Hi all!
The Captn has chased me around at #foaf for an extended period, and I
know that you have a deadline for submission coming up RSN.
I'm the one who has done the semweb stuff at my.opera.com, and I'd like
to express my support for what you're doing. Also, I think we will
implement SIOC at my.opera.com as time allows, and I think we will
support your W3C submission.
Now, I have to realize that I will not have the time to write the more
elaborate discussion of the spec before your deadline, but I guess a
not-very well thought out post is better than none, so here we go, and
please bear over with me if I address issues that have allready been
beaten to death earlier.
I can certainly see the value of the sioc:User/foaf:Person distinction
in SIOC. It is the nature of community sites that we do not really know
too much about the user who's publishing things, "on the Internet,
nobody knows you're a dog" thus making foaf:Person alltogether rather
inappropriate for community sites ;-) Also, it is difficult verify that
a user isn't two or more persons or just a bot.
Now, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't use foaf:Person, quite the
contrary. Using sioc:User as a wrapper around foaf:Person introduces
some additional complexity, and I'm not sure it is worth it. Instead
agents may just need to be a little more careful when making inferences
based on data from a community site.
Also, I think it becomes quite difficult to know when to use the SIOC
mbox and when to use the FOAF mbox, or both. Do I really need to use
verify that the user is a person to use the FOAF properties, or?
So, that's my main concern, have you guys thought about it?
Now, I suppose that the specification is not set in stone with the
submission to the W3C, so this is perhaps a discussion that could
proceed after the submission?
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Information Systems Developer
Opera Software ASA
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User vs. Person complexity
Hi Kjetil,
> I'm the one who has done the semweb stuff at my.opera.com, and I'd like
> to express my support for what you're doing. Also, I think we will
> implement SIOC at my.opera.com as time allows, and I think we will
> support your W3C submission.
Thank you for the support and feedback to this project. :)
Regarding having little time - we plan to extend the feedback period by
approximately one week. This is in order to receive quality feedback
from a number of new participants (like you) who just joined. Will
announce this separately, but writing here so you know there is more
time to explore and comment.
> I can certainly see the value of the sioc:User/foaf:Person distinction
> in SIOC. It is the nature of community sites that we do not really know
> too much about the user who's publishing things, "on the Internet,
> nobody knows you're a dog" thus making foaf:Person alltogether rather
> inappropriate for community sites ;-) Also, it is difficult verify that
> a user isn't two or more persons or just a bot.
About verifying who is who - we shall leave that to the community sites
who are SIOC data providers. If someone really wants he will find
numerous reasons to doubt that something is a Person and will inflict
unnecessary complexity. These sites usually do not have a way to
distinguish if one is a real person or not (how do you know it's not
just a very good bot?) so we work from assumption that posts are
created by persons who have online accounts.
Note: a good thing is that sites themselves are interested to filter
out spammers so they may take care to at least verify an email. As for
sites that are spammers on purpose - you can't safeguard against that
(w/o web of trust).
If you want to avoid defining creator of content a foaf:Person you
might use a foaf:Agent instead, but there is little value in doing so.
> Now, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't use foaf:Person, quite the
> contrary. Using sioc:User as a wrapper around foaf:Person introduces
> some additional complexity, and I'm not sure it is worth it. Instead
> agents may just need to be a little more careful when making inferences
> based on data from a community site.
sioc:User allows to express the fact that content is created by user
accounts on a community site. there are properties that we may want to
express about the online account in particular.
foaf:Person holds all properties that are not account specific.
There is value in having sioc:User information - some persons may have
a number of accounts and there may be cases when you want to know what
has been written by a particular account (though in majority of cases
you might not care).
A solution we came up with recently is to assign a sioc:Post both
sioc:creator_of and foaf:maker - this way sioc:User does not act as
another layer "wrapping" foaf:Person and you can access FOAF data
directly. An exaple of this can be see on WordPress SIOC export [1].
[1] http://test.rdfs.org/blog/index.php?sioc_type=post&sioc_id=6
In cases when there is no user account (e.g., guest commenters on a
blog) you would use only foaf:maker.
> Also, I think it becomes quite difficult to know when to use the SIOC
> mbox and when to use the FOAF mbox, or both. Do I really need to use
> verify that the user is a person to use the FOAF properties, or?
No. SIOC properties are not there because of concerns of one being a
bot. It is rather a border case where we think a sioc:User may need it.
Properties sioc:email and sioc:email_sha1 are meant to link a user
account to a particular e-mail address it was registered with.
They are in the ontology to allow to retain this information for cases
when this is important, but in many cases you will not need them. When
in doubt always use foaf:Person and its mbox properties.
For this and other properties - maybe we need to improve their
description in the specification. That should avoid the confusion.
Please suggest any improvements that you see useful.
> Now, I suppose that the specification is not set in stone with the
> submission to the W3C, so this is perhaps a discussion that could
> proceed after the submission?
