Since God is the God of Davids praise (v. 1), He knows that the punishment of Davids enemies and the rescue of the psalmist will result in praise. Let no one be kind to him; let no one pity his fatherless children. Some have suggested that the person singled out in these verses is the leader of Davids opposition.193. 45 Prayers against Wicked Voice from my Foundation, 40 Prayers For God Fearing Man For Marriage. Oh God, let the mercy upon the wicked expire and let them run out of grace in Jesus name. Consequently a greater urgency is to be expected on the part of the psalmist. Even the wicked should be regarded as objects of redemptive search. Many of our leaders and judges now hearken to the voice of the ungodly rather than the Word of God. My Father uprooted every evil tongue speaking against my glory in the name of Jesus. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Secondly, Gods lovingkindness causes Him to be especially touched by the pitiable condition of those who trust in Him and are afflicted. In praying this way the outcome is left to God. 10. God said that the sins of the fathers would be visited on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate God (Exod. Please purify me, mold me, fill me with you. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; In a following generation let their name be blotted out. April 2018 18:19-23; cf. (Psalm 91) May no weapon formed against it prosper. For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous, So that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong. Several who were asked to read this scripture passage in our teaching hour declined. This prayer is a great one to use when you feel you are in need of protection from your enemies. Remove impurities from the silver and the silversmith can craft a fine chalice; Remove the wicked from leadership and authority will be credible and God-honoring. Foundational voices saying the problems that troubled my ancestors will trouble me, die in the name of Jesus. This timidity is not known to the Psalmist, who trusts that the sceptre of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous (Ps 125:3), nor to the Virgin Mary, who rejoices that the mighty are toppled from their thrones (Lk 1:52). Release fire into the gathering of my detractors in Jesus' name. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. 38:18). Evil voices pronouncing my death and misery, die in the name of Jesus. Save me from my enemies and their evil ways. . We ask that Christ may guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will, and that the shepherds of our souls may have the strength to govern wisely the flock entrusted to them by the Good Shepherd, but we never ask God to remove any who may be unfaithful, corrupt, or incompetent. Verse Concepts. Why isnt hell a terrible place of torment for Satan and his angels and sin? 2. David is, first and foremost, a worshipper of God. Psalm 34:21. The Old and New Testaments teach the same truths. Her leaders pronounce judgment for a bribe, Her priests instruct for a price And her prophets divine for money Yet they lean on the LORD saying, "Is not the LORD in our midst? Perowne, II, pp. 19 Let it be to him as a garment with which he covers himself, And for a belt with which he constantly girds himself. 50. The solution was not to separate the sin and the sinner, but to commit both to God. I pray your hedge of protection around __________. Let us learn from the severity of the Davids imprecations the intensity and the cruelty of his adversaries. You are " sovereign over all kingdoms .". I encourage you to place your trust in Jesus Christ, the sin-bearer who died in your place and suffered even more than Psalm 109 describes. You may wish to challenge me by stressing that while we must hate sin, we should not hate the sinner. Prayer against suicide as heard on FOCUSED with Angela Duncan, Jan. 26 . While these are pleas for vengeance, justice, and equity the one praying doesnt then go out and carry it out themselves. Sin is worse that we thought. Pray that the bride of Christ would be a haven for the oppressed, would show no favoritism toward the rich, and would be a voice for truth and justice in society. This is the basis for his petition for the punishment of the wicked. His knees are weak from fasting and his body is lean. He was thereby relieved of his hostility by committing the destiny of the wicked to God. For all who govern in the church and in the world, that Christ may send the Spirit of Truth into their hearts, to strengthen in virtue any who falter in the right path,to convict the conscience of any who have failed to serve their people faithfully,and to inspire those who are unfit for office to step down,let us pray to the Lord. 15-16). October 2021 69:5; cf. "For now indeed I find Thy pow'r and Thine alone, Can change the leper's spots And melt the heart of stone." Lord may our cause leaders to call out for cleansing and have melted hearts to follow . They have opened the wicked and deceitful mouth and spoken with a lying tongue (v. 2). 