A few days ago, Tom Morris was discussing an RDFizer of twitter.com data
he'd created:
Keith Alexander
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Not sure if SIOC and FOAF are used in the best ways...
First, sioc:Agent should be foaf:Agent...
Also, I'd just call the rdf:Descriptions for the Twitters sioc:Posts,
with sioc:content, dcterms:created and foaf:made pointing back to the
But I wanted something like this :-)
Keith Alexander wrote:
> A few days ago, Tom Morris was discussing an RDFizer of twitter.com data
> he'd created:
> http://chatlogs.planetrdf.com/swig/2007-05-04.html
> http://tools.opiumfield.com/twitter/captsolo/rdf
> -----------------
> Keith Alexander
> http://semwebdev.keithalexander.co.uk/blog/
> >
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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> Keith Alexander wrote:
> > A few days ago, Tom Morris was discussing an RDFizer of twitter.com data
> > he'd created:
> > http://chatlogs.planetrdf.com/swig/2007-05-04.html
> >
> > http://tools.opiumfield.com/twitter/captsolo/rdf
Nice work! :)
What Tom could improve is how SIOC and FOAF is used:
1) Use sioc:Post and associated properties for twitter messages.
Plus properties associated with it:
** convert date to a proper format (2007-05-08T05:14:12Z).
2) foaf:maker - use to connect a sioc:Post to an agent who created a post.
used in the example above
3) foaf:Agent - use for describing agents.
Here we could ask - if twitter's URI (e.g.,
http://twitter.com/CaptSolo ) is a URI of an agent or a URI of an
online account. You can only use foaf:maker with an Agent but not with
an online account.
It is possible to use both foaf:maker pointing to a foaf:Agent and a
sioc:has_creator to point to a sioc:User (subclass of
foaf:OnlineAccount). However, for start, foaf:Agent can be enough.
4) Replies
If a post (A) has "@reply" to another user/post (B) (twitter homepage
already includes a hyperlink to a post it thinks this is in reply to)
that can be described as:
Could also try to encode that this post (A) is in reply to another
person (actually, @nick links to a nickname and not a particular post)
but I don't know how should we encode that in RDF.
5) More possibilities ...
There are many more things you could do with the data. Suggest if you
have any cool ideas. E.g., you could go to person's homepage, extract
RDF (e.g., FOAF, SIOC) autodiscovery links from it and add it to the
exporter RDF.
This is a good start and something I wish Twitter was exporting directly.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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> Also, I'd just call the rdf:Descriptions for the Twitters sioc:Posts,
> with sioc:content, dcterms:created and foaf:made pointing back to the
> Agent...
foaf:maker of course :-) I didn't mention sioc:Users either, but they
could be used too...
It'd be nice if comments directed between users via the @ convention
could form sioc:has_reply links as well...
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Nifty :)
Related - most people don't know that the Skype Presence system exposes a tiny bit of RDF:
eg. http://mystatus.skype.com/danbrickley.xml (see below)
Thought folks might like this :)
<Status rdf:about="urn:skype:skype.com:skypeweb/1.1">
<statusCode rdf:datatype="
<presence xml:lang="NUM">3</presence>
<presence xml:lang="en">Away</presence>
<presence xml:lang="fr">Absent</presence>
<presence xml:lang="de">Abwesend</presence>
<presence xml:lang="ja">一時退席中</presence>
<presence xml:lang="zh-cn">暫時離開</presence>
<presence xml:lang="zh-tw">离开</presence>
<presence xml:lang="pt">Ausente</presence>
<presence xml:lang="pt-br">Ausente</presence>
<presence xml:lang="it">Torno subito</presence>
<presence xml:lang="es">Ausente</presence>
<presence xml:lang="pl">Zaraz wracam</presence>
<presence xml:lang="se">Tillfälligt borta</presence>
On 09/05/07, Keith Alexander <k.j.w.alexander@gmail.com> wrote:
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