To summarise about proposed ontology additions / changes:
= Decided:
1) Add sioc:Community
+ properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
We are quite sure that a Community concept is needed.
There can still be some discussion about the property names and alternatives.
= Almost there:
2) sioc:Comment
Initially we thought "let's make all posts generic - comments are same
as posts", but there's a need to distinguish between comments and
Proposal: create a [ sioc:Comment rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post . ]
Comment is also a post, but a specific type of. That should solve the problem.
= Need your input:
3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
We need a property to link sioc:Site to sioc:Usergroup (and inverse of it).
- sioc:has_base / sioc:base_of
- sioc:has_group / (name for inverse?)
Former proposed as a neutral name by John, later used in WordPress
exporter but undocumented in the ontology .
4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
sioc:Site may consist of a number of different subsites.
How do we express that?
Note: this is needed if a site consists of a number of heterogenous parts.
If a site consists of a number of forums (in a bulletin board) or
blogs (multi-user blog site), there already is a [ sioc:Site
sioc:host_of sioc:Forum . ] construct for that.
5) Subtypes of Forums ?
Same as for Posts/Comments we may want to express / search for a
specific type of [container of sioc:Posts].
Currently such a container is sioc:Forum, which is used to express all
types of community site "containers" - in practice most instance data
describe either blogs or boards/forums.
Proposal: subclasses of sioc:Forum:
- Blog (Weblog?)
- MailingList
- NewsGroup
- ... (Forum?! / Board / BulletinBoard)
- if we use sioc:Forum for generic container (would be consistent
with existing data), how do we name a particular subclass talking
about a board/forum ?
- if we call it sioc:Forum (warning! redefining sioc:Forum now is
BAD), how do we can the generic container?
That's it. If there are more additions, will write about them in a
separate post. Things planned to write about: threads, roles
(moderator, admin), expressing that a user subscribes to a thread, ...
If there are no objections, I will add points (1) and (2) to the ontology.
For (3), (4) and (5) we need to decide.
They may be described in the issues list, but first I wrote them up
here in the email and let's see - some can be solved quickly and acted
upon, those that require more discussion will be added to IssuesList.
(If you want to add them to the IssuesList now, go ahead and do it!)
[ ]
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
So to update where we're at :)
> 1) Add sioc:Community
> + properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
I think this has been agreed on.
> 2) sioc:Comment
This would need to be moved to a types module, to keep the core SIOC
ontology simple. We can then add other subtypes of Post later like
Sticky, Announcement, etc.
> 3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
has_group / group_of seems to be the consensus recommendation.
> 4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
I read the reasons for not having this on the list, and agreed with them
at the time that we could just use sioc:Community. But the more I
thought about it last night, the more I thought this property might
actually be required. Let's say that there's a site for Semantic Web at which has an associated community for SIOC at the subsite or
subsection If we say Community "SW" has_part Site
"", Community "SIOC" has_part "" and then that
Community "SW" has_part Community "SIOC", then there's nothing to say
that the Site "" and Site "" are related (since
Community "SW" will probably have other Sites like "" etc.
But adding the link between the sites further describes what parts of
the community are related to each other...
> 5) Subtypes of Forums ?
Again, can be added to the types module at a later date.
> 6) subscriber_of / has_subscriber
I think this is okay.
> 7) has_sibling -> sibling
Would like this too :)
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
To summarise the issues that are still open:
> > 2) sioc:Comment
> This would need to be moved to a types module, to keep the core SIOC
> ontology simple. We can then add other subtypes of Post later like
> Sticky, Announcement, etc.
To be handled in a module, outside the SIOC core ontology.
See also discussion "Using SKOS to describe communication structures".
In general there is not much difference in using RDFS/OWL to extend
sioc:Post (in a separate "types" module) and using SKOS to define the
type hierarchy as Christoph proposed.
SKOS adds another layer to the "onion" though and that may be
> > 4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
> I read the reasons for not having this on the list, and agreed with them
> at the time that we could just use sioc:Community. But the more I
> thought about it last night, the more I thought this property might
> actually be required. Let's say that there's a site for Semantic Web at
has_part / part_of properties still need to be discussed and decided
John has an argument for having these properties and Frederick has a
counter-argument that this is what Community is for.
> which has an associated community for SIOC at the subsite or
> subsection If we say Community "SW" has_part Site
> "", Community "SIOC" has_part "" and then that
> Community "SW" has_part Community "SIOC", then there's nothing to say
> that the Site "" and Site "" are related (since
> Community "SW" will probably have other Sites like "" etc.
