SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
SWI-Prolog module for automatic generation of specification
For the music ontology project
(, I just finished a
(really) small program (attached) allowing to generate specifications
from a RDF knowledge base. It outputs the "inner" part of the
specification (glance, classes (domain-of/range-of/subclass-of) and
properties (domain/range)), in a FOAF/SIOC specification style.
I "freely" (as python and prolog are, well, quite different:-) )
adapted the specgen script that Uldis Bojar sent me, and so far, it
seems to output quite the same things. But I think it is a bit more
flexible, through the use of "shortcut predicates", a sort of
mid-level representation of the knowledge base used when getting to
the high-level HTML representation. It also supports some OWL
constructs (such as owl:unionOf for domain/range).
To use it, you need SWI-Prolog (compiled with the semweb package).
Then, change or add some rdf_load/1 clauses in, load the
file, and do:
?- onto_spec_to_file('myspecification.html').
Cheers, and many thanks!
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