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[Fwd: Mappings between base vocabularies for ExpertFinder]
maybe the mail below from ExpertFinder is also interesting for
SIOC-dev... or let me formulate it hte other way around: Are there
people in SIOC willing to contribute to more formal inter-vocabulary
mapping definitions? The below-mentioned is only a starting point. Would
be good to get more people involved, also in order to completely and
formally describe the opverlaps mentioned at
cheers and merry christmas,
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 18:02:37 +0100
From: Axel Polleres
Subject: Mappings between base vocabularies for ExpertFinder
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Dear all,
I started to work on the mappings mentioned in our paper.
for details. Note that even for the supposedly simple case of mappings
between vCard and FOAF, we need surprisingly expressive mappings way
beyond OWL or RDFS subclass or subproperty definitions, but even beyond
what is expressible in the current version of SPARQL by means of
CONSTRUCT statements.
Opinions welcome, I think this exercise gives quite valuable insights.
When back from vacations, I plan to further work on these mappings,
probably, I will provide some additional version in DLVHEX [1] rules,
where some of the things we need can be expressed more elegantly in the
future, but although being a very flexible framework for rules on top of
RDF, DLVHEX cannot yet produce RDF as output. I expect to have this
functionality in the future though, just "negotiating" with the developers.
cheers & merry christmas,
(you may view these first mappings as a "present", feel free to
extend/comment over christmas!!! ;-) )
p.s.: I'll be off to christmas holidays tonite and back only january
7th. probably without internet connection most of the time... Looks like
a nice break, I think I won't miss it too much, the last few months were
quite busy!
Dr. Axel Polleres
email: url:
Dr. Axel Polleres
email: url:
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