SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Revisions to the SIOC Ontology
Hi, All !
Below is information about proposed changes to the SIOC ontology. John
Breslin and me have made a summary of them which I am posting here to
collect your feedback.
General info about SIOC:
The actual changes to RDFS/OWL "code" can be seen as the difference
between current ontology [1] and the version with proposed changes
implemented [2]. A part of these changes have been discussed on
SIOC-Dev and RDF-Web mailing lists before.
In particular we will be grateful if those of you who have experience
in designing and improving the FOAF ontology would help improve SIOC.
A detailed list of changes:
=1= Use foaf:Person instead of sioc:User for person's data
Name, surname and other personal data will be described via a
foaf:Person, which will point to the sioc:User (person's account on the
community site) using foaf:holdsAccount property.
- deprecate sioc:first_name and sioc:last_name
Open questions:
- how to keep the information that this _particular_ account is
associated with a given e-mail address (or hash of it)? we might also
deprecate foaf:email and foaf:email_sha1 and use FOAF properties, but
shall we not worry that when person's data are smushed together we
loose a link between OnlineAccount and an e-mail address?
- same can be true of name (e.g., if the person has a different name
specified for each site)
=2= Changes to properties representing plain/rich content
sioc:content is redundant - SIOC has sioc:description (subclass of
dc:description) using which is more consistent.
sioc:content_encoded - there is already content:encoded module for RSS
1.0 that can be used to describe encoded content (e.g., HTML). let's
leave it out of SIOC ontology for now as encoding and describing rich
content can be a complex task.
- deprecate sioc:content (use sioc:description instead) and
sioc:content_encoded (use content:encoded instead)
- change rdfs:comment for sioc:description accordingly (TODO)
=3= Cleanup
- commented out events related properties (starts_at, finished_at,
event) - events are outside scope
- sioc:is_category and sioc:is_closed
- sioc:location
Change property name / fix description:
- sioc:has_revisor to :has_modifier (modification better describes
changing the Post)
- sioc:reference to :links_to (reference has vague meaning, also does
not fit out naming convention)
- sioc:revisor_of to :modifier_of
Change range:
- sioc:type - range to rdfs:Resource
=4= Change roles / permissions properties
Change description and domain/range:
- sioc:function_of - range to sioc:user (removes Usergroup from its
- sioc:has_scope - range to sioc:Forum
- sioc:scope_of - range to Resource
=5= Changes to subject, topic, title
Separate subject information into:
- text (e.g., keywords) described by sioc:subject
- resources (e.g., SKOS concepts) described by sioc:topic
- change description of sioc:subject + remove domain of sioc:Post +
subclass from dc:subject
- change description of sioc:topic + change range to rdfs:Resource
- add sioc:title property (take former description of sioc:subject) +
subclass from dc:title
=6= Names, IDs
add sioc:id - a new property to represent the ID of the SIOC object
(e.g., user ID, post ID, ...)
change description of sioc:name to use it to represent user / account
names for sioc:User(s) and sioc:Usergroup(s)
=Open Questions=
-?- Shall we subclass sioc:created_at and sioc:modified_at from dc:date
or dc_terms:issued and dc_terms:modified ?
-?- Shall we subclass sioc:link (used to describe link to a web page
about the SIOC object - Post, User, ...) from dc:identifier ?
-?- Shall we change the way we represent modifications / different
versions of the data? Currently we have rather simple next_version,
previous_version and has_modifier, modifier_of. Another option is to
introduce "modification events" that we can add more information to [at
a cost of the complexity of data/ontology]
CHANGES file has slightly more details, though I've covered 95% of them
in this post.
Note to developers: some of the proposed changes will have impact on
the SIOC export tools. Please come to the SIOC-Dev mailing list,
discuss and ask for more information if needed.
Best regards,
[ ]
[ CaptSolo @ #foaf and #swig ]
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