Last updated April 11, 2022 at 12:27 PM PM. Did you know there are millionaires, billionaires, philanthropists and rich people who give money away? Its free to create your account and share your campaign. And in 2012, Russell Crowe gave a homeless man $100. Please include a summary of your medical expenses and history if you are seeking help paying medical bills or getting expensive treatment. Remember you must have a genuine need before you contact celebrity millionaires who give money. The fact that these millionaires have lots of money does not mean they are a bank that lends money. Answer (1 of 4): I run a paratransit non-profit, which in my country means that anyone who donates gets a tax deduction. If you are looking to book a celebrity for an event or interview please do so in advance as celebrities get booked up very quickly. Tim Cook - The well know mobile manufactures company apple CEO. Make it personal. Pinterest. These people are sometimes known as the Rich People Giving Money Away.Y. By providing a budget or an invoice, for example. Kernen had a 10-year career as a stockbroker before . You must consider all the points which we have discussed in this article. Thus, you can find millionaires who will be actually interested in funding you. Many people find themselves in this situation at some point in their lives. Visit our, Free Refrigerator for Low-Income Families Programs, Free Kitchen appliances for Low Income Families. Individuals with disabilities, including physical, mental and motor limitations. Then say goodbye and promise to pay attention to his reply. Oprah Winfrey is one example. Do you really need a millionaires money? When you land on their homepage and before you start your campaign, they ask you to choose whether you are an individual or nonprofit. They donate money to various charities and causes. Tap into the psychology of giving by setting a reasonable and attainable fundraising goal. Thus, you can ask them for some funds. Do I need to Pay back the money Given by Millionaires? Many billionaires like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates owns their own charity foundation. Describe how you would like to work with him or want to work under his mentorship. You can also try to find business Email of these rich peoples. Find the Child Care and Development Fund contact for your state. Some people will always have more when compared to average peoples. Donald Trump paid off a gentleman's mortgage after he helped him Brightest students some time unable to bare the cost of educations or are not able to get best educations sources due to no income issue, these millionaires are helping these low income students with various scholarships. If youre interested in using GoFundMe, read through their FAQ page, which I found to be pretty handy. Watch. Total Money Donated so far is $5 million. Something wrong. However, you might be surprised to learn that many of them publish their own personal e-mails on their websites, social media profiles, or on company websites. This way its a fun and effortless experience to post and comment. In Foundation Directory, click on "Search by Person", and then enter the individual's name in the box labeled "Who's Who." Subscribe to search from your own computer, or use it for . Most millionaires will fund your idea or project without any conditions. The site is geared to products people have created. Also Awarded to Fund Nonprofit Organizations (NGOs) Worldwide. Thus, you can easily find wealthy people who want to do charity work. They keep stars looking their best on and off screen. Once you have the contact information, you can . CyberBeg is a site that provides help for people who are financially unfortunate. When you land on the site, it almost looks like it might be a scam just from the noticeably outdated design. If your cause falls within these parameters, FundMyTravel might be a solid option for you to post your campaign. It might be of interest to you. Many people with bad financial standings can't even afford meals. Make it Simple. 1. Best for: Those who have a business idea, product or invention. They pay a premium, $36 dollars for a 1/8 mile ride. Do you need help financially? If your last name begins with the letter "D" for example, you will look at the calendar day below to see which day (s) people with the last name beginning with "D" can make their request . This can be a bit more challenging, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. Then, they will definitely fund you. First, you should try to find a way to connect with the celebrity. Make your goal clear. Quick has interviewed financial heavy hitters like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Alan Greenspan, T. Boone Pickens, Jamie Dimon and Charlie Munger. It is difficult to find personal information about millionaires. This information can usually be found on the celebritys website or social media page. Since closing his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter last . Examples of Celebrities Giving Money Away. Want to feel confident that you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe if disaster strikes? 