Saw VSO last month. Some have won on appeal.. I filed a claim with VA and was turned down. But trying very hard to keep him home and providing total cares. I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. So, my thoughts are that anyone that is reading this . Yeah as a BT many times the Asbestos dust was floating like a fog. Just two two simple yes-or-no questions: Do you have the condition (in my case prostate cancer)? Sorry, but I dont have the time or ability to bear the burden of responsibility when it comes to proving this issue. Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to. A little compensation for Then renal cancer which was not presumptive at the time. Im currently suffering neurological problems, at first diagnosed as Parkinsons and later as an undiagnosed Parkinson-like syndrome. All we were tuned too was Search and Destroying the enemy! Still had to go back and help clean. Domingo L Buenafuente. Im in pain everyday now, had 3 amputations, and not given any pain meds because it could be habit forming! I could go on and on. My dad served proudly and for only to receive nothing in return from the VA. No burial benefits, no flag, just nothing!!!!! . My husband Was in Korea in 1973 and 1974. There should be a 1-800-827-1000 number or something similar. I had this similar experience-only served immediately after the Vietnam conflict, on a LPH THAT TRANSPORTED agent orange, helicopters and, was deployed to south east Asia, and we took it to dry dock. I refuse to die just to piss them off! I live in New York. H.R.2569 - Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) Bill Hide Overview More on This Bill Constitutional Authority Statement CBO Cost Estimates [0] Subject Policy Area: Armed Forces and National Security View subjects Summary (1) Text (1) Actions (3) Titles (2) Amendments (0) Cosponsors (14) Committees (1) I was there for a short period of time. Everyone that was on the bases would have been in the spray zone for the herbicides, Flodder said. I called later and was told that the VA had all the information that they needed from me. My husband was also a Vietnam soldier and contracted every desease that you can get from Agent orange but the VA was paying for all the desease that were connected with agent orange , you just have to file a claim for each sickness , please do it , they will take responsibility they did for my husband until he passed this January 2021. Hi Ted, I run a project called Operation Triumphus and have helped point some veterans in the right direction regarding this issue. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. Shannon Brewer, Senior Attorney Updated: August 12, 2013. But we all must go through gauntlets of crap from poorly trained workers, most who have no idea what TCE and Benzene is, and who used it. This can never happen again! Ten have them Submit another claim for you. Very same happened to me. I filed for agent orange exposure I have been diagnosed by my Doctor with peripheral neuropathy and stinging and tingling in my extremities. have hearing loss. Hey Angel, Im in the same boat Vietnam 68-69.. 50% disability for same disabilities. Were going to try to right a wrong, Trone said. It is most likely from agent orange. Neither were they included in new Middle East veteran benefits until less than a year ago. I served on a PBR river boat on the mekong in 1971. through the red tape. After 2 and years of much pain and suffering he died December 21 2020. The Kearsarge is NOT YET a BLUE WATER SHIP but i remember Launching, Recovering and Securing these Helos after IN COUNTRY or Near Shore rescues. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related cancers or other illnesses. This check was blood tests and 20 minutes with the Doctor who was more interested in possible PSTD than anything. The only reason not to add it is the cost. I remember those days. I have not been able to secure ANY Squadron Flight Logs either. Poway, Calif. attorney Amanda Mineer recalled working on one case in which she and her team had to introduce into evidence a photo of a sailor taking a photographic selfie of himself on a ship as that ship crossed the equator, with barrels of Agent Orange nearby, visible in the photo. article ul li { list-style: disc; padding: 5px 0; } My husband, who is a Viet Nam vet, passed away 10 years ago from bladder cancer. Does anybody know about it ? My dad was poisoned by AO during the war doing decon of planes from Vietnam. Got bladder cancer treated by VA. The VA to me at this point in time is absolutely useless! Their use in Vietnam and Thailand took a heavy toll. That is all they are waiting for ? And as I didnt know then and only got a clue in 1987 well I was screened for agent orange I have been expected to prove that peripheral neuropathy was from my time in that country. I have copd (breathing problems) and sinus conditions, do i qualify? Between the Benzine in the JP4 that I breathed, the Asbestos and Oils on the Tuluga, and the God knows what on the other ships it is a no wonder that I have COPD. I served there in 1975-76 and returned in 1988 and stayed until retirement in 1992. Unfortunately, not all VA reps are equal. I agree with every word you wrote. Why not better support vets than pay people to not look for or accept job offers. My sense is these bills have a chance, but I just dont know how good a chance, attorney Chisholm said. Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. Hows that for depression. And now that theyre all almost gone to pass this. Never wait to be notified. I am a Vietnam combat Veteran, 1968, III Corps. Im proud, its just too hard to pass on anything good to say about serving your country. Woo hoo! 1. I served aboard an aircraft carrier in Southeast Asia from 1972-1973. Contact a veterans service organization ASAP. