SIOC profile for ''
A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a community site (e.g., weblog) in a machine processable form. For more information refer to the <a href="">SIOC project page</a>
Comments needed: Linking Post to a Person
Hi All,
Could you please comment on this question:
what should sioc:Post point to as its creator ?
There are two main alternatives: (a) sioc:has_creator -> sioc:User; (b)
foaf:maker -> foaf:Person
Initially (and before usage of foaf:Person was added to SIOC) the
option (a) was intended. This can be observed in the RDF data [1]
generated by WordPress SIOC plugin. This option allows to keep the
information on which user account created the content.
If we do not link from sioc:Post to sioc:User then the user concept
does not become unneeded as such, but it is not used much either - as
nothing would then link to it apart foaf:Person via foaf:holdsAccount.
And we would loose the information that the content was created by a
particular account.
What do you think - is sioc:User useful and should we keep the
information on which account created a Post? For simple use of content
of sioc:Post that is not important but if you tried to import SIOC
content into an CMS (e.g., to make an RDF mirror of a community site)
then this info could be important.
Option (b) is illustrated by RSS export of Morten's blog [2].
There are more ways to point to a creator as well, e.g. use dc:creator
and point it to a rdf:resource as seen on Norm Walsh's blog [3].
We can also use both - point to a foaf:Person and a sioc:User. In
theory if we define the properties inbetween as IFPs then we can always
find foaf:Person if we know the sioc:User. Then the answer would be
(Hmmm, foaf:holdsAccount is not an IFP).
[ ]
[ ]
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