SIOC profile for '' A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a> AtomOWL usage within SIOC Hello all, I have shortly noted down why and how we may use AtomOWL's Content class to represent a sioc:Post's contetn in a more rich way. Please read on at atomowl-a-new-way-to-describe-content/ Christoph aka [GNU] -- Christoph Görn http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how this helps users kick ass? 2006-09-02T18:57:27+01:00 2006-08-22T07:55:41+01:00