One option of solving this is to come to a situation where we really
need subsite/supersite properties and can not use existing Site and
Community. Since Community is new and with a very wide scope we should
use it first and maybe not invent new properties where a Community
might fit.
The current use case is somewhat "difficult" and might not be a best
example because in reality is a Site which contains a page
(Post?) about SIOC. This page is also a 'canonical location' or home
page for SIOC, but it is not a SIOC site by itself.
Can we come up with a better use case?
> > 5) Subtypes of Forums ?
> Again, can be added to the types module at a later date.
Agree. Same as #2.
8) Replace sioc:created_at with dc:date ?
And what happens to sioc:modified_at ?
Alternative: subclass both from dc:date. (but does that help in any
9) Pointing to the source (original) post
Note: Please remember that you may use the IssuesList [1] to describe
issues and proposed solutions.
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
> The current use case is somewhat "difficult" and might not be a best
> example because in reality is a Site which contains a page
> (Post?) about SIOC. This page is also a 'canonical location' or home
> page for SIOC, but it is not a SIOC site by itself.
> Can we come up with a better use case?
A better use case are multi-forum hosting sites like,
which host many subsites containing forums.
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
John Breslin wrote:
> >
> > Can we come up with a better use case?
> >
> A better use case are multi-forum hosting sites like,
> which host many subsites containing forums.
Same with * which hosts many weblogs. In the case of
weblogs though we can say that each weblog is a Forum and the big
multi-blog site is a Site.
Now I am starting to wonder - shall we model multi-(forum/blog/...)
sites as a single Site and multiple Forums (as we intended to do for
multi-weblog sites) or shall each forum/blog be a Site which then
belong to some bigger entity (Site, Community, ...).
One argument is that a Community implies that there is something
keeping these objects (sites, people, ...) together (common interests
or activities). For sites hosting forums/blogs/wikis/... the only thing
they have in common is where they are hosted, but they might not have
any other ties. This is too little to join them in a community.
Still we have to be able to say "This service (Site) contains/hosts (a
list of sites)". This could be used to point to SIOC profiles of
individual forums/weblogs.
P.S. A minimal solution to the use case above is to define the hosting
as a Site which does not have any forums and have rdfs:seeAlso links
form it to individual sites:
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
It's true that some sites may host subsites that may not be related to a
particular community, but also that the opposite my be true (there may
be something like where all the subsites are related to a
community interested in Japanese culture). So I think it is good to
have the flexibility of a has_subsite / subsite_of relationship...
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SIOC Ontology Update: 31-Jul-2006
Here are the changes to the SIOC ontology:
> > 1) Add sioc:Community
> > + properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
> > 3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
> has_group / group_of seems to be the consensus recommendation.
> > 6) subscriber_of / has_subscriber
> > 7) has_sibling -> sibling
The ontology namespace (RDF) document [1] and the specification [2]
have been updated. The rest of the proposed changes either are still in
a discussion or require changes outside of the core SIOC namespace.
[ ]
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SIOC Ontology Update: 31-Jul-2006
I also made the following changes to the SIOC RDF namespace document
- added owl:DatatypeProperty and owl:ObjectProperty to indicate
property types
- added owl:inverseOf for properties that have inverse
- cleanup of some removed / commented out properties
These changes do not automatically appear in the specification as the
specification generation script does not know about them (yet).
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SIOC Ontology Update: 31-Jul-2006
See the specification [1] - now it contains information about OWL
property types (symmetric, object/datatype properties, inverse
properties, ...).
Fixing the script was easy. :)
[ ]
Uldis Bojars wrote:
> I also made the following changes to the SIOC RDF namespace document:
> - added owl:DatatypeProperty and owl:ObjectProperty to indicate
> property types
> - added owl:inverseOf for properties that have inverse
> - cleanup of some removed / commented out properties
> These changes do not automatically appear in the specification as the
> specification generation script does not know about them (yet).
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
If you construct properties for links (relationships) between
entities, e.g. communities, do you not throw away the opportunity to
make those relationships first-class citizens? After all, are not
those relationships also subjects for discussion/debate/annotation?
Properties that help identify subjects are absolutely necessary.
Properties that define relationships (links) will need to be capable
of being scoped (annotated, decorated, whatever you want to call it)
with metadata that describes the nature of the specific instance of
the relationship represented. That's a subject-mapping posture. It
would nice to think that SKOS might also support relationships as
first-class (subjects).
