Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. Non-Profit Company, PO Box 235 , Ask permission. Increased optimism while we are waiting for important news can decrease our stress. Please heal my bones where I need healing, so I can ease moving henceforth. 2. P | True love is bound to reveal itself sooner or later.". God uses waiting to change us. H | What do you say to someone expecting results? So, instead of allowing anxiety to get the best of you, you should channel your energy into praying for good results when you are awaiting a test outcome. 1. We asked our Mighty readers to tell us the best thing someone said to them when they received devastating news. Sending you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. You may feel impatient with the line to get out of the parking ramp at the store. Waiting for test results related to your cancer, chronic illness or other condition can be nerve-wracking (to say the least). I decree that the laboratory technicians and scientists will not work in error as they handle my urine and blood samples in the name of Jesus. 3. You are always in my thoughts and prayers you mean so much to me. Impatience can workits way beyond your diagnosis and enter other parts of your life as well. Impatience is perhaps the first emotion many people feel when awaiting a diagnosis. Mark 4:40 NIV He said to them, Why are you so afraid? Diagnose diseases and conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia (uh-NEE-me-eh), and coronary heart disease. Once you begin that train of thought, it can go on and on. Say Get Well in a way thats personal and sincere. If youre stuck in a hospital waiting room, it can be tempting to indulge in junk food from the vending machine, but a healthy diet can lower anxiety levels. What to say to a friend who has received bad news? Thinking about you today and hoping its a good one for you. Genesis 8:10-12. . Photo: Yulia Reznikov/Getty Images. Be wary of any office that says they only contact you "if there is a problem." "Worry is trying to predict a future that no one knows. 5. You may feel frustrated if there are mix-ups with your insurance or with test results that come back inconclusive. This Waiting for Medical Test Results Prayer can help lower your stress level and rely on God as you wait. Foods that are rich in vitamin B, such as avocados and almonds, are known to help reduce stress, while depression has been linked to low levels of folic acid, so introduce veg such as asparagus and broccoli as well as citrus fruits into your diet. Remember that your feelings are normal Waiting for imaging test results can be a significant and stressful experience. So, I pray you give my doctor a clear mind as he reviews my test results. What do you do? Often, just being able to hear from someone who has felt the same things is an enormous help, reminding you that you are not alone. You can also discuss side effects and dosage changes that may be needed. You probably don't need one for preventive tests or if your condition is well controlled. Even with potentially serious chronic conditions, like HIV or diabetes, once your condition is under control, you may only need to see a healthcare provider once a year. All times AEDT (GMT +11). Oops! Read our, Typical Emotions You May Experience When Waiting for a Medical Diagnosis, How Anticipatory Grief Differs From Grief After Death, What to Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer, The 5 Emotional Stages of People with Cancer, Help Your Child With Autism Manage Emotions, Best Ways to Support a Partner During Menopause, What Can You Expect During End Stage Lung Cancer, How to Disclose Your HIV Status to Someone You're Dating, How to Explain Your Cancer Diagnosis to Loved Ones, Stress effects on the body: Nervous system. 2023 MJH Life Sciences and CURE - Oncology & Cancer News for Patients & Caregivers. Waiting for a diagnosis can be one of the most difficult things a person experiences. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. That's true when you're first being diagnosed with something or managing a chronic illness. Merciful God, I pray that each image will successfully show my insides just as you created them. G | Christina Pandapas, who was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer at age 46, agreed that simple gestures often go a long way. By Mary Kugler, RN Not everyone is comfortable reaching out when they could use some help, Pandapas said. So, I can assure you that as you make the above prayers for good medical test results, the Lord will give you nothing but a favorable outcome and peace to wait patiently without any anxiety for a doctors report. Heres how to pray for good medical test results: If you are ready to offer some powerful prayers for good medical test results, you are definitely in luck, as I have provided 17 powerful ones in this article. Consider talking to someone who is willing to listen and to be compassionate, like a friend, counselor, a clergyperson, or a peer in a support group. Encouragement Messages For Exams 1). "I'm praying for you, your medical team, and your family." If you are a praying person, consider lifting the doctors, nurses, and hospital staff up in your prayers. May your divine presence be with me as always and bless me with good results in this routine procedure. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Get off your butt and put your body in motion. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Lord Jesus, thank you for allowing me to get this blood work done. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Whatsoever illness is hiding in my body, turn it around in my favor and return full movement back in my bones. Each person can experience some or all of them, and you might experience some at different times than others. Opponents say legislation is 'dangerous, misguided and extreme' Last year, Rep. Freiberg joined a panel of medical professionals and advocates for "medical aid in dying" legislation at a University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics-sponsored event. Great God, please sit with me while I wait for my CT/CAT scan results. How do you help someone with medical problems? And ask for a copy to keep in your files. Most of all, I ask that you give me the grace to always maintain a healthy lifestyle and good food diet from now on so that I will always be well nourished. