I can always resist something if I choose to. For positive affirmation Quotes , Images and videos . These affirmations for healing focus specifically on your mind and mental health, as well as your thoughts. A false growth. The first novel in our series of seven is nowpublished, and is acourageous story of a young teen growing up in a home filled with domestic violence, and how she manoeuvres her way through such a difficult situation and copes with the bullying that is also going on at school. SCIATICA:Being hypocritical. And you can sign up here for my brand new FREE 5 Day Mini Video Training Course that I mentioned in my video. 17. Do not use the words that describe any ailment or habits you want to break. BED-WETTING:Fear of parent. BONE PROBLEMS: Fear, anger, hatred. KIDNEYS If you would love to know how I can serve you as a Dream Builder Coach, feel free to click here. I am free. I choose joy and self-acceptance. Over-sensitivity. CHILDHOOD DISEASES:Belief in calendars & social concepts & false laws. Refusing to accept responsibility for our own feelings. FINGER (Thumb): Worry, always thinking. Healing affirmations can be used any time you want to balance and replace negative thinking with positive thinking so that you can be more prone to encourage, nourish and receive those positive healing benefits. I know that life is for me. Affirmation: I stand in truth and live and move in joy. I choose nutritious foods that fuel my body. Affirmation: I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new. BRONCHITIS: Inflamed family environment. Lack of love. If you picture a tragic accident, your heart races. GAS PAIN (Flatulence):Undigested ideas or concerns. Not wanting to accept what is going on. Deadening of the self. Affirmation:My mind and body are in perfect balance. Punishing the self. My diagnosis was the starting point to build a better life. T he power of positive thinking: Pathological worry is reduced by thought replacement in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I need healthy lungs so I will not touch cigarettes again. I am at peace. If you can, speak them outloud as you read them. Affirmation:I am flexible and flowing. HYPERVENTILATION: Resisting change. (And if youd like to learn how affirmations can help, then read this article on the 6 ways to effectively use affirmations.). If you say, I will quit smoking, every word of that is going to trip you up. I will cultivate a positive environment for my soul 5. CROUP: (SEE BRONCHITIS). Lungs Restoration: Cleanse & Detox Lungs, Theta Binaural Beats - Treatment for Asthma, Bronchitis - YouTube 0:00 / 1:03:03 Lungs Restoration: Cleanse & Detox Lungs, Theta Binaural Beats -. -ANUS, FISTULA:Incompletereleasingof trash. I become young again. I am safe. But within a matter of months of finally letting go of my resistance, the symptoms all went away. Chronic bitterness. Belief in ugliness. The throat chakra, also called Vishuddha, is thought to reside near the larynx and thyroid gland. Affirmation:The child is safe and loved. Fear of letting go. Lack of expression. I release all that is unlike the action of love. -BREAKS: Rebelling against authority. 125 health affirmations 1. I love and approve of myself. I am safe. I fully accept where I am and am ready to seize this opportunity to grow. Any text will do. STOMACH:Holds nourishment. Affirmation: I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience. Wars, dictatorships, famines, empires, carnage on such vast scales that we cant even comprehend. URINARY PROBLEMS:Feeling pissed off! This grief is perfectly valid and most of us will go through the recognised phases of grief. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer. Affirmation: I now go beyond other peoples fears and limitations. Affirmation:I relax knowing that I am safe. My life is not consumed by the need to count calories. When you override or ignore what the body is relaying, you interfere with the body's natural healing process. The child is welcomed & cherished. Resistance. Which is a road that can get rocky. 3. Not feeling good enough or clean enough. SEA SICKNESS:Fear. Affirmation: My bodily processes are a natural part of life. BALANCE, LOSS OF:Scattered thinking. Affirmation:I know that life always supports me. Belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty. 43. Affirmation: I rejoice in who I am. Always consult your doctor if you need urgent treatment.