SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Issue #1: - subclass sioc:Community from sioc:Container
Issue #1: subclass sioc:Community from ...
Proposal: subclass sioc:Cummunity from sioc:Container
Consequences: property names sioc:has_part / sioc:part_of can be reused.
Decision: ...
> - subclass sioc:Community from sioc:Container (or sioc:Space?) or
> make it use the same has_container / container_of properties as
> Container does (or "bump" its has_part and part_of properties one
> level up to sioc:Container).
> the idea of sioc:Community was to act as a container for any kind of resources which are parts of a community.
Now there is a nice hierarchy of things in SIOC:
[ sioc:Space -> sioc:Container -> ... -> sioc:Item -> (contents &
parts of item) ]
sioc:Community should be able to fit into one of these categories.
Since it is a container [for any kind of resources] it can be either
sioc:Container or sioc:Space.
Main question is - what things can be a part of a Container or Space?
sioc:Community can contain any resource (URI).
[ ]
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