Just a half-EURO comment.
On 7/19/06, John Breslin wrote:
> So to update where we're at :)
> > 1) Add sioc:Community
> > + properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
> I think this has been agreed on.
> > 2) sioc:Comment
> This would need to be moved to a types module, to keep the core SIOC
> ontology simple. We can then add other subtypes of Post later like
> Sticky, Announcement, etc.
> > 3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
> has_group / group_of seems to be the consensus recommendation.
> > 4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
> I read the reasons for not having this on the list, and agreed with them
> at the time that we could just use sioc:Community. But the more I
> thought about it last night, the more I thought this property might
> actually be required. Let's say that there's a site for Semantic Web at
> which has an associated community for SIOC at the subsite or
> subsection If we say Community "SW" has_part Site
> "", Community "SIOC" has_part "" and then that
> Community "SW" has_part Community "SIOC", then there's nothing to say
> that the Site "" and Site "" are related (since
> Community "SW" will probably have other Sites like "" etc.
> But adding the link between the sites further describes what parts of
> the community are related to each other...
> > 5) Subtypes of Forums ?
> Again, can be added to the types module at a later date.
> > 6) subscriber_of / has_subscriber
> I think this is okay.
> > 7) has_sibling -> sibling
> Would like this too :)
> J.
> --
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
Hi Jack,
Thanks for comments. True, expressing relationships as first-class
citizens has to be considered. See this question mentioned in an
earlier SIOC-Dev post [1].
But when you express properties as objects the result is an explosive
growth of the dataset and it makes queries more complex. It is a
tradeoff between expressivity and complexity and so far we have aimed
at reducing complexity in SIOC ("make it as simple as possible, but not
simpler" :).
There may be cases when relationships as first calls citizens are
desireable or necessary. SIOC shall allow to express (most of) the
information contained within a community site. Hence the question is -
what is the use case for using relationships as first class objects -
what significant information is there that can not be expressed by SIOC
as is now?
What would be your suggestions where it is needed?
And how do you approach this question in your work?
[ ]
Jack Park wrote: wrote:
> If you construct properties for links (relationships) between
> entities, e.g. communities, do you not throw away the opportunity to
> make those relationships first-class citizens? After all, are not
> those relationships also subjects for discussion/debate/annotation?
> Properties that help identify subjects are absolutely necessary.
> Properties that define relationships (links) will need to be capable
> of being scoped (annotated, decorated, whatever you want to call it)
> with metadata that describes the nature of the specific instance of
> the relationship represented. That's a subject-mapping posture. It
> would nice to think that SKOS might also support relationships as
> first-class (subjects).
> Just a half-EURO comment.
> Jack
> On 7/19/06, John Breslin
> >
> > So to update where we're at :)
> >
> > > 1) Add sioc:Community
> > > + properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
> >
> > I think this has been agreed on.
> >
> > > 2) sioc:Comment
> >
> > This would need to be moved to a types module, to keep the core SIOC
> > ontology simple. We can then add other subtypes of Post later like
> > Sticky, Announcement, etc.
> >
> > > 3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
> >
> > has_group / group_of seems to be the consensus recommendation.
> >
> > > 4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
> >
> > I read the reasons for not having this on the list, and agreed with them
> > at the time that we could just use sioc:Community. But the more I
> > thought about it last night, the more I thought this property might
> > actually be required. Let's say that there's a site for Semantic Web at
> > which has an associated community for SIOC at the subsite or
> > subsection If we say Community "SW" has_part Site
> > "", Community "SIOC" has_part "" and then that
> > Community "SW" has_part Community "SIOC", then there's nothing to say
> > that the Site "" and Site "" are related (since
> > Community "SW" will probably have other Sites like "" etc.
> > But adding the link between the sites further describes what parts of
> > the community are related to each other...
> >
> > > 5) Subtypes of Forums ?
> >
> > Again, can be added to the types module at a later date.
> >
> > > 6) subscriber_of / has_subscriber
> >
> > I think this is okay.
> >
> > > 7) has_sibling -> sibling
> >
> > Would like this too :)
> >
> > J.
> > --
> >
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Status About SIOC concepts / properties
Hi Uldis,
Thank you very much for this thoughtful response to my comments.