(Note: To experience the best sound, Use a pair of headphones. Affirmation:I take in & give out nourishment in perfect balance. Affirmation: I release all that is unlike love and joy in my mind. You express your feelings. 5. RABIES:Anger. I exercise to show my body I love it. Beingwish-washy about life. Not hearing the inner voice. Affirmation:I comfortably & easily release the old & welcome the new in my life. My lungs are strong and full of breath. Although there is no magic way to fix every aspect of your life, affirmations are the closest thing to it. Lack of Joy. Affirmation:I accept and rejoice in my masculinity. I trust and flow with the process of life. I love & approve of all that I am. I am wonderful just as I am. I choose to be a winner in life. Through the affirmations on healing below, we can start this process. THRUSH (VAGINAL INFECTION):Feeling sexually abused or exploited. healing affirmations for lungs. DEPRESSION: Anger, hopelessness. I have the skills to accomplish my goals. I accept life past, present and future. Who/what is being a pain in the neck? Even up to a few times in a row, a few times a day. All is well. Affirmation: My mind is at peace. I deserve a life filled with happiness and love. Affirmation:I am the very centre of life & I am totally connected in love. COUGHS: A desire to bark at the world. My positive thoughts and. In order to be healthy, you must work to keep all three in balance. I am my own person. SPLEEN:Obsessions. I have unshakeable inner strength. Allow yourself to receive this FREE gift and click on the link below to schedule the date and time that works best for you. Affirmation: As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. STROKE: Insecurity, lack of self-expression. I love myself and trust the process of life. Affirmation:I centre myself in safety & accept the perfection of my life. Shame. But there is also hidden and often forgotten grief that most (if not all) of us are carrying generational grief. Stuck in childhood. What is eating away at you? Related: How to Maintain a Positive Attitude. Feeling not good enough. You radiate self-respect. Stifled creativity. Affirmation:I am strong and capable. Revenge. Autor do artigo Por ; Data do artigo estranged from family and happy; benson funeral home worthington, mn obituaries em healing affirmations for lungs em healing affirmations for lungs Reading, saying aloud or listening to positive affirmations or mantras will help you in many ways. All is well. -UPPER: Lack of emotional support, or feeling unloved. A form of control those around you. Fear of the future. All is peaceful. Do not use negative words, like I have in these first three rules. Read, speak and/or listen, repeatedly. Stubbornness. I set health goals because I can achieve them. The grief and pain we see around us, triggers the grief and pain we are holding, maybe even trying to suppress inside us. Anger, But where? Enjoy watching Todays 2 minute video tip by Monique: Here are these wonderful LOVE affirmations: For those of you who are done with feeling tired and exhausted and who want to do something about it now. CONJUNCTIVITIS:Anger &Frustrationat what you arelooking in at life. I love and approve of myself. I hold all my experiences up to the light of love. COMA: Fear. Protecting the self. I create a safe new future. Affirmation: Life supports all of my thoughts; therefore, I love and approve of myself and all is well. Affirmation:I lovingly balance my mind & my body. Claire Eaglesona, Sarra Hayesb, Andrew Mathewsac, Gemma Permand, Colette R.Hirsch. Affirmation: I am loved and nourished by all around me. I create my good and my freedom with loving thoughts. I do not carry stress or tension in my body. BLOOD PROBLEMS:Lack of joy. Affirmations for a lonely heart. PANCREAS:Represents the sweetness of life. Old buried guck. My immune system is working efficiently 24/7 to fight off anything that might be harmful or unfavorable to my health. Compassion. AIDS:Feeling defenceless and hopeless. Sexual pressure and feelings of guilt or inadequacy. Positive affirmations for Healthy Lungs TWEET My throat and lungs are in perfect health My lungs are in perfect health and always function perfectly My throat and lungs are in perfect health I breathe in positive, healing energy and I breathe out toxins and negativity My lungs work perfectly I breathe easily and effortlessly at all