-124c6df4a957
Version 1.0 of an API for Perl has been released on CPAN!
The CPAN page for the SIOC API is at:
A description of the project itself is available at:
Thanks to Jochen Lillich, Thomas N. Burg, and also to Internet Privatstiftung Austria (IPA) for funding this work.
The first version of a SIOC exporter for phpBB 2.0.x is now available. You can download it from DERI's subversion repository.
I've performed two test installs of the plugin at boards.co.nz and boards.com.cn.
Do let us know of any issues or comments either here or on the sioc-dev mailing list.
The power of discussion methods via online community sites such as weblogs, bulletin boards and mailing lists lies in their number and the large amount of data that is available for harvesting. Most blog engines already have RSS export functionality, and some boards are beginning to export RSS as well. Since the majority of these discussion engines are based on open source software or can be extended by using plugins, it is straightforward to modify existing export functions or to create plugins to generate metadata conforming to the SIOC ontology. A SIOC API for PHP makes the development of such SIOC plugins and exporters as easy as possible.
The PHP Export API provides an easy way for developers to create SIOC exporters, as it maps SIOC Classes to PHP objects, with simple functions to export the created data.
More informations about the API are available on this wiki page.
API is currently used in DotClear and B2evo exporters
Chrisoph Goern AKA [GNU] has published details of how to add SIOC content to a blog aggregator or "planet":
SWAML, or Semantic Web Archives of a Mailing List, can be used to provide an archive of mailing list posts in SIOC format.
For more information, please visit the SWAML page at swaml.berlios.de.
Mailing List RSS Conversion
Chrisoph Goern AKA [GNU] has published details of how to convert a mailing list to SIOC format:
Uldis Bojars has written a SIOC exporter plugin for WordPress 1.5+. This allows the production of SIOC metadata from your weblog.
The plugin can be found at http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/wordpress/
To install save plugin files [sioc.php + sioc-include.php] to the WordPress plugin directory (located in ./wp-content/plugins) and enable this plugin in the Admin->Plugins menu.
Data created by plugin can be accessed by following autodiscovery links that are added to the blog's main page and all blog posts. Main SIOC page can be found at your.host.here/wordpress-folder/?sioc_type=site.
Semantic Radar and SIOC
You may use Semantic Radar to detect presence of SIOC data on web pages. It is a Firefox extension that detects links to RDF metadata (SIOC, FOAF, DOAP, ...) and informs about them via a browser status bar icon. Clicking on the icon will provide a user-friendly view of RDF data.
News: Content negotiation added (in v1.21).
Point RDF content regotiation aware tool such as Tabulator to a blog post and it will get back RDF data, avoiding the need to find and follow autodiscovery links in HTML.