SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Property issues and suggestions
Hi all -
I was awake at 3 AM a few days ago thinking of SIOC properties, and they
were keeping me awake so I had to come up with an acronym of ones to
remember (P-U-L-S) that I thought had some issues so that I could e-mail
you all for comments!
We disconnected this from Community so it could be used with Posts, but
I think having properties with neither domain or range may be a bit
weird. If we come up with a replacement way of saying what containers
or user(groups) are in a community, I think this could be attached to post.
At the moment, this points to a Site but I think should be changed to Space.
location_of or something like that
I was wondering if space_of could be replaced by something like
location_of, so that you could say for example that a Container is
located in a particular Space (or set of data spaces if so desired).
subset_of or something like that
It'd be nice to be able to define subsets of Spaces and its subclasses
Site and Community.
Talk soon, good to hear your opinions,
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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