times Affirmation:I am safe & secure at all times. What Your Body Wants To Hear Guided Meditation Series, Release, Heal & Transform Meditation Series, Healing Affirmations For Neck Pain Or Injury, Affirmations For Headaches & Migraine Relief, Emotionally Healthy Weight Loss & Body Image Affirmations, Protect Your Lungs Deal With Your Grief. Each moment in life is perfect. Affirmation:I am willing to change & to grow. Pulling away & in. 8. Affirmation:I rejoice in the feminine. ADDICTIONS: Running away from self. -SHOULDER PROBLEMS:Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Affirmation: I embrace and trust life knowing that I am safe and loved. I dont write any of this to scare you. FAINTING:Fear, cant cope, blacking out whats really going on. I am open to new ways of loving myself. Running from life. My throat and lungs are in perfect health, My lungs are in perfect health and always function perfectly, My throat and lungs are in perfect health I breathe in positive, healing energy and I breathe out toxins and negativity, My lungs work perfectly I breathe easily and effortlessly at all times, It is always easy for me to breathe on my own. Affirmation:I am safe & relax. Its safe to move. Affirmation:It is safe to grow up. Childish tears. Related: Winston Churchill Quotes for Inspiration. The ovum that made you, existed in your grandmothers body. SYPHILIS: (SEE VENEREAL DISEASE). Tell your brain what to believe. Affirmation:This child is wanted and welcomed and deeply loved. Welcome to this guided meditation on Healing Affirmations for Restoring Your Mind and Body. I am worth loving. But they're pretty understudied and we need to know more about them." There is no such thing as a bad hair day, my hair is always great! TEETH PROBLEMS: Being indecisive, not being able to break down ideas for analysis and decisions. Now, if youd like to get started with healing affirmations, then here are 45 healing affirmations for your mind, body, and soul that you can recite daily. CHILLS:Mental contraction. Heres a list of 125 affirmations that can help you feel more happy and whole in no time. Running from life. I am at peace with life. Protect Your Lungs - Deal With Your Grief The emotion associated with our lungs is grief. might help you identify some of your feelings and help you clear them. Affirmations To Heal & Open the Heart Chakra . If just a tiny modicum of that grief found its way into us, thats potentially a huge amount of hidden grief. Never will I smoke. I trust the process of life. Feeling over worked and over burdened. I am at peace. I am safe where I am. 2. Move past healed, right on in to fabulously healthy. I express my creativity. SINUS PROBLEMS: Irritation to someone, usually someone close to you. Not being allowed to cry. OSTEOPOROSIS: Feeling there is no support left in life. Affirmation:I move into my greater mood. ALCOHOLISM / ABUSE: Futility, guilt, inadequacy, self-rejection I am supported and loved during this process. I am looking forward to connecting with you. I am strong, wise and powerful. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. VENERAL DISEASE:Sexual guilt. is cottonseed oil safe for nut allergy I speak up for myself with ease. Afirmations for healing a broken heart. I am choosing to focus on mental wellness. I feel safe. Cutting off nourishment. Affirmation:The child is divinely protected & surrounded by Love. I AM good enough. I know how to manage my stress levels. Blockages may also affect the chest, arms, and hands, where the major channels of heart-energy circulation are located. I relax & trust the flow & process of life. DIZZINESS:Flighty, scattered thinking. I let go of negative thoughts and worries as I allow my body to heal. I move into joy. ANKLE PROBLEMS: Inflexibility and guilt Inability to receive pleasure. Helpless and hopeless. Healing the body from physical pain also helps in developing confidence and awakening wisdom. -EYES (Cataracts): Inability to see ahead with joy. I deserve to live a long, healthy life. I am a child of the most high; my life is whole and complete. I am safe in life. