[1] is a webpage containing ideas about combining Drupal and Semantic
Web. An excerpt follows. Perhaps this is something the SIOC community
is interested to take part in.
" What Drupal already offers:
Relationship - need to contact dman and see if he plan to work
more on this topic. If that's the case, we need to join forces.
FOAF - not up to date (4.6), walkah plans to work on it in the next months
SIOC - not up to date (4.7)
Semantic Search - alpha in Drupal 5 - would be nice to have 1.0
release for Drupal 5/6/7 . 4 should not be supported since it doesn't
support PHP5 (maybe I'm wrong?) (- hendler) Everything Drupal needs is
there as a proof of concept, but needs API, cleanup, and better
What Drupal needs: a centralized and easy way of storing RDF data to
an optimized storage. An RDF storage abstraction layer would allow to
use any RDF store:
- internal RDF store implemented into Drupal database (semantic search
has this via ARC)
- external RDF store such as Yars,Sesame, Jena, Virtuoso etc. for
better performance and scalability (semantic search has this with
Sesame and others - see quick UML diagram here.)"
[1] http://groups.drupal.org/node/6279
P.S. You may search this groups for "Drupal" to find more info related
to the Drupal SIOC module.
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