There is more time so we can discuss now. And after the submission is
done of course. The submission to W3C is not set in stone and we will
be making revisions to the specification as necessary, but it is harder
to change once submitted (requires another submission). Let's make it
good now, and improve later.
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User vs. Person complexity
On Friday 15 September 2006 02:57, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> Thank you for the support and feedback to this project. :)
You're welcome!
> About verifying who is who - we shall leave that to the community
> sites who are SIOC data providers. If someone really wants he will
> find numerous reasons to doubt that something is a Person and will
> inflict unnecessary complexity. These sites usually do not have a way
> to distinguish if one is a real person or not (how do you know it's
> not just a very good bot?) so we work from assumption that posts are
> created by persons who have online accounts.
> Note: a good thing is that sites themselves are interested to filter
> out spammers so they may take care to at least verify an email. As
> for sites that are spammers on purpose - you can't safeguard against
> that (w/o web of trust).
Yeah, we struggle rather hard with that problem. It isn't really that
easy, as it boils down to a CAPTCHA, and most CAPTCHA things suck.
> > Now, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't use foaf:Person, quite the
> > contrary. Using sioc:User as a wrapper around foaf:Person
> > introduces some additional complexity, and I'm not sure it is worth
> > it. Instead agents may just need to be a little more careful when
> > making inferences based on data from a community site.
> sioc:User allows to express the fact that content is created by user
> accounts on a community site. there are properties that we may want
> to express about the online account in particular.
> foaf:Person holds all properties that are not account specific.
> There is value in having sioc:User information - some persons may
> have a number of accounts and there may be cases when you want to
> know what has been written by a particular account (though in
> majority of cases you might not care).
Right! Well, I do not doubt that there are valid use for sioc:User,
however, consider a SPARQL query where you want some foaf property,
you'd have to include a triple about the sioc:User to connect that to
the foaf:Person before you can get the property you wanted. And that's
why I ask if this complexity is warranted.
> A solution we came up with recently is to assign a sioc:Post both
> sioc:creator_of and foaf:maker - this way sioc:User does not act as
> another layer "wrapping" foaf:Person and you can access FOAF data
> directly. An exaple of this can be see on WordPress SIOC export [1].
OK, that would probably help, yes.
> No. SIOC properties are not there because of concerns of one being a
> bot. It is rather a border case where we think a sioc:User may need
> it. Properties sioc:email and sioc:email_sha1 are meant to link a
> user account to a particular e-mail address it was registered with.
> They are in the ontology to allow to retain this information for
> cases when this is important, but in many cases you will not need
> them. When in doubt always use foaf:Person and its mbox properties.
OK, please say that in the spec, it'll help.
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Information Systems Developer
Opera Software ASA
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User vs. Person complexity
Hi all,
> > > Now, I'm not arguing that we shouldn't use foaf:Person, quite the
> > > contrary. Using sioc:User as a wrapper around foaf:Person
> > > introduces some additional complexity, and I'm not sure it is worth
> > > it. Instead agents may just need to be a little more careful when
> > > making inferences based on data from a community site.
> >
> > sioc:User allows to express the fact that content is created by user
> > accounts on a community site. there are properties that we may want
> > to express about the online account in particular.
> >
> > foaf:Person holds all properties that are not account specific.
> >
> > There is value in having sioc:User information - some persons may
> > have a number of accounts and there may be cases when you want to
> > know what has been written by a particular account (though in
> > majority of cases you might not care).
> Right! Well, I do not doubt that there are valid use for sioc:User,
> however, consider a SPARQL query where you want some foaf property,
> you'd have to include a triple about the sioc:User to connect that to
> the foaf:Person before you can get the property you wanted. And that's
> why I ask if this complexity is warranted.
> > A solution we came up with recently is to assign a sioc:Post both
> > sioc:creator_of and foaf:maker - this way sioc:User does not act as
> > another layer "wrapping" foaf:Person and you can access FOAF data
> > directly. An exaple of this can be see on WordPress SIOC export [1].
> OK, that would probably help, yes.
Indeed, using both foaf:Person and sioc:User for mentioning post
creator (and only foaf:Person for answers from not registered users,
i.e. blog comments) help to solve the problem you mention.
SPARQL query at
http://apassant.net/home/2006/06/sioc-browser/index.php/network uses
only foaf:maker to get relationships between posts and users, avoiding
the sioc:User / foaf:holdsAccount triples you mention.
I also think we should mention (in the specs ?) that exporting both
type of relationships between post / user must be done by exporters,
as it's done within WP exporter or in the API, so that we could unify
SPARQL queries for a given set of users, registered or not (i.e.
sioc:User or foaf:Person).
> Cheers,
> Kjetil
> --
> Kjetil Kjernsmo
> Information Systems Developer
> Opera Software ASA
> >
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