SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
OpenLink Suggestions for SIOC Enhancements addendum
Hi All,
The sites typically publish web services interfaces for programmatic Search
and Content Management services (typically SOAP and/or RESTian). These
services may be generic in nature (standardized signatures covering input
and output message formats) or service specific (where signatures are unique
to specific offering a 'la current Web 2.0 API usage patterns.
It is against this backdrop that we would like to suggest the following
enhancements to SIOC:
Class sioc:Service:
in-range-of : has_sevice, has_host
in-domain-of : service_of, host_of
Generic Services (Site-wide):
if service is site-wide, then "has_sevice" and "has_host" may be associated
with every existing forum or not at all (to be discussed further).
Forum Services (Forum-specific):
When a given service is associated specifically with a given forum then the
"has_sevice" and "has_host" predicates will be used to express such a
Literal properties :
dc:title - human readable name of the service
sioc:endpointURL - service endpoint
sioc:type - generic (or site-wide), forum-specific
sioc:protocol - SOAP/REST/SPARQL-QUERY/GData/OpenSearch
dc:format - result format
sioc:maxresults - maximum number of results returned
Best Regards,
Mitko Iliev
Developer Virtuoso Team
OpenLink Software
Cross Platform Web Services Middleware
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