1 Cor. Here's what I found. The Response to Justice (58:10-11) A. 139:19-22). For instance, the New Testament has much to say about judgment, justice and condemnation. May creditors seize his entire estate, and strangers take all he has earned. 5:5). I am the head, never the tail, above never beneath. Happy is the one who pays you back for what you have done to us. Please save me from my enemies and their evil ways. 2:5-11). Because they have cursed David, they will be put to shame if God blesses him (v. 28). The one who did consent asked to pray before the text was read rather than afterward as was our custom! Esther 7:9-10 9 Now Harbonah, one of the eunuchs, said to the king, Look! The Jewish religious system had set aside this law, replacing the truth with their own traditions. A Psalm of David. 189 Derek Kidner, Psalms 73-150 (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1975), p. 388. April 2016 1:15). (David is not praying that these terrible things will happen to his enemies, only prophesying that they will be punished for their wickedness.) He has done good to his enemies, which they have repaid with evil. I disarm any power that has made a covenant with the ground, water and wind about me in the name of Jesus. A year of divine judgement against wicked and corrupt leaders. January 2016 Amen. Deliver me, always to you, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God of the Martyrs, God of all the Saints, and of the . Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. February 2018 According to verse 5, they had been the recipients of Davids love, which they had spurned and showed him hatred instead. . Deut. I have looked through the missal and found no examples of prayers for the removal of leaders of Church or state. 21:13; cf. November 2019 E219: A Prayer Against Wicked Leaders (Live From Cigars & Sermons) Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. Andr Matsoua (1899-1942 . My God, the plans and decisions of the wicked will never prevail against me in Jesus name. This blog is not associated with Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. In Psalm 109 the sin of Davids enemies is expressed almost entirely in terms of the wrongs they have committed against him.188 Elsewhere, however, it is shown that how the wicked treat the righteous is symptomatic of their rebellion against God (cf. Oh Lord, enter into the territory of the wicked and destroy all they have gathered to carry out their evil plots in Jesus name. 23 I am passing like a shadow when it lengthens; I am shaken off like the locust. Proverbs 17:13 is especially relevant to Davids imprecations in Psalm 109 because it speaks of the penalty borne by those who return evil for good, precisely the sin of Davids foes (Ps. July 4, 2017. Wind of destruction, destroy and blow away every evil words spoken against me by foundational voices in the name of Jesus. December 2017 May the LORD never forget the sins of his fathers; may his mothers sins never be erased from the record. 16). May they be blotted out of the book of life, and may they not be recorded with the righteous (Ps. The imprecatory psalms were not merely the passionate pleas of one man (spiritually or carnally motivated), but were rather a pattern for the worship of Israel. My Father, let thunder visit the cohorts of the wicked when they try to carry out their evil plans against me in Jesus name. When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,But when a wicked man rules, people groan. In this context and many others, their guilt is the offense of the tongue. Best to just pray for the leaders and trust that the prayer is heard. Not only did David ask justice for his foes, he now asks mercy for himself. The reminder us that sin always brings destruction and death, that sin always against God, and that it is often the innocent who suffer because of sin. For they have dug a pit for me. 18:17-20) so that he may be severely chastened, with the goal of his repentance and restoration (cf. While God is a God of wrath, He is also a God of mercy. David is innocent, yet his enemies have accused him of wrong-doing. For the record, I dont find Good Friday as edifying as perhaps a longer litany of those in need would be. 52:1; 1 Sam. He will not judge you for telling Him how you feel. 31 For He stands at the right hand of the needy, To save him from those who judge his soul. 3:8-10), so the very severity with which the psalmist spoke may have shocked some of the wicked into facing the seriousness of their sin and turning them to repentance. This is what Mordecai and others throughout the kingdom were doing they put on sackcloth a sign of humility and ashes a sign of repentance and purification from sin and they wept and prayed. Third, since the psalms were intended for general use, David did not identify his enemies so that the righteous could supply the names of their adversaries, so to speak.192. We cannot hope thus to make our doctrine clear to the world. Why are these things even in the Bible? May his family name be blotted out in a single generation. They are pleas for vengeance, justice, and equity for those unable to defend themselves. 