It's that random time of the year again where I summarise what's been going on in the world of SIOC...
I am happy to announce that SIOC is now a W3C Member Submission, as mentioned today on the W3C SW blog.
The SIOC Ontology Submission is composed of:
Thanks to Uldis for all his work, and to all our authors, contributors and supporters! More information about SIOC is available from Our SIOC work in DERI, NUI Galway is funded by Science Foundation Ireland.
SIOC Crawler:
Since my last SIOC update in November, here are some of the latest happenings from the SIOC-o-sphere:
But probably there are more publications...
(Copied from here.)
It's been a year since I last took a look at the overlap between the SIOC Project and Microformats (mf). I've been trying to catch up with recent developments, especially the cite-rel draft by Ryan King and Eran Globen.
I admire the Microformats resolve to "solve problems", rather than provide generic things that may in the future be used for X or Y (even though I believe that too is important, or else I wouldn't be a Semantic Web researcher!). I also think that there is no good reason that both the Semantic Web and Microformats communities can't work together (despite arguments like this). There are people on both sides who strongly feel that the other is going in the wrong direction, but it would be a mistake to let any such voices dominate. Both communities are trying to add semantics in the Web, and using things like GRDDL and Micromodels / mf RDF representations, the existing work from both sides can be reused.
Since my last "SIOC-o-sphere" summaries (see 1 and 2), there've been quite a few developments!
I'll begin by ripping off Alex Passant's summary from last month...
- A first version of the API documentation is online. It explains the different classes and methods of the API, which are designed to create SIOC data without any knowledge of SIOC nor RDF.
- Drupal exporter has been updated. It now exports data according the latest version of the specs (1.08), and is ready for FOAF mappings. There are still adjustements to be done about the FOAF module, but you can apply a patch that can be found and explained here to make it work - you need to install FOAF module for Drupal first of course;
- Some bugs have also been fixed in b2evo exporter (see SVN) and DotClear one (release 1.4.2 (src | pkg)). As things seems now quite stable in PHP, is there any volunteer for coding Perl or RoR exporters for SIOC ?
- SIOC export in ODS is now compliant with SIOC crawler, so it can be crawled and put in any triple-store, as Kingley's one which is now here among other blogs from various engines;
- John wrote 3 different SIOC pdf guides, and also designed a shema about FOAF / SIOC / SKOS, to help people to get rid of ambiguity between foaf:User and sioc:User;
- Wikier mentionned on #sioc that SWAML, a project he's involved in to translate mailing lists in RDF, will use SIOC;
- Finally, SIOC will be exposed at BlogTalk, with a SIOCYourBlog experiment.
And since then there've been more happenings...
We've created a series of three one-page summaries for those new to SIOC:
![]() 1: Executive Summary |
![]() 2: User's Guide |
![]() 3: Developer's Guide |
What is the vision for SIOC?