*I was looking for no salt foods. Its great on everything . and I've seen it first hand: http://herdeztraditions.com/herdez/salsa_Chilpotle.aspx. The doc said she would have the intubation tube and on a breathing machine until last night or this morning, and her drainage tube in her chest (they found fluid in her lung during the surgery) would be in until they got the fluid out or up to 2 days. I thought I would have to be extremely careful with fruits and such, but I learned shortly after being diagnosed which fruits spike my sugars and almost none do thankfully! most companies respond very quickly. A few other bonuses are that a lot of this stuff is gluten free and organic. -Also adapted the spicy-sun dried tomato and broccoli pasta- omit all the cheese and olives; read labels on sun dried tomatoes and pasta, and added in chickpeas) - I made the honey whole wheat banana bread (substituted 4 egg whites for the 2 eggs that the recipe calls for and used kosher salt) and added the enjoy life semi sweet mini chips and chopped walnuts--such a yummy breakfast!) I dont know about your husband, but I was way more anxious about RAI than the surgery. Since kosher certified can only use kosher ingredients, the salt brine is iodine free! We had also packed up cheese and peanut butter crackers for snacks, girl scout thin mint cookies and some "cuties". You are so welcome! The Tuscan Pane does not contain sea salt. Earth Balance Soy-Free Buttery Spread This stuff tastes good. My husband's RAI was 9/21/12 and his LID ended 48 hours later. Im scheduled for a Scan as well! If anyone else knows of any grocery items, respond to this and maybe we can make a master list to help others! Thanks, Kareylynn! Ive been kinda bummed out trying to find things I actually like to eat. You can microwave them for a quick meal. You are welcome! They also have a coconut based creamer for coffee. I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. Whole Foods Trader Joes Sodium Free Whole Wheat Bread Nasty, unless you like the taste of cardboard. Jan 16, 2023 @ 20:14:36. Her cardiac team came in before hand several times to go over the surgery with all of us there (grandma, grandpa, mom, me and a family friend) and told us to expect her to be in surgery at least 3 hours but anywhere from 3-4 to be on the safe side. I found it thru someone on here. Your hard work on this was greatly appreciated. Zero sodium; 80 calories/serving. Try not to worry about messing up. It is giving me a headache all this throught into what used to be a normal life. I start my LID tomorrow and begin tests on Feb 6 and RAI Feb 11th. For some of the products I contacted the manufacturers via Facebook or by phone to ask about the type of salt they used. Hi Question.. I don't think the ground beef is USDA organic, but it is from TJs. Jul 04, 2017 @ 14:04:03. Yes!!! Flowers. Others here have gotten written confirmation from them that any salt used in Trader Joe's branded food is iodine-free. Just started my diet two days ago and finding this has been a life saver!! = Rough. Some people do not realize that iodine is in sea salt as well as kosher salt. I am wondering how did you determine if the foods listed had iodine salt in them?? recipesforsustenance Once again, thank you for sharing your journey with us and sharing all of your found information. I got some ground beef at Trader Joe's this past weekend just to eat. I went to Trader Joe's and they know nothing about this No Salt whole wheat breadthey even checked the computer at the store?? Here is a link: http://www.conagrafoods.com/our-food/brands/fleischmanns-margarine-spread. Also, grom what I learned and researched, LID can/does make a difference. Organic Bragg's Hawaiian fat free apple cider and tropical fruits with ginger dressing. Elmhurst Milked Cashews This stuff is delicious! Today was my first day and I was feeling SO overwhelmed. I dug out my back pack and started filling it up with things I thought I would need for a long day in Seattle! We'll start with questions about LID and move onto questions about RAI. Is that good? I have read so many things about LID - I thought I read that there is a bread, peanut butter, chips and a salsa that are all allowed on the diet. I have spent countless hours researching what I can and cannot eat on LID and I have never read that enriched flour is on the do not eat list. Maybe 5 minutes after eating it I crashed hard, I slept so hard I did not take my night pills and did not wake up until my son woke me up at 6:45am this morning and then I promptly fell asleep until 11:30 am!!! But I don't want to put my spouse at risk when he returns to the room. Our whole foods isn't open yet and may not be open til late fall 2012 and no Trader Joes here either. Trader joes Dry roasted and unsalted pistachios. I hope everything is going well for you. contain no added salt. I typically drink tap water, or water from a Brita filter at home, and water from a water dispenser at the office (not sure what kind). Quaker Instant Oatmeal (Plain) Oatmeal is an easy breakfast. Coconut milk can also be used to make a non-dairy whipped cream. Coconut milk can also be used as a coffee creamer in a pinch. I hope RAI went well and you are recovering well. So yes, feel