SIOC profile for '' A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a> SIOC WordPress exporter bug! The sioc exporter gives a different rdf:about to a foaf:person and a sioc:user. so far so good. when the exporter adds a foaf:maker node to a sioc:post, it puts the wrong rdf:about in the foaf:person - it gives it the rdf:about of the sioc:user instead of the foaf:person! this is a stealth bug but a critical one. see for example: foaf:person:;sioc_id=Adam+Tibi sioc:post:;sioc_id=81867dd9-ba89-447b-928d-124c6df4a957 notice the foaf:person->rdf:about in the first comparing to the second's foaf:maker->foaf:person-> rdf:about rock on rackoon 2008-08-24T21:42:53+01:00 2008-08-24T21:42:53+01:00