SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
News: SIOC Paper for BlogTalk Reloaded
> Good news for SIOC developers:
Our paper titled "SIOC Browser - Towards a Richer Blog Browsing
Experience" has been accepted for the BlogTalk Reloaded conference.
You can find the abstract below.
> SIOC Browser - Towards a Richer Blog Browsing Experience
>> Uldis Bojars, John G.Breslin and Alexandre Passant
Semantically Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC) is a framework for expressing information
contained within weblogs and online community sites in a machine
readable form. It consists of a SIOC ontology that defines the
vocabulary used to express this information and SIOC data exporters
that provide SIOC data from these sites.
Now that SIOC data export plugins are available for popular blogging
and CMS platforms (e.g., Drupal, Wordpress, DotClear) we can use this
information to provide users with better and more interesting
services. This talk describes the SIOC browser - a tool, currently in development, that
allows to browse the information extracted from weblogs. It can be
considered the first generation of consumers of SIOC data.
Two features that distinguish SIOC are: (1) that all the entries of a
weblog are exported; and (2) that all this information is in a machine
readable form. This allows to make queries over the information
exported from a blog or set of blogs - such as retrieving last post
from a user on a given topic, identifying "hot topics", and so on.
The browser works in two modes - on-the-fly mode and crawler mode. The
former displays the SIOC data received from a weblog (thus providing a
uniform interface to all SIOC-enabled weblogs) while the later stores
SIOC data in the RDF data store allowing to make more complicated
queries via the use of SPARQL query language.
Since the information is published in SIOC - an open and public
standard - the same information source (a weblog or a multi-user blog
site) can be interpreted by many different users in a number of
different ways. This enables to develop a whole kind of browsers
similar to what happened with the emergence of RSS feed aggregators.
The browser presented here is one of the first in this group.
> ... end of the abstract ...
John Breslin just wrote this and other interesting news at
We can also congratulate Alex with yet another paper accepted to the
BlogTalk Reloaded titled "Adopting Folksonomies in a corporate
context". Hopefully he will post his abstract as well.
For the acceptance rate of 16 out of 70 this is quite good! :)
Looking forward to participating in the BlogTalk.
Should be very interesting and it is a good place to present SIOC.
[ ]
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