Actually, we are in violent agreement on the notion that there is this
opportunity for "explosive growth" in the database. At the moment,
using a bit of arm waving, I am willing to set that argument aside
and, as you thoughtfully query, ask what it is that drives the need
for making everything in some universe of discourse a first class
"citizen" (a "subject", in my vernacular).
This will not be the most thoughtful response I can give, since, at
this time, I have a tiny hole in a busy schedule and I'd like to maybe
just tease open the door into my set of arguments I might pose in
favor of my earlier statements.
Consider the simple "concept map" -- an enormously powerful
constructivist tool used everywhere on this planet in education, and
even now in the construction of ontologies. There, you have nodes and
labeled arcs. Nodes, in my vernacular, are first class citizens,
whereas labeled arcs are not the same. Drop a node in as a reification
of that relationship and now you have another subject about which you
can converse. The query is this: under which use cases would you ever
care to converse about relationships?
A knee-jerk response to that question is: "almost always." Which use
case defines "almost always"? It goes like this. Stan Ulam, one of
the famous mathematicians in the middle of the previous century
(imagine saying that and meaning just a few years back!) was once
asked what he thought about AI (artificial intelligence). His
response, in massive paraphrase, went like this: as soon as they (AI)
figure out how to represent "as" (as in "seeing as"), they will arrive
(whatever that means). We already are good at "isA", but not at "asA".
His story went like this: when we talk about some scene, say, a driver
and passenger cruising past us, we speak of two persons, one *as* a
driver and one *as* a passenger. We are speaking of them in relation
to their "roles".
Now, the ontologists doing OWL have devised two ways to use OWL, one
being the traditional "slot value" approach, and the other being the
"roles" approach. In some problems, they can get away with the
slot-value approach, but in others, they are required to reify the
relationship into a role statement and then use that. That is to say,
they had a situation where a simple triple would not suffice. That
happens when you need to talk about the relationship itself. You need
to say something to the effect that this relationship happened "at
this time", or "on the occasion of" or "was caused by", or something
else. Consider "owl:sameAs". When you think about it, someone invoking
"owl:sameAs" is performing a fiat judgment. Really, "owl:sameAs"
should be reified into an instance onto which one can append reasons
for making the claim. How else will anyone else, not to forget the
computers that interpret the ontologies, be able to explain anything?
The KISS principle is a good one. No argument there. The question
becomes one that speaks in terms of just where it is that you are
simplifying things. You can get by with the slot-value idea (the nodes
and labeled arcs approach) and that is simple. But, does it always
suffice? I believe not. I also believe that as the nature of complex
situations grow in your networked communities, so will the nature of
the means by which you must represent that complexity. When you say
that X blogged Y, what does X mean? What does Y mean? In what way did
X blog Y? Did X answer a question, argue pro or con about a statement
made by Y? What, indeed, did X actually say? What subject(s) did X
raise in the blog? How are those subjects related to other events?
Gordon Pask launched something called Conversation Theory (makes great
google fodder), in which he spoke about several important concepts.
One concept is the speaker's model of the listener. You don't talk
quantum mechanics to a toddler simply because your model of the
toddler strongly suggests the little snapper won't have a clue what
you are saying. Another is your model of your universe, that from
which you draw as you converse. Another is the listener's model of the
speaker, and, of course, the listener's model of the universe. And
then, there is another concept: entailment meshes. Everything we say
carries entailments. The punch line of this paragraph entails my
earlier statements.
By that, I am saying (perhaps claiming) that the SIOC charter appears
to entail a need to be ready to model (represent) very complex
situations. I would go so far as to suggest that, if that charter is
taken seriously, then the ability to model really complex situations
is the primary use case. I will then follow with the suggestion that
role modeling will almost always be required if one takes modeling
seriously. That is to say, nodes with labeled arcs probably will not
Strongish claims. I know that. The devil makes me say things like
that. Your mileage might vary, but that's how I see the nature of
modeling communities; communities are organisms. Communities respond
to feedback, they experience loss of memory (decay), in short, they
are complex adaptive systems, and they ought to be modeled as such. I
mean no disrespect to the many really great minds who think up ways to
simplify the tools that facilitate human social intercourse, but I
tend to think that the romantic and reductionist passions in us tend
to win out more often than is best for the stated mission. Strongest
claim: nothing short of holistic thinking should be applied to
modeling, representing, and facilitating social intercourse.
On 7/26/06, Uldis Bojars wrote: wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> Thanks for comments. True, expressing relationships as first-class
> citizens has to be considered. See this question mentioned in an
> earlier SIOC-Dev post [1].
