SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
SIOC types and posts with embedded/attached content
Hi all -
I'm just kicking off a discussion to try and finalise some additions we
are trying to make to SIOC to allow it to cover many other "Web 2.0"
community sites where content is posted in a forum or container area of
a site and then may also be commented on (like in a discussion thread).
Some examples are Flickr,, YouTube, SlideShare, etc.
For a picture of what we have in mind, see:
The inner layer is a person (in FOAF), the next layer is their user
accounts (FOAF, SIOC) and the outer stuff is the posted content (text,
files, associated metadata) in SIOC.
(1) SIOC types
Kingsley created a nice list of SIOC types, i.e. types of various forums
/ containers and the posted content therein. I am going through this
list, adding some new types and trying to choose generic names where
possible. Note that these types are totally optional, and could be used
as an additional rdf:type so that tools that use sioc:Forum / Post would
still work okay.
The current list is at
Ideas can be added to the page.
(2) Posts and connected content (linked or embedded files or metadata)
So far, sioc:Posts have content, attachment and links_to properties
which cover a lot of discussion content scenarios.
It seems that we may still need a few more properties, e.g.
content_enhanced, embeds, etc.
The content_enhanced could be HTML-enhanced text, text with BB / wiki
codes, or maybe even a series of chunks of plain text and RDF metadata.
This property could also link to an AtomOWL Content object. Uldis
proposed sioc:body for this property some time back.
The embeds property could allow files to be viewed (e.g. remote video
files) or embedded metadata to be incorporated (e.g. in some structured
/ semantic blog posts, so that embeds -> object with metadata) in a
post. There may be a distinction between something that is attached and
something that is embedded - the former may not be displayed in the post
whereas the latter is - and something that is attached may also be embedded.
Another alternative is to use something instead of attachment / embeds
that can be used interchangeably, e.g. includes or contains (although
the latter confuses with sioc:has_container). This would remove
ambiguity over which to use (if someone won't use both).
Myself and Uldis have been wracking our heads trying to come up with the
best way to do this, so it'd be good to have your ideas on this. The
names content_enhanced or embeds are just ideas, better ones are welcome.
(3) > Forums, Posts
Another suggestion from Kingsley was to have something greater than the
concept of a Forum so that posted content could be grouped together
(e.g. book reviews in a review channel, etc.). This would involve
superclasses of Forum and Post (and maybe Site), e.g. Container and
Content (and Space) or something like that. I'm almost afraid to
introduce such terms as we are perhaps creating something that can
describe anything, rather than online communities. For now, I'd hope
that solutions for (1) and (2) will suffice, and may also be more
semantically constrained.
That's it so far, opinions welcome!
See Uldis' earlier post to SWEO:
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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