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[swaml-devel] Changing SWAML ontology not to be specific to mailing lists
Hi all,
(crossposting this to SIOC-dev)
On 4/11/07, Diego Berrueta wrote:
> El mar, 10-04-2007 a las 22:42 +0200, Sergio Fdez escribió:
> > Benja Fallenstein has commented [1] on SIOC-Dev mailing list if we
> > consider changing the definition [2] of swaml:previousByDate and
> > swaml:nextByDate not to be specific to mailing lists?
> >
> > I think that it's already enough generic (both properties have
> > sioc:Post as rdfs:domain and rdfs:range) if we ignore the comment.
> > Perhaps we could make more generic those descriptions.
> >
> > What do you think...?
> I completely agree. Indeed, we should push to get these properties
> accepted into the SIOC specification ;-)
It also fits well with the new "Thread" container that aims to order posts.
BTW, what about making this property an owl:TransitiveProperty ?
Could be useful for reasoners.
Finaly, re. the names of the properties: won't previous / next be enough ?
Indeed, it can be previousByAlphabeticOrder or something else, but in
the case of posts, previous / next "natural" meaning is chronological,
so maybe the short name is enough.
> Regards,
> --
> Diego Berrueta
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