SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Sioku: Jaiku to RDF translation
Just wanted to say this sounds super cool. One for Twitter would also
rock but do not know how feasible that would be.
On Jun 5, 1:07 pm, aidanf wrote:
> Hi all,
> I put up a service for getting translating Jaiku feeds to RDF (SIOC
> and FOAF). You can access the service at
> Jaiku ( is a micro-blogging site similar to
> twitter. The Jaiku API exports some it's data in json. Sioku
> translates the exported data to RDF using SIOC for posts and FOAF for
> friends. So for a specified jaiku user you can get a SIOC export of
> their posts and a FOAF export of their friends.
> For example, for user jyri, the json feed for his posts is the SIOC translation is at
> The json feed for his friends is at the
> FOAF translation is at
> Please let me know if there are bugs in the SIOC or FOAF descriptions
> of if you have any suggestions on how to map the exported json to SIOC/
> Thanks,
> Aidan.
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