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, When I found out about this benefit 2012 I had remarried and was told I could get nothing. My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam and we were in the process of trying to see if he qualified for disability at but he died before we got to far along. I am a bladder cancer survivor (early detection). VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. Never heard from VA regarding my case. They helped us a lot. My husband and I are both 100% disabled vets and if I could increase my disability to more I would! A Guide to Strengthening Your Thailand Agent Orange Exposure Claim Edward M. Farmer is a U.S. Army veteran and an attorney. We all know agent orange has a major affect on the respiratory system the could lead to COPD, During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. Veterans organizations have been fighting for this for years and it took an act of Congress to make it happen because the VA denied or ignored all scientific evidence. Thank you. You are eligible. While bombs and loud guns firing every were. I have hyperthyroidism from agent orange. VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) have partnered together to investigate where and when Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides were present, and to update thelist of locations online as new information becomes available. I know Im not alone. I have an idea of how to get started. What about us SEA Vets who did not have boots in Vietnam? My husband has prostate cancer and VA wouldnt approve disability for that either. My dad died March 6 2021 of non-hodgkin lymphoma, he was a Marine in Camp Leguene 1963&64. Later I would receive bills for the co-pay and my insurance at work was charged $1,800.00! My service record should have been proof enough. I have diabetes, heart disease, and nodules on my lungs. My father was in Korea and Vietnam and was diagnosed with colon cancer and lymphoma and died shortly after in 1972. My claim for benefits for Agent Orange related Prostate cancer was approved in 2017. I have applied twice, failed the breathing test and still been denied benefits, that were promised to me at discharge then taken away by a grateful government. Each disease is rated from 5% to 100%, then My husband applied years ago and was denied he served in the Korean War and two tours in Vietnam and was based at Camp Lejeune for several years. Dad wanted his compensation to go to his daughters . VA will apply the provisions of court orders related to Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which may result in an earlier date for entitlement to benefits for Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. It took several days to call me back. As I read story after story. We need to be filling their mailboxes with our concerns as often as possible. Another one of my buddies was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. He retired after 24 years of service in the Marines while serving he developed a heart condition that required a triple bypass he also suffered from PTSD, Rash to his back, feet, and legs he also developed asthma, and lung cancer from agent orange and smoking cigarettes of which was given to him his first day of reporting to camp they were included with his gear before that he never smoked. Thank you for your service!!!! Lack of a presumption of herbicide exposure does not prevent veterans from demonstrating through competent evidence that they were exposed to herbicidal agents and that such exposure is sufficiently related to a current disability to warrant disability compensation.. I returned to the VA about a year ago after many of my friends urged me to do so. What about veterans who served on Johnston Island/Atoll? I now have reduced kidney function arthritis and multiple degenerative muscle skeletal issues. Our son is being treated for bladder cancer. HELP! Do I have any recourse in this matter. So many of these Vietnam era vets have already passed from this BS. What a slap in the face!! Pass this info to everyone who was exposed to chemicals from Vietnam. Unlike veterans who served in Vietnam and certain areas of Korea, veterans who served in Thailand are not entitled by law to a presumption of exposure to tactical herbicides, the spokeswoman said. I lost my fater 4 years ago to the toxic water at camp Lejeune. Tsgt Myers. A lock ( Our 29 year old son has CML Leukemia I believe from Agent Orange. The process seems so slanted as if to prevent the possibility that higher-ranking people bear the burden of responsibility. How did you find proof that the chemicals you mentioned can cause Scleroderma. My husband was in Korea 1973-1974 he was in the 37thArtillery 6th Battalion Camp Essayons.Will any new VA expand benefits help him? This article is a joke! Never! VA denied it being service connected! If I were a civilian in Aniston I could sue and at least get my medical bills paid forbut I was just serving my country so I guess I dont deserve to be treated like a human being. March 3 (UPI) -- In a cost-saving move, retail giant Amazon announced Friday that it will delay construction on a planned second corporate headquarters dubbed "HQ2" in Arlington, Va. President Joe Biden thanks German chancellor for his nation's help in Ukraine. My husband was covered with the stuff in Vietnam and has multiple medical issues that he has been suffering since his late 40s. This mysterious delay is not helping. You can file online or thru the mail ( Last year's Defense Spending Bill included a provision, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that added presumption of service connection for Agent Orange-linked illness for veterans suffering from bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson's disease. My daughter lived for a month & 7 days. I had 2 children die at full term due to birth defects, I believe to be related to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam My oldest son has a rare bone issue untreatable, I believe due to Agent Orange! Having grown up in Kansas I wish you good luck. I have read articles where the VA is talking about neuropathy being caused by Agent Orange if you do not have diabetes. Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I couldnt agree more. I submitted my additional medical documents and completed my medical exam. I inquired to my VA service rep. and he related to me that All decisions are on hold for Bladder Cancer claims until the VA develops final guidance on how to proceed with these claims. Youll need prove you served in Vietnam (DD-214 should do it) and prove of your medical condition (doctors letters, etc). I know Agent Orange was the cause of his death and many of his buddies he served with that died around the same time as he did 25 years ago! All of my skin peeled off but no body was interested in my problems. He was in Vietnam in 69 as well. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. Judy, It seems we are not getting any help from the very people whose jobs it is to help us. The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, known as the VA, has added atypical Parkinsonism to the list of conditions presumptively associated with Agent Orange exposure during military service. My dad also served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange and I have a genetic mutation or defect that showed up in the chromosome tests called Ankylosing Sponylitis. The bill was last referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs in June. Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. I was in Vietnam during the year 1970. We feel your pain, we also got no benefits for a funeral when my father in law died from Agent Orange. Was on duty there when Hurricane Camille hit Gulfport, MS and was deployed down there for rescue and recovery. How do I apply again if they are actually maybe taking this seriously? By 2014, the front and both sides of his brain completely shrank and was unable to comprehend judgment and needed full-time care. Copy this link and Go to the DAV or go to VA.GOV and search for a VSO. Together we are working trying to get all our ducks in a row to file a widows pension claim on the newly approved Parkinsonism agent orange approved disease. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) For the past several years, the VA has acknowledged that veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam (including "brown water" veterans who served on the country's inland waterways) were exposed to tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange and that such . Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. Sounds like the guys are finally getting what they deserve. He had similar circumstances with diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer in Nov. 2014 and passed May 2015. Roy, go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. If he won it, then you are entitled to his compensation although it will be much less $ than what he would have received. Contact a VSO at VA.GOV. I would love to see the number of cases where the applicant has died before their case has been resolved. Monetary as well as medical and other benefits. I want this to be taken seriously! Because all the perimeters were sprayed with various types of herbicides with dioxin in it. AMIEN UND AMIEN! Guess it only matters how you became exposed. How meany of us will have to die a slow painful death before we can get recognized for needed benefits ? Meanwhile, according to its website, the VA is currently reviewing its policy on Agent Orange exposure in Thailand, leaving Dan hopeful the door is now open for other veterans. Operation Ranch Hand. Had a doctor and a judge state that my leukemia was the result of exposure to agent orange but the VA is giving me 0 per cent compensation. Every day is a challenge: financially, physically, and emotionally. Your best bet is your local VSO. We were stationed at McLellan in 69. says the recurring bladder cancer shows improvement, does no good to call,email,any so called Representative, mine wont even send me an email saying go screw yourself Sections and chapters in the description below! I recently had spinal surgery and it has caused my neuropathy to greatly worsen. have hearing loss. The VA has pushed aside those of us that used trichloroethylene as a cleaning solvent in the 60s. These are the evidence pieces you should give to your VSO, or if filing on your own, the evidence you scan and attach when submitting a claim at i was moving a 55 gallon drum of that stuff and it wasted all over my lower body and my supervisor told me to go take a long hot shower and bag all of my clothes and return them to him he would get me some new ones, never to tell me that it was harmful i went back out to the bombdump where i was temporary assigned and read the drums and saw it was herberside i filed and fielded for agent orange but was told not service connected now i have hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism alone with i had to have my prostate removed for i had prostate cancer.