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. It is always okay to ask your healthcare provider about treatment guidelines or why a test or appointment is being recommended. "Things will be better after your surgery." It's bad enough that it took forever to schedule an appointment that started an hour late, but now all you can do is go home and stare at your phone, waiting for it to ring. Frustration refers to the feeling of having your purpose or action blocked. And so now I wait for the results. "You mean so much to me!" Tell someone what they mean to you before they go into surgery. I hope you recover as quickly as . Anxiety and worry that accompanies the period of time before undergoing or receiving the results of a medical examination. You may feel tense and your mind may be troubled with how this diagnosis may affect you and your loved ones. If something is ever discovered, I pray it is a simple thing to treat. . What to Say to Someone With Cancer. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. To check in with ourselves and notice what our thoughts are focused on and what tension we may be holding in our bodies. Nurses often say that they've witnessed many patients and families yelling at medical staffand at each other. Say Get Well in a way that's personal and sincere. Ideally this person is someone who can also remind you of God's love and continuous care. W | It can be easier said than done. And make my doctors humble enough to follow through with these suggestions. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. Can Airbnb take money from my account for damages? But many people begin to check out after the first couple of days or weeks, despite the fact that the person continues to deal with their disease or diagnosis. Say something like: Its hard for me to even imagine how youre feeling. Do Realize that all of our planning, cancer or no cancer, is based on the assumption that we're going to be around in the future. But then when your timer goes . I reject every conspiracy of darkness to make me shed bitter tears concerning my health in the name of Jesus Christ. I also ask that you imbue him with your wisdom to know how to diagnose me correctly. Lastly, Father, strengthen me as I wait and grant me faith to hope for the best. 1. However, if you are not sure of the diagnosis, some information can be confusing and upsetting. Australia 1590, 0-9 | As I wait for the results, I pray that you be with me throughout these procedures. For example, if you have prediabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure), you may not need treatment right away. The first steps may be to use diet and exercise to stop or reverse the disease. What do you say to someone awaiting cancer results? I also ask that you fill them with wisdom to fit all the pieces together. Abba Father, peradventure, it turns out unfavorable; I ask that you take me toward the path of healing. We know you will again come out with flying colors. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! Do you want to tell me about it? or Ive never been in your position, but Id love to try to understand what its like, Winawer suggested. Youve been going through a really tough time. 64. Outside of this, the worries are a problem for future you not present you. Ask your healthcare provider about how test results will be delivered. B | 2. Could I tell from the demeanor whether or not the results were good or bad? Remember when you went in for a biopsy, CT scan or blood work a few days ago, and your doctor said shed call back with the test results, but she didnt? It can be very difficult, at times, to know whether you are dealing with situational sadness or depression. It's important for you to know that the feelings you might face are all completely normal. Waiting for the results of a medical test, or for a diagnosis, can be agonizing. I know there are so many people who need their attention. Hence, every believer can lay claim to divine healing at any point in time and have it. It was dj vu all over again, including the numbness in my toes a sure sign that my brain was calling on all blood cells. It allows us to deal with situations out of our control with more grace and less stress, which is good for our mental health as well as our physical health. Pray for grace to handle the outcome with faith and strength, regardless of what it will be. I need strength as I head to the hospital today. One of the best things you can say is, Just tell me if you want me to leave or stop askingyou cant offend me! Winawer suggested. 2). Check out the dos and donts below: No matter what, it is better to say something than nothing, said Ron Blake, a sexual assault survivor who has experienced post-traumatic stress disorder. Foods that are rich in vitamin B, such as avocados and almonds, are known to help reduce stress, while depression has been linked to low levels of folic acid, so introduce veg such as asparagus and broccoli as well as citrus fruits into your diet. You may feel hopeless about your situation. You may have trouble sleeping at night, find yourself being nervous, or be preoccupied with thinking about the diagnosis. Tell your story to us, no matter how big or small. Loving God, thank you for helping me undergo the challenging procedure. D | Even if the news is "good," it may be important for the healthcare provider to explain what the results do and don't mean. Dont tell the person it will be okay because in reality no one really knows if it will or not, Sanders said. Just when I was tired and feeling down, a vase of flowers would appear on my doorstep, or one of them would send me a thoughtful text to check in, she said. If follow-up appointments are expected, check with your health insurance to make sure they're covered. As access to testing has increased and roughly 750,000 Americans per day line up for a Covid-19 test, wait times for results have climbed up to two weeks in many places and more people than ever may be experiencing test result anxiety, experts say.. Meals for the family are tremendously helpful, so is offering to take their kids to events, school, or have them over for sleepovers, she said. In the end, may I have every reason to glorify your name. The longer you have to wait, the more you may have ups and downs, and the more intense your feelings may become. Double-check that the imaging center or lab has your