SIOC profile for '' A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a> SABRE Conference on SOCIAL SEMANTIC WEB (CSSW 2007) ________________________________________________________________________ Call for Papers: SABRE Conference on SOCIAL SEMANTIC WEB (CSSW 2007) September 26–28th, Leipzig, Germany ________________________________________________________________________ The concept of Social Software was coined to characterize a variety of software and services on the Web, which enable new ways of communication and exploit social interactions for creating large content bases from a multitude of user contributions. The Semantic Web is a extension of the current Web aiming at enhanced search and navigation facilities and at integrating information from multiple sources. A question at the moment actively discussed in conference panels, visionary papers and project proposals is how the different approaches Social Software and Semantic Web can be combined in a synergetic way. CSSW will provide a podium for the rapidly emerging field of approaches aiming at exploiting Social Software concepts for the bootstrapping of the Semantic Web and lifting Social Software to the semantic collaboration level. CSSW aims at combining three different perspectives on the Social Semantic Web: * the business and entrepreneurial perspective, focusing on the added value of specific social semantic web applications, * the technical perspective, which enables and supports the exploitation of the "ant intelligence" of social networks, * the social perspective, which explores motivations, benefits and emergent effects. CSSW targets to bring these three perspectives together, to widen existing horizons, to create novel ideas and to find new ways of understanding this emerging field. INVITED TALK Kingsley Idehen will give an invited talk on "Hello Data Web – Exposing the Data Web". Kingsley is Founder, President and CEO of OpenLink Software, a leading provider of high-performance Universal Data Access, Data Integration, Hybrid Database Engine technology and developer of the Virtuoso Server. With his entrepreneurial experience, his contributions to the technical foundations of the future Web and his backing of the Open Data initiatives he ideally combines the different perspectives on the Social Semantic Web. TOPICS OF INTEREST CSSW covers all topics related to Social Semantic Collaboration (SSC) in Web based environments. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Economic / Entrepreneurial Perspective * Business aspects of SSC * Economies of attention for semantic collaboration * Business models for SSC * Models measuring costs/benefits of SSC * Authentication, authorization and accounting – policies, charging and billing models for social software * Experimental use cases in areas of telecommunication, dating, recruitment, eTourism, eBusiness, eGovernment, etc. Technical Perspective * Applying Social Software strategies such as tagging, mashups for SSC * Semantic Data Web: browsers and end-points * Extracting and interlinking semantic content from existing information sources, e.g. Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, GeoNames * Collaborative, community-driven ontology construction * Combining existing ontologies and schemata, social ontology sharing and matching techniques * Reasoning supporting adaptive semantic collaboration, e.g. instance driven learning of Description Logic concepts * Storage, inference and caching for scalable SSC * Exposing and interconnecting Web-APIs as light-weight Semantic Web Services * Social Semantic Web and Mobile services * User-interface components, template languages supporting SSC Social Perspective * Analysis, visualization, presentation of social networks * Approaches combining Social Software &amp; Semantic Web * Group management, presence, social interaction enablers in mobile service platforms * Strategies for implementing architectures of semantic participation * Trust and privacy issues in social software * Implementation of gratification and reward systems * Quality analysis of socially generated semantic content * Analysis of motivations and behavior of social software users * Knowledge acquisition and ontology management in SSC * Analysis of emergent effects within social software SUBMISSIONS Authors are invited to submit original papers of the following types: * Research papers – maximum 10 pages * Posters – 4 pages * Demo papers – 4 pages Submissions should be formatted according to GI-LNI style and submitted in PDF format. Submission details will be found on the conference homepage at All papers will be published in GI Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). Best papers from CSSW 2007 will be considered for revision, extension, and publication in a special issue of the Journal of Online Engineering. DATES AND FORMAT Paper, demo, poster submission: June 1st The submission deadline is strict, no extensions will be given. Notification of acceptance: July 25th Conference: September 26–28th CSSW will be a two day conference with possible workshops: * First day / 26th: 3 research paper sessions, demo and poster session * Second day / 27th: invited speaker, 2 research paper sessions, concluding panel discussion * Third day / 28th: workshops: Softwiki project meeting, community convention Paper acceptance is strictly limited to maximum 18 research papers. Additionally, poster and demo submissions are possible. CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Sören Auer, Universität Leipzig and University of Pennsylvania, USA Chris Bizer, FU Berlin, Germany Claudia Mueller, Universität Potsdam, Germany Anna V. Zhdanova, University of Surrey, UK -- Dr. John Breslin DERI, NUI Galway --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "SIOC-Dev" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- 2007-04-02T10:54:21+01:00 2007-04-02T10:54:21+01:00