> [1]
> But when you express properties as objects the result is an explosive
> growth of the dataset and it makes queries more complex. It is a
> tradeoff between expressivity and complexity and so far we have aimed
> at reducing complexity in SIOC ("make it as simple as possible, but not
> simpler" :).
> There may be cases when relationships as first calls citizens are
> desireable or necessary. SIOC shall allow to express (most of) the
> information contained within a community site. Hence the question is -
> what is the use case for using relationships as first class objects -
> what significant information is there that can not be expressed by SIOC
> as is now?
> What would be your suggestions where it is needed?
> And how do you approach this question in your work?
> Best,
> Uldis
> [ ]
> Jack Park wrote:
> > If you construct properties for links (relationships) between
> > entities, e.g. communities, do you not throw away the opportunity to
> > make those relationships first-class citizens? After all, are not
> > those relationships also subjects for discussion/debate/annotation?
> >
> > Properties that help identify subjects are absolutely necessary.
> > Properties that define relationships (links) will need to be capable
> > of being scoped (annotated, decorated, whatever you want to call it)
> > with metadata that describes the nature of the specific instance of
> > the relationship represented. That's a subject-mapping posture. It
> > would nice to think that SKOS might also support relationships as
> > first-class (subjects).
> >
> > Just a half-EURO comment.
> > Jack
> >
> > On 7/19/06, John Breslin
> > >
> > > So to update where we're at :)
> > >
> > > > 1) Add sioc:Community
> > > > + properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
> > >
> > > I think this has been agreed on.
> > >
> > > > 2) sioc:Comment
> > >
> > > This would need to be moved to a types module, to keep the core SIOC
> > > ontology simple. We can then add other subtypes of Post later like
> > > Sticky, Announcement, etc.
> > >
> > > > 3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
> > >
> > > has_group / group_of seems to be the consensus recommendation.
> > >
> > > > 4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
> > >
> > > I read the reasons for not having this on the list, and agreed with them
> > > at the time that we could just use sioc:Community. But the more I
> > > thought about it last night, the more I thought this property might
> > > actually be required. Let's say that there's a site for Semantic Web at
> > > which has an associated community for SIOC at the subsite or
> > > subsection If we say Community "SW" has_part Site
> > > "", Community "SIOC" has_part "" and then that
> > > Community "SW" has_part Community "SIOC", then there's nothing to say
> > > that the Site "" and Site "" are related (since
> > > Community "SW" will probably have other Sites like "" etc.
> > > But adding the link between the sites further describes what parts of
> > > the community are related to each other...
> > >
> > > > 5) Subtypes of Forums ?
> > >
> > > Again, can be added to the types module at a later date.
> > >
> > > > 6) subscriber_of / has_subscriber
> > >
> > > I think this is okay.
> > >
> > > > 7) has_sibling -> sibling
> > >
> > > Would like this too :)
> > >
> > > J.
> > > --
> > >
> >
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About SIOC concepts / properties
Hi ther!
Okay, there are some week-end thoughts as promised.
> 3) Properties linking Site to Usergroup
> We need a property to link sioc:Site to sioc:Usergroup (and inverse of it).
> Proposals:
> - sioc:has_base / sioc:base_of
> - sioc:has_group / (name for inverse?)
> Former proposed as a neutral name by John, later used in WordPress
> exporter but undocumented in the ontology .
It is true that we need such a relation. As I said earlier, I was creating a
sioc:Usergroup for yeah sioc:Forum in Talk Digger. However the relation was
implicit, and it would be nice to explicit it.
Personally I would be willing to implement the sioc:has_group (does
sioc:group_of make sense if we are thinking about sioc:Site as a meta-group?).
I don't think that the term "base" is well suited to describe that relation.
> 1) Add sioc:Community
> + properties sioc:has_part and sioc:part_of pointing to and from it.
> We are quite sure that a Community concept is needed.
> There can still be some discussion about the property names and
> alternatives.
> = Almost there:
> 4) Property linking Site to Sub-Sites
> sioc:Site may consist of a number of different subsites.
> How do we express that?
> Note: this is needed if a site consists of a number of heterogenous parts.
> If a site consists of a number of forums (in a bulletin board) or
> blogs (multi-user blog site), there already is a [ sioc:Site
> sioc:host_of sioc:Forum . ] construct for that.
