SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
SIOC Import to Weblog
WordPress has a nice admin menu entry called "Import":
If you have posts or comments in another system WordPress can import
them into your current blog. To get started, choose a system to import
from below:
Dotclear Import posts from a Dotclear Blog
LiveJournal Import posts from LiveJournal
Blogger Import posts and comments from a Blogger account
Movable Type Import posts and comments from your Movable Type
Textpattern Import posts from a Textpattern Blog
RSS Import posts from an RSS feed
It would be nice to have ability to import SIOC into a CMS (and
WordPress weblog as a particular case).
While it is not main focus of SIOC development it 'd be an interesting
thing to have.
And anything else that uses SIOC data.
SIOC is currently strong on the data generation side (note: we could
use more users & testers of SIOC export in Drupal though) and now we
should get it strong in the data consumption side as well.
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