3. Renowned actor Alec Baldwin announced his $1 million donation to his alma mater, . Thus, make sure that your proposal is honest. The averages for an individual man and woman at that age are $950 and $1,050, respectively. After you have entered in the celebrities name into the search, press enter and you will be taken to the search results. Terms of Use | Some of the other millionaires giving money that you should definitely contact include Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Jon Bon Jovi, and Carl Icahn. Thanks to social media, you can easily find local millionaires who are doing charity in your area. You can also try to make a case for why you need the money. I Need Financial Help Immediately. Features Valuable US vinyl records you might have at home. There is no easy answer to this question. To the Ressler Gertz Foundation. You can also ask these millionaires for a direct donation. You are recommended to read all the guidelines Carefully befor applying for this assistance. Philanthropy list. Join Fetch Rewards today! Get a clear picture of your finances and achieve your goals! celebrities who give money to charity. You can contact these celebrities by writing or emailing to them. How to ask millionaires or billionaires for financial Help? If youre coming into Reddit as a new member, take some time to browse around and engage with others. 3. However, what they lack in design, they make up for in no fees being taken out of your transaction when someone donates to your cause. You can do this by using a website like IMDb or by doing a Google search. Donald Trump revealed the true extent of his generosity when he paid off an individuals mortgage because he had helped the billionaire replace his flat tire! Join Swagbucks & Get a $10 Bonus! You can use other sources like WSJ and Forbes to find this list also. Keep in mind that some celebrities receive a lot of requests, so it may take a while for them to get back to you. One of the facts about a good like money is that it isnt distributed equally: some people have more than they need, while others do not. Depends on the psyche and mental state of the celebrity when this request is put. Keep in mind that some celebrities may not be able to help you with your specific request, so be prepared to explain what you need. Celebrities that give money to peopleare Many people with bad financial standings cant even afford meals. It also provides tools to help out-of-work parents find a job. For renters: See more about filing a complaint about . Finally, be patient and courteous when reaching out to a celebrity. Thus, it is the moral duty of the millionaires to help these people. Financial Assistance Back to All Topics. I've included some great shots below of celebrities that help people. There are a few celebrities who are particularly known for giving out money. Many celebrities are happy to help out good causes. Thus, try to use the Google search engine to find their personal info. Some programs may be available only to people with specific types of cancer. Description. Many people choose to work under their donors. Many people wonder how to get a millionaires email address. One of these two things could happen if you lie to a billionaire and then he reaches out to you: This may even happen simultaneously. The last part of your proposal is mentioning the amount of money you need. These millionaires receive tons of messages every day in their inbox. When sending emails, make sure you do so in broad daylight, preferably in the morning. GoFundMe is mobile-friendly and is easy to share on social media. The thread, which started in 2010, is meant to restore faith in humanity, one pizza at a time.. However, this is not the case in all cases. 1. How do they giveaway money is the second most curious question, some of these millionaires donate money to various charities and non profit organizations, where as some are running own charities to help others. In addition to education, the OWCF has always supported grassroots organizations in their efforts to lift the most vulnerable in their communities. Dear Oprah, Let me start by expressing how much of a fan I am of your show and all your philanthropic work that you have done in the past and will do in the future. Similar to Indiegogo, Fundly is flexible with the types of campaigns you want to create. George Soros - Well known as Hungarian-American billionaire investor, Total money given away so far $33 Billion. Kickstarter. No matter which approach you choose, remember to be polite and respectful when asking for money from strangers. Answer (1 of 13): Depends on how you asked for it. Don't save every nickel. I am writing this letter to ask for financial assistance or any help or counselling that you can give me. Other celebrities who are known for their philanthropy include Bill Gates and Bono. How can I get strangers to give me money? Many millionaires have started sharing their wealth to common people. Find Some Money is a community based forum and website dedicated to helping people find more money. In this way, the reader will be able to tell if your request for help is genuine and if you really need their help. Disabilities and Accommodations in Higher Education. Philanthropists that help STAY SAFE. You should keep your tone courteous instead. New York - Eastern Region. Plus, about 1 in 5 applicants younger than 60 are declined, and the proportion of people denied coverage rises steeply with age, the trade group reports. You can keep your post on the site for three months. Youre not allowed to ask for money or charity on the thread, and while playful and not asking for too much (after all, its just pizza! When you click on the credit repair, writing or survey links, however, it directs you to a few scammy-looking sites. Conversely, you can lose points when your links and comments are downvoted to a number lower than zero. One approach is to offer something in exchange for money. What is our best recommendation? They can also include any plans to get a job in the future and if they need help with other things . Make a specific request. Find Some Money is seriously committed to helping you find these incredible people, Did you know that there are hundreds of grants, scholarships and government programs to help people in need? Individual Private Grants Amounts Range From USD$ 1,000 to a Maximum of USD$ 500,000. I'm a firm believer of the saying, "give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime". If you're eligible for a particular program based on the information you provide, the specialist will . As such the world's richest are literally giving it away. The team of get govt grants is really thankful to these people who are even thinking about others, find the list below. 