SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
FW: SIOC specification (CTIC)
Comments from Fundación CTIC.
From: Luis Polo
Subject: SIOC specification (CTIC)
Dear Uldis,
I am Luis Polo from CTIC Foundation (Spain). We have received the invitation
to participate in the SIOC Ontology specification to submit it to the W3C.
We have analyzed the initiative and we consider it is a useful idea to
interlink Web Communities. We would like to support the W3C member
submission. We have two comments:
1) Fisrt of all, Sergio Fernandez, a researcher of our department, has
developped an application, as a research project around the semantic web
technologies, to publish mailing lists´s archives into an RDF format. This
project is called SWAML. The SWAML vocabulary is built upon FOAF and Dublin
Core and is completely compatible with SIOC specification, as you can see it
as a subset of SIOC elements. If you consider it could be a useful
application of SIOC, we can adapt quickly SWAML vocabulary to SIOC and
include the software application as an actual implementation of SIOC. For
more details, you can see
2) About SIOC specification, we have one comment. SIOC is a RDF vocabulary
to describe Online Communities. It has a lot of links with FOAF (and Dublin
Core), so the domain or range of some properties is for example foaf:Person.
Also, the class sioc:User is subclass of foaf:Person. We think this is a
good idea: reusing concepts for another vocabularies. The problem is that
there are some SIOC elements that are semantically identical to some FOAF
and Dublin Core elements but with another URI. So for example, SIOC rewrites
the property dc:creator as sioc:has_creator or foaf:mbox_sha1sum as
sioc:email_sha1. This could be a problem, so you have two syntactic
different elements with the same associated semantics. In SIOC, as sioc:User
is subclass of foaf:Agent, it is also a subclass of foaf:Agent (by
transitivity), so sioc:User would have the property foaf:mbox_sha1sum. Of
course, it will have also sioc:email_sha1. In RDF Universe it is not
contradictory, but redundant (like reinventing the wheel).
We suggest to identify these conflictive elements, eliminate them and then
add their FOAF and Dublin Core counterparts. If you have any comments, feel
free to contact us.
Best Regards,
Luis Polo Paredes
Departamento I+D+i
Fundación CTIC
-Centro Tecnológico de la Información y la Comunicación-
Parque Científico Tecnológico Gijón-Asturias-Spain
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