free to include it in your low-iodine diet. The LID Life Community has a Facebook group too. Yay! Thank you for this awesome list! Time an time again, I was told that they did not use iodized salt and if they did, they would have to list it in the ingredients list as iodized salt. Karey, Im so glad you found it useful. Kosher salt can be easily found in the grocery store next to the table salt. No one is very savvy about iodine, but just let them know that any sea ingredient (kelp, fish, etc.) So knowing that, grandpa was extremely relieved knowing grandma was in the ICU now and was on her way to recovery! Not sure what to doif anything.? No iodized salt in Trader Joes Brand Products! I figured that since I was only drinking coffee with this non-dairy creamer once a day, it was something I was comfortable consuming. Im assuming it was good since you posted all of these items. I was able to find out that corporate for trader Joes has guaranteed that they do not use iodize salt in any of their trader joes name bran products DO STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT STATES SEA SALT. I was happy to see that my store brand hashbrowns did not contain salt. YUMMY I am looking forward to it as I am starving :) It's my big meal of the day as the rest of the time I usually have small snacks/meals through the day to regulate my blood sugars!! Have thyroid cancer and gonna have to have treatment and do this diet, recipesforsustenance I think I will need a garbage pail in my room. Good Luck!! I wish you the best of health in the future. It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. I hope all goes well with LID and your RAI. -Trader Joe's Unsulphured dried mangos and pineapple This product does contain sodium caseinate (a milk derivative). -Pacific all natural hemp non-dairy beverage (vanilla)--this does not contain soy, sea salt, or carrageenans (sea weed), ingredients that every other dairy-free milk label that I have read seems to have. Both probably have more but I had limited time to shop. The hamburger patty tasted as if it had no salt/seasoning and if it did, it was very minimal. We start the diet on the 11th. I am ok, just extremely sore from that! I ate pretty much only items from Trader Joe's brand that didn't have sea salt or dairy. They do Cary non dairy vegan cheese. Purchased at Whole Foods. I left for Seattle around 6am and finally got home around 8pm last night! I will survive this too :) Just another bump in the road :) * Stonehouse 27 tomoates and chillis cooking sauce - something of a mix b/t a pasta sauce and a curry. Hi everyone! I am so happy that I found this site! Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites Whole eggs and egg yolks are not allowed on LID, but egg whites are fine. I researched as much as I could to learn how to benefit from this temporary diet. Glad to see Publix brands too! Do you know of any other cheese substitutes? At 11am the anesthesiologist was suppose to be in to prepare grandma but the case before was running way late due to complications. I've noticed I've been jittery and feeling anxious today My hearts feels like its racing and I'm a bit short of breath at times.not sure of its what I'm eating/not eating or my meds. SomI picked up a load of sandwich bread there that did not include "sea salt" but now I'm concerned it may use Iodine Conditioners. Sep 04, 2019 @ 19:52:37. This community is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, an Inspire trusted partner. I bought mom and grandpa coffee, mom and I a vitamin water (since I drank all that I had brought) and grandpa a gatorade :) I had planned on making guacamole for lunch, but the avocado was over ripe and was about guacamole when I cut it open so it got pitched and I ended up buying some lunch! Cocoa, itself, is not a banned item. Thank goodness for Trader Joe's and kosher meat. I found a kosher supplier in New York that would ship it to me. They also have lots of items that do not contain soy or soybean products like soybean oil, soy lethicin, or vegetable oils that contain soy. I found some canned green beans no saltyet sodium read 15mgis that OK to eat? LID is not easy, but Im glad I could help make it a little less stressful for you. Many thanks, recipesforsustenance It is made from mangoes, papaya, oranges, brown sugar and habanero peppers. Ok - seriously, I have hunted high and low for "Rich's coffee creamer - non dairy" and no where in Boise Idaho can I find it. I am so glad my blog has been helpful to yall! These tacos shells are fine for LID. So I made a trail mix for my snack kashi cereal pinapple chips dried fruit and dark chocolate chips and almonds .. are dark chocolate chips ok they have no milk or salt I got them at trader joes and does any one know about coconut milk in a can can I use that in my coffee. recipesforsustenance It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. Anyone know if that's a fact or if I an eat the bread I bought? So, if it says salt as an ingredient, it is LID safe (of course you'll still need to look at the other ingredients in the product to see if they are LID safe). Shiner Bock Beer beer, wine, and alcohol are allowed on LID. I was considering wearing the same old jamas the entire time