SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Revisions to the SIOC Ontology - Impact
Main impact of SIOC changes:
(1) SIOC Exporters
Introduction of foaf:Person - changes how information about
sioc:User(s) is represented.
Yet this change is a welcome one as this will allow to use SIOC data
with applications that already understand FOAF.
sioc:title to be instead of sioc:subject for post title - impact on
Drupal, .Clear.
sioc:type - used in .Clear exporter, but I can't tell if there are
exporter changes needed due to this
sioc:name - used in all 3 exporters for things that are not User or Usergroup
This sums up the impact noticeable on the first glance. You as
exporter developers will know better.
(2) Using SIOC Data (and "Smushing")
This is a more general question - how do we ensure, when RDF data from
different sources are mixed together, that we do not loose relation
between particular data of a person (name, surname, e-mail) and the
account that this information has been registered for.
While all the information is within one file or comes from one site
everything is fine - we know that there is no external information. So
one answer can be - while we keep the provenance (info about the
origin) of the data we are fine.
If not, then the link may be lost.
While this has not been solved we are keeping sioc:email and
sioc:email_sha1 though they could easily be replaced by appropriate
properties of foaf:Person.
Best regards,
Uldis Bojars
[ ]
[ CaptSolo @ #foaf and #swig ]
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