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SWAML 0.0.1
Hi all,
It is my great pleasure and privilege to announce the availability of
SWAML 0.0.1. This first release is an important step to represent a
mailing list in RDF, but it's only the starting point.
SWAML reads a collection of email messages stored in a mailbox (from a
mailing list compatible with RFC 4155) and generates an RDF description.
It is written in Python using SIOC as the main ontology to represent in
RDF a mailing list. There is still such much work to do; then, we would
be very grateful of any feature request or any bug report.
Release donwload:
Best regards
__ ___ _ _
\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
\ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_| GNU/LiNUX User: #298803
\_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_| Web:
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