1-5) to that of the singular in the following verses (vv. He doesnt appear to listen to advice and is never moved, either by appeal nor threat. I hate them with the utmost hatred; they have become my enemies (Ps. Prayers of imprecation for the destruction of the wicked are to be found throughout the entire Word of God. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, Wickedness is evil, It is the act of deviating from true and pure laws and engaging in activities contrary to the will of God for mankind. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. If you afflict him at all, and if he does cry out to Me, I will surely hear his cry; and My anger will be kindled, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless (Exod. 1:20) as he did the man living with his fathers wife (1 Cor. Rather, by using conventional language he affirms that his situation is typical of every man who struggles with the meaning of his life in the concrete situations of tension, hostility, and conflict. Apart from the hope found in God, it seems foolish to pray for peace and stability for our leaders. I offer the following work in progress: 1. Depression 69:27-28). A. Pray for God to restrain corrupt leaders (58:6). 7. His untimely death will require another to take his office (v. 8). Paul delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander over to Satan (1 Tim. . Remove impurities from the silver and the silversmith can craft a fine chalice;Remove the wicked from leadership and authority will be credible and God-honoring. Ps. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. 8. June 2016 He who returns evil for good, evil will not depart from his house (Prov. Lord God, you hear our prayers for protection and hear our words as . The inference seems to be that they have chosen to interpret Davids suffering as the evidence of his sin, just as Jobs friends reasoned about his condition. May his children wander as beggars and be driven from their ruined homes. 10:35). 4 15+ Spiritual Warfare Prayers to use as a prayer against evil. We come against all plots within our country - against our President or other leaders or against our people. A brief word should be said about the identity of the wicked. May 2020 When they were afflicted, he fasted and prayed for them (vv. Some psalms are soothing, such as Psalm 23. After much prayer and research, Ive concluded that Christians can, and in fact, should pray for the removal of wicked leaders from positions of authority. Don't Be Discouraged 16, cf. For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. However, disobedience was to certainly bring about just the opposite result (Deut. 6:9-10). The Lord enters into judgment with the elders and princes of His people,It is you who have devoured the vineyard;The plunder of the poor is in your houses. Conversely, the Old Testament teaches us to love our neighbor and not to seek vengeance. Prayer for the Protection of Leaders Father, you are Lord over our beautiful nation. For zeal for Thy house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach Thee have fallen on me (Ps. Every wicked forces of my fathers house, assigned against my destiny, die by fire in Jesus name. In those verses he is the enemys man; so this prayer wishes the enemy a taste of his own medicine. And do I not loathe those who rise up against Thee? Diversity vs. 8 "Do not grand the wicked their desires, Lord; Do not let their plans succeed." Let us learn from the imprecatory psalms that a hard stand on sin is the best way to prevent sin. In a family where ancestors worshipped different idols and made promises to those idols, children from the lineage of those ancestors can grow up to face loud, wicked foundational voices and problems. But He sets the needy securely on high away from affliction, and makes his families like a flock. Davids petition may seem harsh to us, but it is no more severe than what God taught and what He personally practiced in dealing with the wicked. (Romans 8:26,27) I pray for the spiritual gift of discernment. Verses 8 and 9 petition God to shorten the life of Davids enemy. They have engaged in character-assassination. Lou de Palingboer (Louwrens Voorthuijzen) [27] (1898-1968), a Dutch charismatic leader who claimed to be God as well as the Messiah from 1950 until his death in 1968. David, unlike his enemies, was not willing to engage in character-assassination. 