Hello there,
Uldis introduced me to SIOC and we had some discussions about it. Due
to my geoinformatics background I was thinking a bit about the
possibilities to add geospatial information to
sioc concepts.
The currently most used approach is GeoRSS. OGC (which makes the
standards in our domain)
has published a white paper [1] about it. It is built on top the W3C
geo vocubalary, but extended it to support more complex geometries than
a simple point. It's big advantage is the upwards compatibility to GML,
which allows for encoding also complex spatial features (take a
collection of bike routes as example). An introduction to GeoRSS and
the model are available at [2].
Let's take an example of an Event encoded in SIOC. Tagging it with a
location by using GeoRSS could look like this:
The relationshipTag would be used to clarify the relation between the
sioc element and the associated geometry. A person "lives-in", a post
"talks-about", an event "take-place-in" a location. Using tags here is
a neat way to clarify the specific relationship between the used
concept and the location without the need to extend the sioc
The support of GeoRSS is not too bad, Wordpress and Drupal have both
plugins which make adding locations to posts possible. The SIOC browser
could simply take the location and generate a link to a google map. Or
provide a spatial browser itself which allows to browse through
spatially related posts, for example showing all events which
"takes-place-in" in specific location. How cool would that be? ;)
Patrick Maué
[1] http://www.opengeospatial.org/pt/06-050r3
[2] http://georss.org/overview.html
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SIOC & encoding spatial features.
I think they could be different geo properties that apply to posts.
1) First, regarding the location of the post creator - if needed - this should be done with his FOAF profile, using based_near property.
2) For the post itself, and using GeoRSS or other geo vocabularies, I think about 2 usages:
- The location where the post have been written
- The location(s) involved in the post content
For the first one, we could directly add GeoRSS information as a property of the post, as you mention in your example.
BTW, the syntax you gave is not RDF compliant, do you have any timeline for RDF-ization of GeoRSS ? [1]
For second one, instead of linking the location to the post itself, I think it would be better to link it to the topic.
<sioc:Post rdf:about="...">
<skos:Concept rdf:about="...">
Imagine you've got a set of defined Concepts (with URIs) and geo information for each of them, then anyone could use it and directly get the coordinates of posts topics, if any.
I already use something similar in a "linking posts to ontology concepts" approach [1] (difference is that topics are not skos:Concepts but resources from a given ontology) and indeed, that's really nice to display posts on a googlemap :)
[1] http://www.georss.org/model.html
[2] "Folksonomies, Ontologies and Corporate Blogging" @ BlogTalk reloaded
On 9/13/06, Patrick Maué <pajoma@gmail.com> wrote:
SIOC & encoding spatial features.
45.256 -71.92
using only GeoRSS simple, the encoding based on XML would be:
The example given in the "GeoRSS in RDF" [1] documentation, shows no
difference, so I assumed the example in my mail would be also valid
RDF. But simple GeoRSS should be sufficient anyway.
My specific interest is an aggregator which takes different sources as
input to display them on a map. This includes, until now, the GeoRSS
feeds provided by Flickr [2] and SIOC enabled blogs. The SIOC data
could be querried with SPARQL, there are even extensions for GeoRSS
which include spatial operations (allows for example to show all posts
which have content about locations close to my current location) [3]
Patrick Maué
[1] http://www.georss.org/rdf_rss1.html
[3] http://xmlarmyknife.org/blog/archives/000281.html
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