Could you remember me what was the "consensus" we had vis-a-vis the
sioc:Community class? In my memory, I thought that it was what you are
proposing with the #4 (A community is the aggregation of many sites of
interests). In that case, a Community is a meta-site and the sioc:Site class is
what you describe as the Sub-Site thing.
> 5) Subtypes of Forums ?
> Same as for Posts/Comments we may want to express / search for a
> specific type of [container of sioc:Posts].
> Currently such a container is sioc:Forum, which is used to express all
> types of community site "containers" - in practice most instance data
> describe either blogs or boards/forums.
> Proposal: subclasses of sioc:Forum:
> - Blog (Weblog?)
> - MailingList
> - NewsGroup
> - ... (Forum?! / Board / BulletinBoard)
Could be a good idea, however, please tell me if I am wrong, but I think that
we are trying to cope with all social web site concepts that already exists
without caring to much about the future. What I am thinking about right now is
that we should try to make it as generic as possible to handle future concepts
that don't even exists yet.
My question here is: is it valuable to know that an article have been posted on
a Forum, a Blog, a Wiki, etc? Personally I don't think so because all these
"concepts", or "technologies" are only ways to display and manage the
information. However, the articles, the people leaving comments, etc, are
always the same, always the medium change and not the content.
This said, I question myself about the utility, real value, of adding such type.
What do you think? I am not sure that my current thought is good, but I can't
see the real added value.
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About SIOC concepts / properties
On 7/14/06, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> 2) sioc:Comment
> Initially we thought "let's make all posts generic - comments are same
> as posts", but there's a need to distinguish between comments and
> posts.
> Proposal: create a [ sioc:Comment rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post . ]
> Comment is also a post, but a specific type of. That should solve the problem.
At the moment, we can distinguish Posts / Comments using the has_reply
/ reply_of property, eg in SPARQL:
PREFIX sioc:
PREFIX rdfs:
SELECT ?post ?title
?post sioc:title ?title .
OPTIONAL { ?_z sioc:has_reply ?post }
FILTER (!bound(?_z))
ORDER BY ?start
will return all nodes that are not reply_of other, i.e. will exclude comments.
So I don't think ditinguish Post / Comments with different classes in
the model is a real need.
Yet, with the current ontology, we can't distinguish Comments /
Trackbacks, so I think that could be a more interesting update at the
moment (using trackback_to/from properties, as discussed in a previous
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About SIOC concepts / properties
On 7/14/06, Alexandre Passant wrote:
> > 2) sioc:Comment
> At the moment, we can distinguish Posts / Comments using the has_reply
> / reply_of property, eg in SPARQL:
Answered in a reply to Frederick.
> Yet, with the current ontology, we can't distinguish Comments /
> Trackbacks, so I think that could be a more interesting update at the
> moment (using trackback_to/from properties, as discussed in a previous
> thread)
Re. trackback see posts 6-7 in this thread [1].
[GNU] is pointing to an existing property (from trackback "module")
that we could use.
Would be good to hear arguments pro-/contra- either of these options.
Initially I had a strong belief we need trackback properties, but now
I am not so sure.
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About SIOC concepts / properties
On 7/14/06, Uldis Bojars wrote: wrote:
> On 7/14/06, Alexandre Passant
> Re. trackback see posts 6-7 in this thread [1].
Sorry - the link [1] was missing.
Here it is:
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About SIOC concepts / properties
> > Initially we thought "let's make all posts generic - comments are same
> > as posts", but there's a need to distinguish between comments and
> > posts.
> >
> > Proposal: create a [ sioc:Comment rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post . ]
> >
> > Comment is also a post, but a specific type of. That should solve the
> problem.
> At the moment, we can distinguish Posts / Comments using the has_reply
> / reply_of property, eg in SPARQL:
> PREFIX rdf:
> PREFIX sioc:
> PREFIX rdfs:
> SELECT ?post ?title
> ?post sioc:title ?title .
> OPTIONAL { ?_z sioc:has_reply ?post }
> FILTER (!bound(?_z))
> }
> ORDER BY ?start
> will return all nodes that are not reply_of other, i.e. will exclude
> comments.
> So I don't think ditinguish Post / Comments with different classes in
> the model is a real need.