2. She also runs different networks to help people around the world, Oprah's Angel Network is one such example. The list is endless. Celebrities That Give Money Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Ellen DeGeneres, Donald Trump and all famous people who donate money. As you have already realized, contacting the rich via email is the best way to connect with them. Compliance with Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. When Can You Request Assistance: Because of the amount of traffic we receive and the fact we are on a 30 day cycle, you will register based on your last name. It is impossible to find every generous millionaire by using Google. Be Red Cross Ready. However! However, simply sending a DM isnt always enough youll need to make sure that your message stands out and catches their attention. As we are determined to show different ways for getting free. Here is the most popular millionaires that are giving away their wealth to help others in society. Where do I find millionaires That give away free money? Now, we will tell you how to find these millionaires. Fetch Rewards: Earn free gift cards at sites like Amazon for scanning your grocery receipts. If you're not having success asking rich people for help then you might want to look at alternative ways to get financial assistance. Giving to charity is a great way to help those in need, and many celebrities are involved in charitable work. It is also important to take this point into account before writing the email to millionaire fir money assistance. Try FREE Giveaways. Can You Contact Rich People Asking for Money? These families have established foundations and assistance programs. But, still, the wealth cant be equally distributed between the people. You can get free, confidential help to get financial assistance and enroll in a health plan. If you do have a genuine reason to reach out for help I have included contact details of celebrities giving money away. Thus, you must try finding these people on online forums. You must explain to them how this project is going to help the community. "The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket." -Frank Hubbard. Qualified advocates are experts at analyzing medical bills and can ferret out irregularities. You can also search for online forums for their personal information. Top| For example, Taylor Swift is known for replying to fans who send her messages, and Justin Bieber is also known to interact with his followers on a regular basis. ou'll be glad to know that celebrities such as Oprah have donated over $50 million to good causes around the Here are some tips to get you started. Also Read : 17 hardship grants to provide you with fast cash. Worldwide. The more information you can provide about your project, the better. In any case, there are ways to write a request for help that could help improve your chances of catching their attention and, therefore, of receiving the support you need. There are many millionaires who want to share their wealth with the common man. you just need to do some research or you can read newspaper daily that can help you with this question, We have not seen this yet, that a millionaire is helping or giving away money for a genuine reason and asking it back, but still there is no written rule for this particular question. Ted Turner - Well know as CNN Founder, Total Money Give away so far for donation is $1 Billion. We won't send you spam. Email: inquiries (at) In a SubReddit thread called Random Acts of Pizza, people post requests for pizza and if your request compelling enough, youll get a pie delivered right your door. Free Financial Help . Most of these charities only focus on large scale project on a specific community. 5) Book a celebrity or influencer in advance. First, you must know how to contact these millionaires. On Wednesday an FTX investor sued Bankman-Fried as well as several celebrities who have . The student should give facts and numbers that support their claim. Request only what you need and try to back up your request if you can. According to the World Bank, there is currently about $ 36.8 trillion in circulation worldwide. The Chenoa Fund is a government-chartered organization that provides up to 3.5% down payment assistance for those with a FICO Score of 620 or higher. However, luck isnt always on your side. 312.372 . You may think that it is impossible to receive funds from Millionaires. Thus, your request must outshine all the other requests in their inbox. Media and sports celebrities all make a ton of moneyenough that one might think they are set for a lifetime of comfortable living. Project timelines can be anywhere from 30 to 60 days. Oprah has also given away cash, houses and free vehicles to her loyal audience just to say thank you. and if you are trying toemail millionaires for money make sure you know it before how to write a proper email to millionaires or billionaires for money assistance. Call 518-402-3096. Reaching Celebrities through Their Agents, Managers, or Publicists. How do I approach a celebrity for a charity?