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Fwd: [doap-interest] DOAP and lists of [favorite] applications?
FYI---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Allen Gunn Date: Jul 20, 2006 7:28 PMSubject: Re: [doap-interest] DOAP and lists of [favorite] applications?
To: Uldis Bojars <>,
Hi Udis and DOAPers
( is working on a tool that does some of what
you ask about. We've built a Flickr-like front end for tagging DOAP
records, and coupled that with social networking features that let users
browse "who's using what" and "who else is using what I'm
using". We've also added some basic social
recommendation/collaborative filtering features as well. We don't have a
"favorite" flag, but that is certainly an enhancement we could
consider, especially if it was part of DOAP :^)
The Social Source Commons platform is targeted at nonprofit techies to
support mapping and enumerating their tools universe, but the underlying
code is entirely general for any application space. The app is written in
Rails, and we'll be releasing it under GPL.
We're still in a limited beta phase and working out some kinks, but
anyone who wants to check it out should email me and I can send you
complete Beta Program details.
thanks & peace,
At 10:46 AM 7/20/2006, Uldis Bojars wrote:
Hi All!
Is there a property in DOAP or other vocabulary that can be used to
express that somebody is using an application or that this is his/her
favorite application?
DOAP uses that I have seen are mostly to express the information about
applications (either for sites / application catalogues or for DOAP
feeds), but it is as important to cover the social aspect of use of
applications. Not sure if DOAP is suited for that but it's worth a try.
Also: how does one express in DOAP that a particular application is a
plugin/extension to another (e.g., "SIOC Detector" is an
extension to "Mozilla Firefox")? It might be interesting to
merge together information from a DOAP profile and extension's RDF
manifest as well.
Uldis :)
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