I have been assembling a collection of SIOC and SPARQL Query demos to
further illustrate how Data Spaces will provide critical infrastructure
for the burgeoning Semantic Web.
Usecase Synopsis:
Distributed Collaborative Applications such as: Weblogs, Wikis,
Bookmark Managers, Feed Aggregators, Photo Galleries, Discussion Forums
etc. with data stored in a SQL compliant ORDBMS that is then mapped to
the SIOC and FOAF ontologies for exposure to SPARQL Queries via SPARQL
Query Language, Protocol, and Results Serialization support.
The usecase sample queries are available at:
Technologies in use:
OpenLink Virtuoso (the ORDBMS
OpenLink Data Spaces (application layer that exposes data via SIOC,
FOAF, and Atom OWL for SPARQL based data access
Kingsley Idehen
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