providers correct information on file. You can have many wishes for good medical results, but the best option remains to seek Gods help in anxious times through prayers. Making Use of Telehealth for Healthcare Provider Appointments, Telehealth for Ankylosing Spondylitis During COVID-19, What to Do If You Get a Positive At-Home COVID-19 Test Result, Why You Might Get Billed for Messaging Your Provider in MyChart, Understanding Your Nerve Conduction and EMG Results, Why People Are Noncompliant with Treatment, Time until emergence of HIV test reactivity following infection with HIV-1: Implications for interpreting test results and retesting after exposure, Strategies for initial management of hypertension, Want your test results? There was a strange silence between us as if the celebration of life had been rained on by the unnecessary struggle with uncertainty over the last four days. You can find even more stories on our Home page. You have to read the situation and the person. God Works While We Wait Something actually happens while nothing is happening. Reneging on a promise to the big I am is bad karma. You held me close throughout the period of waiting for my test results. Some people cope by educating themselves and trying to map out their possible options; others reduce stress by distracting themselves with whatever feels fun; still others find the waiting time provides the opportunity to assess . Second, mistakes happen. However, sometimes the angry feelings burst out inappropriately, like on the lab technician whos trying to take your blood sample for a test. Immediately upon leaving the mobile scan machine, it was once again 2009 and I was walking out of my first CT scan trying to read the faces of the technicians who had monitored the process. Through them, may I receive a mind-blowing testimony in Jesus Mighty Name. A third reason why waiting is hard is because as people we dont like to wait. We like things to happen when we want it to happen and even how we want it to happen. First, don't be hard on yourself. Chronic conditions that are well managed shouldn't require many appointments, either. When we're more aware of what's going on around us and inside us, it also helps us notice signs of stress and anxiety and helps us deal with them better. The Cancer Council ( has a checklist of questions to ask when you get results, while NPS MedicineWise ( has a list of tests and medications detailing ingredients, possible side-effects and alternatives. Fill my heart with your peace that surpasses all understanding. Waiting for the results of biopsy testing, scans, or lab tests can understandably weigh heavily on your mind. Amy Molloy reveals how to stay positive when hoping that everything is OK. Remember, its harder for bad news to hit a moving target. Don't wait. Sitting back down to lunch with my wife, who, as a result of my taking the call outside so as to not cause a scene in the restaurant, should one be necessary, was in a state of panic, we ate as if it were our last, and first, meal. Find out whether you have risk factors for heart disease. Were looking to feature moments in which someone interrupted their busy life to lend a hand to someone they didnt know. Uncategorized what to say to someone waiting for medical results. This will make them less anxious. Merciful God, thank you for providing the doctors who treat and heal illnesses and diseases. Amen. , I wish I knew what to say, but I care and Im here for you. In fact, the helplessness that loved ones often experience can magnify your feelings even further. Sometimes it can be satisfying to take charge of a situation, solve a problem, and move forward. Thank you, Most Loving God, because you are the one who specializes in turning bad reports into good ones. During these frozen moments in time, its hard to think about plans for a future that may not be. And because you did not allow me to spend my money running further medical tests or buying drugs to manage an ailment. Give me the courage to go through all the required stages, procedures, and entire processes. Even if it was offered in all sincerity, it can still feel weird to call someone and say, "remember when you offered to help?" Instead, offer precise ways that you can be of assistance. In other words, pitch in by taking an everyday task off their to-do list, like doing the laundry, making sure the bills are paid and mailed off or having dinner ready for the family. American Psychological Association. Synonyms of waiting waiting 1 of 2 noun Definition of waiting as in delay Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance delay hesitation procrastination indecision pause hawing faltering wavering wobbling second thought doubt uncertainty vacillation hesitancy wabbling consideration irresolution hesitance fence-sitting indecisiveness incertitude deliberation This article describes the common emotions you might face when waiting for a diagnosis and provides some suggestions for coping with these feelings. James 1:5 NIV If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. Anything you can do to provide some fun and normalcy will ease stress for the whole family., Also, you can navigate around the ask by asking the persons spouse how you may be able to help. Get better and get back to your amazing self soon! Thank you for being with me during my biopsy. Do you need to hire a part-time nanny to help with the kids? Colossians 3:15 NIV Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. As you may have guessed Im extremely enthusiastic about prayer. As much as they would like to voice their admiration and love for someone, theyll go an extra mile to suppress those very emotions. Sympathy is a turn off for me; I'm not dead, just scared! 2010;132:531-42. We asked the CaringBridge community, many of whom have experienced this exact situation, their thoughts on what to say during these hard times. Everything Is Not OK: A TV Show Gave Me Flashbacks to Cancer, Radiation Dose May Increase Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors, TKI Drug Plus Chemotherapy May Improve Lung Cancer Outcomes. So make a 10-minute appointment with yourself and let yourself worry away. I receive grace to remain steadfast and patient as I expect the test results in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Soothe his anxiety with the knowledge that nothing can be against him because you are for him.