> Yet, with the current ontology, we can't distinguish Comments /
> Trackbacks, so I think that could be a more interesting update at the
> moment (using trackback_to/from properties, as discussed in a previous
> thread)
I agree too. Me and terraces leaved some thoughts on the #sioc channel about
that question:
09:54 terraces CaptSolo: Just got your mail re. proposals. How could we deal
with tb wich are Posts and Comments, in a way ? BTW, I'm not sure comment is
useful, as we calready now if a post is a replyy_of another or not. But maybe
there are usecases where we should get a distinct property ?
09:56 fgiasson I agree with terraces: a comment is a post. A post that links
to another post, or a comment as we know it with blogs, are the same things
09:57 fgiasson it is just a question of UI and physical data store, nothing
relevant with the ontology
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About SIOC concepts / properties
On 7/14/06, Frederick Giasson wrote:
> > At the moment, we can distinguish Posts / Comments using the has_reply
> > / reply_of property, eg in SPARQL:
> 09:54 terraces CaptSolo: Just got your mail re. proposals. How could we deal
> with tb wich are Posts and Comments, in a way ? BTW, I'm not sure comment is
> useful, as we calready now if a post is a replyy_of another or not. But maybe
> there are usecases where we should get a distinct property ?
> 09:56 fgiasson I agree with terraces: a comment is a post. A post that links
> to another post, or a comment as we know it with blogs, are the same things
> 09:57 fgiasson it is just a question of UI and physical data store, nothing
> relevant with the ontology
Any Post can be in has_reply relation to another post. This does not
mean that the second post automatically becomes a comment.
What you and Alex are saying about reply_of and comments holds true
for the current export practice (because we do not export inter-site
relationships yet), but that might not be true for long.
Thinking in future we can extend has_reply further so that we can
describe argumented discussion, say, that a reply agree or disagree
with the original post.
We still need a way to say a comment is a Comment.
P.S. If you wanted to formalise that the object of has_reply is a
Comment, then correct way would be to say it:
[ sioc:Comment rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
sioc:has_reply rdfs:range sioc:Comment . ]
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About SIOC concepts / properties
Hi Uldis!
> Any Post can be in has_reply relation to another post. This does not
> mean that the second post automatically becomes a comment.
> What you and Alex are saying about reply_of and comments holds true
> for the current export practice (because we do not export inter-site
> relationships yet), but that might not be true for long.
> Thinking in future we can extend has_reply further so that we can
> describe argumented discussion, say, that a reply agree or disagree
> with the original post.
Yes I understand your point, but my question is: what is the difference between
a comment and a post?
For example, some people will reply to a blog post by another blog post. Each
"article" are Post. However, some people will reply to a blog post by leaving
comments on the original blog post.
The two practices are good, but one will be a comment, and another one will be
a Post (but in the ontology, there should be a difference, but in reality there
is none).
For me a sioc:Post is a thought, an idea, something new to a conversation,
wrote by someone, nonobstand of how it is displayed (a post on a forum, a blog,
a comment, a webpage, etc).
My point is that I think that we are trying to stick to current "concepts" such
as blogs, wiki, webpages, comments, trackbacks (it's another story), etc, etc,
etc. So I don't see, at least yet, the real utility of a class sioc:Comment.
Is it making sense?
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About SIOC concepts / properties
Am 16.07.2006 um 20:22 schrieb Frederick Giasson:
> So I don't see, at least yet, the real utility of a class
> sioc:Comment.
> Is it making sense?
I tried to outline some similar thoughts earlier on the list... I
dont think that there is a real need for SIOC to show relations like
"is comment of", "posting is a comment"...
Maybe we can reuse some other concepts and ontologies. What is the
mission? SIOC is trying to model a community (of people) and their
communication (by web addressable messages, like a weblog or a mp3
If we set up a basic set of SKOS concepts that describe the typical
weblog structure with Posts/Articles/Entries/unameit and Comments/
Sayings/... and Trackbacks/Pingbacks/... We are able to say that a
sioc:Post is a skos:Weblogentry and a sioc:isRelatedTo is a
skos:Weblogcomment or a skos:Trackback. Maybe in 5 years weblogs are
gone and we use something that is the same from a conceptual point of
view: a thing that is published by someone and commented on by
another-one. We only need to replace or migrate the SKOS concept used
but dont need to change SIOC. Or what if a community moves from a
google mailinglist to a webbased system?
And another one... what about tagging sioc:Post as tag:Comment or
tag:Opinion or tag:ibisPro?
From my point of few SIOC should be use to describe communication:
Users (organized in Usergroups) publish Posts which may be related to
other Resources, that is a Community which is hosted on a Site. If
weblog terminology is used a SKOS hierarchy for that is added, if we
talk to the BBS world a other SKOS concept hierarchy is used.
