SIOC profile for '' A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a> SIOC Type Modules Contirubutions for various Data Spaces from OpenLink All, Here is a dump of SIOC subclasses that provide integration hooks for a range of Data Spaces that include: Shared Bookmarks (a 'la, Shared Photo Galleries (Flickr), Weblogs, Wikis, Shared Feed Subscriptions (e.g. Bloglines, TechMeme etc..), Discussion Forums (Usenet, phpBB etc..), Mailing Lists, Web File Servers (WebDAV), Polls &amp; Surveys etc.. Hopefully, we can use SIOC to effectively demonstrate Ontology resuse as part of the Semantic Web Data Generation effort (which is basically a global Data Integration and Generation effort [1]). BTW - I was going to dump this in the SIOC Wiki, but it appears to have moved etc.. #Processed by Id:,v 1.144 2003/09/14 20:20:20 timbl Exp # using base file:/tmp/tmp7NHric-rdfconverter # Notation3 generation by #,v 1.148 2003/12/04 21:20:17 timbl Exp # Base was: file:/tmp/tmp7NHric-rdfconverter @prefix : . @prefix annotea: . @prefix atom: . @prefix dc: . @prefix exif: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sioc: . @prefix vs: . @prefix wot: . : a owl:Ontology; dc:description "Extends SIOC (Semantically Interlinked Online Communities) core ontology by defining subtypes and subproperties of SIOC concepts."; dc:title "SIOC Types Module"; rdfs:seeAlso ; owl:import sioc: . :Bookmark a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Bookmark"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Briefcase a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Briefcase"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Community a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Community"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Discussion a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Discussion"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Feed a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Feed"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Mail a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Mail"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Photo a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Photo"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Poll a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Poll"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Weblog a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Weblog"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . :Wiki a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "Wiki"; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum . atom:Entry rdfs:isDefinedBy atom:; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post . annotea:Bookmark rdfs:isDefinedBy annotea:; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post . exif:IFD rdfs:isDefinedBy exif:; rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post . &lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> SIOC Types Module Extends SIOC (Semantically Interlinked Online Communities) core ontology by defining subtypes and subproperties of SIOC concepts. 2007-01-19T23:25:19+00:00 2007-02-23T10:00:12+00:00