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A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Ontology editing - and other tools for SIOC community
Now when many ontology changes have been submitted it is time to update
and improve the SIOC Specification. In order to let everybody
participate here is a new tool:
> SIOC Specification Template - Collaborative editing
It is a wiki page that contains latest HTML template of the spec. All
are welcome tu use this page to "polish" the template and demonstrate
proposed changes.
Technicalities: SIOC specification is auto-generated from (1) template;
(2) ontology; (3) term definitions. Using the wiki page you can edit a
copy of the template and instantly see how it would look in real life.
The generation script + components (1) and (3) can be found at:
Changes to the template get regularly (once an hour) applied to a work
copy of the specification located here:
Note: the content is actually HTML, not wiki markup - please take care
when editing. Do not delete "%s" or "#format raw" - those are
necessary. Hope this is not too complex.
Term definitions (1) - both updates and definitions of new terms - are
also welcome, but it'd be too complex to put that all on the wiki and
then synch with spec generation. You can look at existing definitions
in and send me
additions and changes.
> Other community tools
[GNU] asked earlier today if is aggregating his weblog. To my
knowledge we are not (though Planet SIOC may be a good idea), but there
is another thing we do - synchronise messages in the mailing list with
forums on So you can write here and see the messages over
Also there is the IRC channel for SIOC discussions (that's where [GNU]
asked the question) - #sioc on
> Ontology additions
Added a sioc:account_of property to the ontology.
The activity on FOAF mailing list is low and it does not seem that
there will be an inverse of foaf:holdsAccount that soon. If we want to
switch SIOC export tools to using FOAF for person properties, this is a
show-stopper. Hence we can use this property for now and sublcass from
FOAF or remove it once such a change happens in FOAF.
[ ]
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