Good night and good luck! [GNU:]
Christoph Görn
Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
this helps users kick ass?
About SIOC concepts / properties
I also want us to discuss:
(6) Add subscriber_of / has_subscriber to link Users to Forums
- Rationale: A shortcut rather than having User -> has_function -> Role
(Subscriber) -> has_scope -> Forum
- Useful for blogroll links, forum subscriptions, mailing list
memberships, etc.
(7) Change has_sibling to sibling
-Rationale: all has_ properties in SIOC have a _of inverse so far, so
may be confusing, and has_sibling hasn't been used yet in our exporters).
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About SIOC concepts / properties
I will answer to the seed email this weekend, but there are some of my thoughts
about what John said:
> I also want us to discuss:
> (6) Add subscriber_of / has_subscriber to link Users to Forums
> - Rationale: A shortcut rather than having User -> has_function -> Role
> (Subscriber) -> has_scope -> Forum
> - Useful for blogroll links, forum subscriptions, mailing list
> memberships, etc.
Agree with you. Currently I was creating a Usergroup for each Forum. That way I
has the possibility to say: this, this and this user belong to that Usergroup
and then I know that if they belong to that group, then they are subscribed to
the Forum.
In that case, is there a place for sioc:Usergroup?
> (7) Change has_sibling to sibling
> -Rationale: all has_ properties in SIOC have a _of inverse so far, so
> may be confusing, and has_sibling hasn't been used yet in our exporters).
Good idea too. The only reason of sibling_of was "The other sibling can be used
as a source for any missing data.". We only have to list all sibling for each
sioc:Post, it is not a big deal and make the ontology clearer.
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About SIOC concepts / properties
Frederick Giasson wrote:
> > (7) Change has_sibling to sibling
> > -Rationale: all has_ properties in SIOC have a _of inverse so far, so
> > may be confusing, and has_sibling hasn't been used yet in our exporters).
> Good idea too. The only reason of sibling_of was "The other sibling can be used
> as a source for any missing data.". We only have to list all sibling for each
> sioc:Post, it is not a big deal and make the ontology clearer.
Technically, nobody should be assuming that there is an inverse and
what its name is just based on the fact that a property is called
It (the inverse) either is in the ontology or it isn't. Once "..._of"
property is removed the "has_sibling" property can be defined to be a
symetric property and used in both directions. Yet, if the consensus is
to rename it to "sibling", so be it.
PS I am guilty of using undefined properties myself as it was the case
with "has_group" in WordPress SIOC exporter. Sorry for that.
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About SIOC concepts / properties
I guess I should explain my ideas of the differences between Usergroups
and Roles. On a multi-user blogging system like Drupal or WPMU, a user
can have a particular set of permissions towards a certain blog (e.g.
owner, administrator, subscriber, editor, author, contributor, etc.)
represented by the Role->Forum relationship but then they can also be a
member of a usergroup (e.g. Bloggers) which has general permissions like
being able to reply on anyone else's blog without logging in etc.
Same on bulletin boards, I can have a Role towards a particular forum
(moderator access, can add/block users etc.) but still be part of an
overall moderators Usergroup that has generic privileges like access to
a private moderators area, ability to upload custom avatars etc.
I know the subscriber_of thing is a shortcut but I think it will be a
useful one.
>> I also want us to discuss:
>> (6) Add subscriber_of / has_subscriber to link Users to Forums
>> - Rationale: A shortcut rather than having User -> has_function -> Role
>> (Subscriber) -> has_scope -> Forum
>> - Useful for blogroll links, forum subscriptions, mailing list
>> memberships, etc.
> Agree with you. Currently I was creating a Usergroup for each Forum. That way I
> has the possibility to say: this, this and this user belong to that Usergroup
> and then I know that if they belong to that group, then they are subscribed to
> the Forum.
> In that case, is there a place for sioc:Usergroup?
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About SIOC concepts / properties
Hi again,
Sorry, but I am really tired and my mind forgot some things about my last
> Agree with you. Currently I was creating a Usergroup for each Forum. That way
> I
> has the possibility to say: this, this and this user belong to that Usergroup
> and then I know that if they belong to that group, then they are subscribed
> to
> the Forum.
There I was talking about the SIOC integration into Talk Digger.
Check that diagram to see how Usergroup, Forum, and User are used into the
Sorry about that,
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