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SIOC, IRC and events
Hi all,
Having some thoughts this afternoon on how to represent a user
connecting / disconnecting channels on IRC, I thaught a sioc:Event
class might be useful.
More generally, it can help to represent subscription to
sioc:Containers, as IRC join / quit, RSS subscribing, starting
membership in a forum ...
This Event class could be defined in the SIOC core itself, but we may
also reuse (or subclass) existing Event classes from other ontologies
(I didn't look yet, but I think that iCal / music ontology Events may
fit there), and use
- sioc:has_creator
- sioc:has_container
- dcterms:created
- dc:description
to define event property and link it to associated Container / User
More specific event types could be then defined in SIOC core or in
external module, as, JoinEvent / QuitEvent and AwayEvent / BackEvent.
(And even some types specific to the container (as IRCJoinEvent), but
I'm afraid it will lead to a lot of event types, while the 4 first
ones should be enough to describe almost everything, combined with the
sioctypes module to define container type (IRC, Forum ...))
a sioct:ChatChannel.
a sioc:JoinEvent ;
sioc:has_container ;
sioc:has_creator ;
dcterms:created "2006-11-03T12:05:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sioc:QuitEvent ;
sioc:has_container ;
sioc:has_creator ;
dc:description "Leaving" ;
dcterms:created "2006-11-03T12:10:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
Any comments ?
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