and throwing them awaybut then wondered if I shower often will this not be helpful? I love rye bread and was really happy to find out that the Pepperidge Farm brand is safe. Finally I get home completely wiped out, sore from my fall earlier and I can't even think about making anything for dinner so I grabbed one of my new cashew & almond bars and it hit the spot! With the exception of soybeans, you can eat all fresh (and frozen) vegetables. Are you sure you want to block this member? what else can I put on my coffee.I still need to make my Mayo My WBS is scheduled for next wed how soon after do you think I will get my Rai ,I know I have to wait for the radiologist to call me with the results then schedule .I just want to be done ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. Thank you in advance!! I was a nervous wreck when I started reading about the LID. Used this product as base for pasta sauce. They will also specify if they use sea salt instead of non-iodized salt, so you can avoid those products! Amy I appreciate your link. Also, it MUST be the "Soy Free" variety." Is that advised? They are also a bit sour so it helps with the salivary glands. Of course, there may be regional differences so you should always check the ingredients list. Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer (differentiated), Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2), Mental challenges of living with thyroid cancer, ThyCa fundraising and thyroid cancer research grants, http://www.traderjoes.com/about/index.asp, https://www.inspire.com/groups/thyca-thyroid-cancer-survivors-association/discussion/no-iodized-salt-in-trader-joes-brand-products/. jani, unless we have to be on the diet, you still avoid iodine products? Trader joes Unsalted organic white corn tortilla chips. * Earth Balance Soy Free Buttery Spread - as you can tell from the name, there is no soy, no dairy, it is gluten and lactose free and vegan friendly - only down side is there is a teeeeennnnyy tiny bit of salt in it but less than 2% so I'm willing to risk it (plus it taste good!) Zero sodium; 40 calories/serving. They do use sea salt in some of their products, but it is specifiedin the ingredients lists. *Sodium Free Whole Wheat Bread - totally free of salt, dairy, and soy - is heavy and dense but, call things considere, taste pretty good - plus it is nice for those of us w/o bread machines! It is flavored, but has no sweeteners and no sodium (LaCroix, Perrier, Trader Joe's sparkling water). Am I missing something with Trader Joes? To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. After reading labels I'm going to focus on sodium reduction when I'm off LID! I recently had a totally thyroidectomy and am now starting the LID in 2 days. La Banderita Corn Tortillas I dont know what I would have done without these tortillas. I have cancer and am doing the radioactive iodine treatment next week. Missy Sutherland Cadwell One nice thing is that if a TJ item is made with Sea Salt it says so on the label, if it says Salt as an ingredient it is non-iodized. Trader Joes Organic Coconut Milk coconut milk without the weird preservatives found in other canned coconut milk. I got so sad for not having an accurate explanation on why and what food should i take. Im so sorry to hear that both you and your husband have (or had) thyroid cancer. You can find unsalted canned beans, but its more economical to just cook dried beans at home and season with kosher salt. Oct 14, 2022 @ 01:15:26, You are so welcome! The ingredients of the shreds are: Filtered water, tapioca flour, expeller pressed non-GMO canola and/or safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt, vegan natural flavours, inactive yeast, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, citric acid (vegan, for flavour), titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral). Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Coconut Milk Creamer (Sweet Creme) One of the few non-dairy coffee creamers I have found that is vegan and does not contain seaweed products or sea salt. Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry. Rice. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I knew there was more. If done right and portion controlled this should not affect my sugars too much so that gives me a ton of hope :) not only for me, but for those who are also diabetic and having to do the LID :) Your body needs salt to live and if you do not consume salt, there will be severe consequences. It comprises a peninsula surrounded by the North Sea (west), the Waddenzee (north), and the IJsselmeer (Lake IJssel; east). Coconut Milk great for making curries (both Thai and Indian). Cassandra Pogue - Oregon, or Salt Lake City, or even somewhere else in Idaho?) Here are some of the fruits you can eat on LID: Bananas, apples, kiwi, peaches, pears, all berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc), pineapples, mangoes, cherries (not Maraschino cherries, though because of the red food dye), all citrus (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes, mandarin oranges, clemantines, tangerines, etc), grapes, pomegranates, figs, papaya, avocados, plums, persimmons, and melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, etc).