1). Acts 1:20). Also in the Law of Moses God warned that certain sins would bring consequences on the families of the sinner: You shall not afflict any widow or orphan. I ask for Your protection against all forms of evil. Christianity is meekness, gentleness, peace. What I want to stress is how seldom the sin of backbiting is included in those lists. Prayer in Honor of Saint Benedict. So I decided to look at what the Bible says about removing wicked leaders if we feel that their actions are ungodly and against the teachings of Christ. 27-29). Moses (the meekest man on the face of the earth, Num. Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks! Daniel 2:20-21. 4.5 Prayer to keep evil person away. July 2018 (4) The psalms are not hastily scribbled personal vendettas, but carefully penned poetry. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? 3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without cause. (NASB). First, God is a God who is characterized by lovingkindness (vv. I believe that verses 1-5 are crucial to a correct understanding of imprecatory prayers because they inform us about the prerequisites for imprecation. Lord, arise in your power and dishonour every wicked power in my life in Jesus name. Davids imprecations in verses 6-13, including the suffering of his enemys family, are based upon biblical principles and promises.194. Rather than show his adversaries mercy, let God deal with them in the light of their own sins, as well as those of their fathers (vv. (8) When David or any other biblical character prays an imprecation, you will observe that the matter is left entirely with God. Let those who would pray for the destruction of their enemies be as quick as David to have God search their own hearts and to deal with them in justice, just as they would have Him judge their enemies. They can program people for failure, sudden death, poverty, lack of helpers, failure at the edge of breakthrough, hardship, stagnancy and other negativities that are not part of Gods plan for his children. Let us not leave these introductory verses without learning that those who would pray a prayer similar to Davids must be like Davidthey must be those who praise God (not just petition Him), and those who are right before God and men. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. Pray When the Wicked Seem to be Winning. A strongman is the controller of a group of spirits or the chief over a group of spirits, what the Bible calls "rulers of darkness of this world". David is accused by his enemies but is innocent of their charges. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 10 Let his children wander about and beg; And let them seek sustenance far from their ruined homes. ACTS 23:12 - O' Lord my God, my Redeemer and Saviour, wherever the wicked ones will gather together in evil fasting, demonic prayer or under an oath, in order to destroy Jesus Sanctuary Ministries, I and my family members, let the Angels of the Lord bring confusion and destruction amongst them, in Jesus Name, Amen. I give glory to God for his victory over wicked evil voices pronouncing evil in my life. 21 But Thou, O GOD, the Lord, deal kindly with me for Thy names sake; Because Thy lovingkindness is good, deliver me; 22 For I am afflicted and needy, And my heart is wounded within me. I declare a sword is against their treasures and they will be robbed, according to Jeremiah 50:37. Wicked voices from ones foundation can be the fault of ancestors. How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock (Ps. Blog Staff and Editorial Advisory Committee, if it is necessary for the Churchs well-being that such a pope should be removed [] without doubt prayer would remove him, From the Wires: U.S. Catholic Priests Are Increasingly Conservative as Faithful Grow More Liberal, Yale Organ Week: Now Accepting Applications, The North American Academy of Liturgy, 2023, New Open-Access, Ecumenical Journal Powered by the University of Vienna, Is the Eucharistic Revival a Liturgical Revival (Part 2), What Did Jesus Know? So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. 12:3) prayed, Rise up, O Lord! Lord God, you granted us the gift of life and sent your son Jesus Christ to watch over us. As, says: Our parents were unfaithful; they did evil in the eyes of the LORD our God and forsook him. Now hear this, heads of the house of Jacob And rulers of the house of Israel, Who abhor justice And twist everything that is straight, Who build Zion with bloodshed And Jerusalem with violent injustice. Jezebel committed several wicked acts including her attempts to kill the prophet of God Elijah but Jezebel met with her destruction as predicted by the prophet of God. . 