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W3C member submission, SIOC Applications list
Hi All,
We have had a goal to submit SIOC as a W3C member submission for some
time now (and some of you probably joined the list because of this
effort). This will put a milestone in SIOC development which we can
build upon.
Currently we (developers of SIOC Ontology) are looking forward to
stabilise SIOC and prepare SIOC Ontology Specification for the
submission, with the help of all SIOC-Dev community. Ontology core has
been pretty stable lately. We need to see what are the new things that
absolutely must be put in there (and keep further enhancements in mind
for future versions).
An important part of the submission is the current implementation
status of SIOC - a list of applications that implement SIOC, and use
or generate SIOC data.
If you know any applications that are not mentioned yet, please add
them to the wiki (a list will be a properly formatted and condensed
form of wiki content):
[ ]
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