SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Fwd: Tabulator issue
FYI: Reply from David Sheets about viewing WP SIOC data in Tabulator.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Sheets
Date: Aug 16, 2006 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Tabulator issue
To: Uldis Bojars
Hi Uldis,
The first point you bring up is a design feature. Resource [1] does
not contain any triples describing itself and thus we can make no
statements about it when you load it into the tabulator. We do provide
a convenience, however, in the form of triples describing what classes
a resource mentions. In this way, you can navigate down from your
resource to the data that it contains but that may not necessarily be
about itself.
The two instance adding bug was resolved. See [2].
I'm not sure I understand or can replicate your third bug but I can
say that double-clicking has the special meaning of 'refocus' in the
outliner context. Try single clicking or giving us instructions so we
can replicate it.
Thank you very much for using the Tabulator. We will be releasing 0.8
soon. If you have any more questions or bug reports, please don't
hesitate to contact me,, or our issue tracker
at [3].
Thank you,
David Sheets
On 8/16/06, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> Hi David,
> Found this issue when trying out the Tabulator.
> When loading RDF data [1] from a blog the Tabulator behaves quite strange:
> - it only shows information about the class (Post) mentioned in RDF,
> but does not display the RDF instance data.
> - it adds 2 instances of this RDF data when asked to add to the outliner
> - after expanding the content once (and showing only reference to a
> Post class) it does not react to next requests to expand this item. if
> double-clicking on the triangle that'd expand the item, it just adds
> another copy of the same URL to the source list.
> For some more test data you can look at [2] and [3].
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Tried this with Tabulator 0.7 in Firefox.
> Also tried the same with the development version of Tabulator, but
> that did not help.
> Could you please let me know what is wrong?
> Best,
> Uldis
> [ ]
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