35:12; 38:20). Wicked voices that decree sickness into my home and saying no to my healing, I uproot your tongue in the name of Jesus. Let all who would accuse David stand accused before God (v. 20). 389-390. Father Divine (George Baker) (c. 1880 -1965), an African American spiritual leader from about 1907 until his death, who claimed to be God. Anger of God, visit everyone sitting in darkness to decree evil into my life in the name of Jesus. Or is this just a partisan prayer? March 2015 If the enemies of David have appealed to his suffering as the proof of his guilt, then let God come to his rescue and lift him up. Like is there anything like an attack against the Church of God? Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS) TOP It would be interesting to check the responsive readings included in modern hymnals or books of worship, to see the degree to which the Psalms have been edited for Christian worship.185. I declare a sword of justice is against the mighty that seek to perpetuate evil plans and conspire against our nation. Let us not strive so hard to separate the sin from the sinner as to separate the sin from our attitudes and actions toward the sinner. 184 J. J. Stewart Perowne, The Book of Psalms (Grand Rapids: Zondervan [reprint], 1976), I, p. 305. Dear Father, I beg Your protection against the evil one's wickedness. Donald Jacobs is an ordained minister with the spiritual gift of teaching. 38 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Igreja Batista em Jardim Maggi: 26/02/2023 + NOSSAS REDES + - YOUTUBE:. (Isaiah 54:17) I pray for the Holy Spirit to help me intercede. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. 12:19; Deut. Why is hell a place where people go? Wicked voices, you are all liars. He will praise God for His deliverance in the midst of the congregation (v. 30). The details of Davids imprecation and its doctrinal basis will be the primary aim of our study of these verses. Bible Verses about Wicked Rulers. Imprecations are effective only when we see sin as God does and when we ask Him to deal with sin as He has promised to deal with it in His Word. 28), His conduct (e.g., in the destruction of Korah and his entire family, Num. 140:12). Download. God's Will Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. I dont think it is as possible as we think to separate the sin from the sinner. Here are some scriptures that can guide our praye rs so that GOD can render HIS judgments and verdicts against evil: View Comments (13) . 26ff. Luke 19:41-44, esp. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, What Does The Bible Say About Praying For The Removal Of Wicked Leaders. If classified as movies are today, it would hardly receive a G rating. They seem to leave a blank, as it were, for the insertion of your own personal name. Bernhard W. Anderson, Out of the Depths, p. 60. 18:5-10; cp. Today we shall be engaging in fasting and prayer against the wickedness of the wicked. Ps. I can still remember visiting a dear friend in the East Bay area (CA) in November 2004, and we went to Mass together at his parish, which had the practice of opening up the Universal Prayer to the floor, as it were, and witnessing a parishioner invoke Gods protection upon Saddam Hussein (then in custody) but also called down the wrath of God upon George W Bush (who was about to be reelected two days later). 1:6ff. Remember how I stood before Thee to speak good on their behalf, so as to turn away Thy wrath from them. Clearly, evil rulers have NO authority unless God allowed them to continue in their seats of power ( John 19:11 ). Verses 6-20 spell out the form which David believes this punishment should take. Davids plea that God not remain silent in verse 1b is a cry for help, as elsewhere (cf. 34:6; Num. Demonic voices saying no to my success and lifting, die suddenly in the name of Jesus. 5:9). Why then are we so uneasy about them? a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. B. Pray for God to remove corrupt leaders (58:7-9). Powers that have vowed not to allow . I think we have become entangled in a satanic conspiracy. In Psalm 139 while David prayed that God would slay the wicked (v. 19), he immediately opens his own heart to God, so that he may have his sins exposed and cleansed: Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way (Ps. (5) The expressions used are poetic and figurative, and not to be taken literally. Please help me to recognize their evil intentions. Thanksiving I declare that I am covered by the blood of Jesus and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Either the psalmist is self-deceived, a hypocrite or a liar. Protection from the Evil One Prayer. (9) While the prayers of David are severe, his personal actions toward his enemies was gracious and kind. Calamity will not come upon us." You have heard the law that says, Love your neighbor. His comments on