Russia and Ukraine say they have swapped 50 prisoners of war amid the conflict. The latter, younger, will be at the origin of a huge scandal that will shake the church until 2029. You may be inclined to let friends and family members know some of your innermost thoughts this weekend but the planets warn that may not be such a good idea. (January 18, 1918August 18, 1991). Much like the high-on-fumes oracle at Delphi, Nostradamus' predictions are intentionally vague . He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop; In the context of warfare, the year 2023 is likely to see conflicts taking place both on land and on water. A little youngster born into poverty will charm a large gathering with his speech from the depths of Western Europe, and his popularity will spread to the kingdoms of the East. And who better to listen to than Nostradamus himself? Not as farfetched as most would think, especially if you know the secrets, aka documentary, The Coming War on China. Given the rising tensions in the world and the current situation in Ukraine, it is not improbable that Russia Ukraine war underway right now is likely to worsen in the coming days and months if China decides to invade Taiwan in a few days USA will start attacking China defending Taiwan. The price of wheat will be so high that man will be driven to eat his neighbor in desperation.This forecastwas also valid last year, but it did not happen. Heres hoping 2023 wont be either. In the context of warfare, the year 2023 is likely to see conflicts taking place both on land and on water. Although the conflicts seven-month timescale is grounds for joy, it is prudent to choose the path of prudence given the fearsome nuclear arsenals of nations, including America and Russia. Write your opinion about predictions in the comment section. The funeral of the Queen and the coronation of her successor will both be observed as national holidays, and the financial institutions and stock markets will be closed. . Yorkshire's Nostradamus: The life and prophecies of Mother Shipton, Josephine Baker: The iconic performer turned WWII hero, economic tumult will continue to get worse. A young child will be born of poor people, Love: Lucky Number: 27. AETNUK. This has been predicted as the conflict in Ukraine caused by Russia's invasion can grow even bigger, resulting in World War 3. AstrologerReda Wigleresearches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. 'A great war' Some claim that Nostradamus predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler but did he also predicted a great war would occur in 2023. From the depths of the West of Europe, This quatrain provides an accurate depiction and prediction of the atomic bombings that took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, Nostradamus only offered a few hazy prophecies concerning a warmonger, and some may conclude that he was referring to Putin. This Frenchman is recognized for foreseeing the emergence of Hitler, the attacks of 9/11, and the assassination of JFK in Les Prophties. In his letter (epistle) to King Henry II, Nostradamus describes a situation that matches the end of the Soviet Union in late 1991 with remarkable detail, even stating that this miserable daughter (the USSR) of the land of the North Wind (Russia) would be enlarged after a holocaust and war against fascist fatherlands (specifically describing the fascist lands as German, Roman, and Spanish) and then a cold war against the children of opposite ideas and would eventually collapse after just 73 years and 7 months. Who is Nostradamus? Donate . Nostradamus, a famous foreteller, predicted a dreadful battle in the upcoming year that numerous people took as an intensification of the violence recently. Nostradamus predicted 2K23 will see Celestial fire on the royal edifice. Taken literally, this could mean a meteor is headed straight for Buckingham Palace, burning down the house if you will. A third major prediction for 2023 points out that a man and a woman will work together to create a new society that will result in a common good. 665K views 1 year ago Nostradamus 17 Predictions for 2022 year of the tiger Here are some of Nostradamus' predictions for 2022: 1. Nostradamus is believed to have accurately predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler, World War II, the September 11 terrorist attack and the French Revolution, He appears to have predicted the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Nostradamus made five chilling predictions for 2023. Maybe this will make Musk rethink his plans? With one of humanitys major food sources in peril, maybe well take to eating each other after all. Another quatrain presents an equally dire vision of discord and violence: An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground. Howd he do? 6. The renunciation of friendship between these two countries could have repercussions for a great number of upcoming events on a global scale if this prediction turns out to be accurate. Nostradamus was fluent in several languages, including Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. 10 predictions of Nostradamus for 2023 year of the rabbit NOSTRADAMUS' MAJOR PROPHECIES FOR 2023. He had described a lengthy trail of fire-made sparkles in the skies. Throughout the bible, doomsday or the "end of times" has always referenced fire as the key factor at the end of the world. It was well known that Nostradamus was skilled at playing word games using the names of famous people in order to confuse those who attempted to understand his prophecies. Nostradamus: Which of his predictions came true? It is most probable that both will occur. And if Nostradamus is to be believed, the news for 2023 isnt good. Between admirers and detractors, Nostradamus leaves no one indifferent. So, in this post, lets check out more about. Nostradamus was a controversial figure in his time and faced criticism and persecution from religious authorities for his beliefs and practices. Other clues place the start of the war after late 1999, near the turn of the millennium, and no later than early 2002. That said, there may be some clues mapping out how things may unfold in the near future. Asteroid Shower Will Destroy Earth ( Geminids Meteors 14 December 2022). If the prophecies of Nostradamus come true and there is a full-scale nuclear war between the United States and Russia, then the average surface temperature of the planet will drop by 16 degrees Celsius, which is three times the temperature difference between now and the previous ice age, and 5 billion people will perish as a result. The volcano, still active, is also one of the highest peaks in the Indonesian archipelago. It's unlikely they will be able to keep what you tell them a secret. Happy Mid Autumn 2022 Festival: Was It Held in Mandarin? Thats if theres still a planet to land on, which is what Nostradamus seems to be inferring. Putin will be assassinated in 2022.3. These words may suggest some kind of revolt against the wealthy who have traditionally been insulated from the economic turmoil affecting the rest of society. According to his prediction, the conflict occurring between Russia and Ukraine could set to bring about a terrifying 'great war' next year in 2023. According to Nostradamus,man will finally succeed in setting his feet on the famous red planet. The beginning of World War 3.15. Lucky Color: Green. It does not store any personal data. The terrestrial magnetic field, our protective shield against dangerous solar radiations, has begun to deteriorate, with fissures the size of California appearing here and there.6. The French city of Rouen bizarrely appears to escape the battle in the scary prediction. [CDATA[// >