the imprecatory psalms (pp. 7 When he is judged, let him come forth guilty; And let his prayer become sin. 109:5) and treat them with kindness (as David did to Saul, Shimei, and the rest of his enemies). My Father, let all the works and efforts of the wicked against me turn into ashes in Jesus name. David asks God to look upon the prayers of his enemies as sin (v. 7b). The corrupt will be convinced (58:11). Whoever is pregnant with evil conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment. Do not let their false and hurting words of them touch me. Apparently as skinny as a shadow (v. 23), the psalmist also describes himself as one who is brushed aside as worthless, like a locust is shaken from a garment. In addition we must remember that all the psalms were recorded and preserved for public worship. We pray for these plans of evil to come to nothing. The prophet Jeremiah spoke stinging words of imprecation which parallel the prayers of David and others in the psalms: Do give heed to me, O Lord, and listen to what my opponents are saying! May 2017 February 2017 The nature of the sin of the wicked against David is especially informative. . All of the above observations lead me to the conclusion that the imprecatory psalms are far more relevant and applicable to Christians today than we would like to admit. read more. 225-360, in which that writer attempts (convincingly, in Perownes mind) to show that Shimei is the one referred to in Psalm 109. Rather than inspire pity from his accusers, they despise him and wag their heads in contempt (v. 25). Matt. But I declare that every chain of evil words spoken against me is now broken. (Rom. Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. Loud evil voices telling my helpers bad things about me and chasing my helpers away from me, run mad and die in the name of Jesus. But by Your strength and your power, I am saved, and I am an over-comer. David requested retribution for his enemies.195 Retribution is simply getting what you give. God in His mighty power intervened in the situation and cause the evil plots of Haman to backfire on him. (7) The prayers of Psalm 109 and other imprecatory psalms were correct for a saint who lived in the dispensation of the Law, but are not appropriate for those living in the Age of Grace: whilst we need not suppose that the indignation which burns so hotly is other than a righteous indignation, yet that we are to regard it as permitted under the Old Testament rather than justifiable under the New. 1ff.). Voices of wickedness speaking over my job and career, family and business, fall and die prematurely in the name of Jesus. 11:22). Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. Behind the scenes they were engaged in harmful activity. I sit in Christ at the right hand of God's throne, far above all principalities and powers, and every satanic spirit operating on earth and everywhere else ( Eph. 9-10). Likewise, those who are worthy of divine wrath are carefully defined. I thank God. Posted on March 2, 2023 by Constitutional Nobody. Isaiah 10:1. We can pray for mercy on these leaders who oppose God, but we can also stand on God's Word against the spiritual rulers in high places. David can pray thus because it is consistent with the teaching of the Old Testament that the prayers (and indeed all religious acts) of the wicked are an abomination to God (cf. Jer. The encouragements that are there for us (vs.9-11) This Psalm presents a vivid picture of many of our secular and spiritual leaders in Nigeria and Africa at large. FTE Psalm Of The Week I dont disagree. 8:00AM EDT 10/21/2021 Larry Tomczak. Cajetan argues that, unlike a heretical pope, a wicked pope could not be deposed by a council (as some wished) but he encourages both clergy and princes to offer resistance and impediment to the abuse of power. On top of this, however, he scolds his audience for neglecting the most effective means available to them: intercessory prayer. And a great man speaks the desire of his soul; Nor does the widows plea come before them. let the wicked reap the bitter fruit of their evil works. BUT, when declining to resist the temptation to Add More, my suggestion is to re-focus the object of such attentions from Them to Us its one rarer situations where petitionary prayer may more fruitfully be focused on self than others. also 1 Sam. Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. Davids petition is for Gods grace. Pray and declare that the work of your hand is blessed and is enjoying divine prosperity, in Jesus name. The righteous will rejoice (58:10). I move into another level of progress in the name of Jesus. 4.1 Prayer to cancel the evil plan of the enemy. The accusers will finally be silenced when God reveals Himself as Davids defender. Voices telling me its over for me, perish today in the name of Jesus.