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N I am at peace with where I am. I am a beautiful expression of life, flowing perfectly at all times. ARTHRITIC FINGERS:A desire to punish. Affirmation:I am my own authority. BLOOD PRESSURE: 8. Life supports and loves me. -DEFORMITY:Mental pressure & tightness. Affirmation:It is safe to let go. Affirmation:My heart beats to the rhythm of love. If you are having trouble getting in tune with your spiritual side, these affirmations will help put you on the right track. SHINGLES:Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hope Recovery, PO Box 411, Clinton, IN 47842 Phone: (765) 505-8908 recovery@hope4-recovery.org Supporting Survivors of Abuse & Sexual Trauma Usually at the opposite sex or lover. I am at Peace. I am safe and I am totally adequate for all situations. ABSCESS:Fermenting thoughts over hurts, slights and revenge. Iassimilatethe new every moment of everyday. FIBROIDS:Nursing a hurt from a partner, a blow to the feminine ego. I see others with love. Annoyance with surroundings. 4. BABY ASTHMA:Fear of life. 67. Affirmation:It is safe for me to experience joy in every area of my life. But with this list of positive affirmations, we can pave that road to health with brand new pavement. BURNS: Anger, burning up inside. PROSTATE:Represents the masculine principle. Fear of Death. Affirmation:Love relaxes & releases all unlike itself. Not feeling worthy. I am free to move forward with love in my heart. UTERUS:Represents the home of creativity. Trying to escape from something or someone. My life is filled with health and happiness. QUINSY:A strong belief that you cannot speak up for yourself and ask for your needs. The intelligence of the Universe operates at entry level of life. Refusal to change. 82. Refusing to see good. I am in-tune with the universe and my surroundings; the universe always watches over me. "My body is part of the natural world and a unique and beautiful sacred creation to cherish.". BAD BREATH:Anger & Revenge thoughts. I am open to seeing everything that is no longer serving me, and I am willing to see it all with love. . NAUSEA: Fear, rejecting an idea or experience. I trust my own wisdom. I treat my body with the love and kindness it deserves. I do not need to seek out the truth, it issteadily being revealed to me as the universe sees fit. Affirmation:I loving & joyously accept my sexuality & its expression. 89. Stopping the process. Affirmation:I relax & allow my mind to be peaceful. Repeating the right affirmations can transform the way you think, and ultimately, your life as you know it. 116. Affirmation:I balance my masculine energy easily and effortlessly. I feel comfortable being alone. Affirmations:I love and approve of myself. I believe in the benefit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. PUBIC BONE:Represents protection. I see that clearly. ARM PROBLEMS:Represent the capacity & ability to hold the experience of life. Feeling ofoppression& defeat. Possessive. I rejoice in my sexuality. All is well in my heart now. Purging self hatred. I eat food to nourish and celebrate my body. I have written a few that help me. I am enough, and I have everything I need inside of me. Affirmation:I love & approve of myself. Affirmation:I love and approve of myself and i alone create sweetness and joy in my life. ANORECTAL BLEEDING:Anger &Frustration. How to find relief from fever using acupressure, How to heal fever with this LOVE affirmation. So, if this idea resonates with you and you feel uplifted or you know someone that could also benefit from my video series, please share this blogpost with them! I am safe. Hardened narrow-mindedness. WISDOM TOOTH IMPACTED:Not giving mental space to create a firm foundation. No person, place or thing has any power over me. I create only good in my life. Things are always working in my favor. Affirmation: I am completely open to life and to joy. ADENOIDS:Family friction, arguments. Wishy-washy people. Below is a list of powerful health affirmations that you can choose from, for your physical and mental health: I am happy, healthy, safe, and free. LOW: I now choose to live in the ever-joyous NOW. Affirmation:My thoughts flow freely & easily. Affirmation:I love and approve of myself. Affirmation: I release the past. My life is a joy. -ANUS PAIN:Guilt. Affirmation:I am alive to the joys of living. Affirmation: I live in the now. VAGINITIS:Anger at mate. Anxious to please. Feelings of guilt, shame or repressed sexual feelings, or being intimate with the wrong person. HEART ATTACK:Squeezing all the joy out of life, in favour of money or position. PILES:See Haemorrhoids. I have respect for myself. It is safe to grow up. 3. Fear & trying to hold onto new ideas. I am at peace with life. Affirmation:I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love. I live a healthy lifestyle. I am worthwhile. A feeling of being over-powered. -FINGER (Index): Fear of authority, or egotistical; abusing your authority. This is a comprehensive list of illnesses and their emotional causes, and the affirmations needed to help heal from them according to the successful Louise Hay Affirmations for Illnesses techniques. Just be aware, that if you are struggling with grief or sadness you cant explain, these are some avenues you might want to explore. CAR SICKNESS:Fear. 9. My mental health diagnosis and issues do not define who I am as a person. My body is my friend, and I treat it at such. I am doing right things at present. I am at peace. Affirmation:I release in me that created this. PNEUMONIA:Desperate. The Best Smoothie for Asthma Happy Lungs! I express my feelings. Move past healed, right on in to fabulously healthy. Peace. Fear of Life. Affirmation:I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love. Listen to me! LARYNGITIS: Fear of speaking up. Affirmation:The past is over. Here are a list of the best daily self affirmations and positive quotes for your heart. 2. "I thank my body for breathing.". Inflexibility. All is well. My positive thoughts and actions renew my health and body. I believe in myself. 124. I am open to healing, and I invite positive energy into my life. I only treat myself with the utmost compassion, kindness, andlove. It is safe to be alive. Sometimes silent. You are loved. SORE THROAT: Holding in angry words. How to Buy & Store Produce For Juicing & Smoothies. AGEING PROBLEMS: Social beliefs. It wont work anyway. I am safe. I love life, and circulate freely. Affirmation:Joyous new ideas are circulating freely within me. Affirmation: I only create peaceful experiences because I love myself. Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am safe. Affirmation:I am well structured & balanced. MENSTRUAL IMBALANCE/PMS: Rejection of ones femininity. I say only kind things about myself. Affirmation:I love and approve of myself. FLU: Responding to mass negativity. My life gets better every day. BLADDER PROBLEMS:Anxiety. Affirmation:I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Better to die than stand up for ones self. Affirmation:I understand clearly and I am willing to change with the times. BREATHING PROBLEMS: Fear or the refusal to take in life. CALLUSES:Hardened concepts & Ideas. I choose to fill my life with joy. Yes, I would love to have a FREE Yes to more me time without feeling guilty session with Monique! I control my thoughts, and I choose to think positively. Feeling unable to express the self. The emotion associated with our lungs is grief. Lack of financial support. 4. CRYING:Tears are the river of life. I rejoice in my sexuality. ACNE: Not accepting or disliking self. I am strong. BLOOD:Represents joy in the body, flowing freely. Affirmations for attracting and . Like, I am not scared. Change that to I am amazingly brave. Avoid no, not, non, none, wont, cant, anti-, un, stop, quit, etc. ANUS:Releasing point. You selected to come out that way. I now choose o take in life fully & freely. Affirmation:There is time & space for everything i need to do. I take care of my physical body through regular exercise and eating healthy foods. ACHES: Longing for love. I follow through and support myself with love. Affirmation: I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence. Contributing factors to lung problems can be issues such as having difficulty standing up for yourself, constantly needing support or approval, feeling weepy, sad, or tired, unexpressed grief and unshed tears. Often represents fear and shows a need for protection. I am loving and lovable. -BLOOD CLOTTING:Closing down the flow of joy. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; If you are a beginner then don't try to fit too much at once)Love From Good Vibes#goodvibesofficial #lungsrestoration #binauralbeats #cleanseyourlungs #treatmentforasthmaPLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL \u0026 Click the bell icon () to get the notification of regular updatesLooking For Royalty-free Meditation Music? https://bit.ly/3jb15TdDownload our app to listen to our music offline Download Android App: http://bit.ly/2Fk1qAe Download Our IOS APP: https://apple.co/2Vvk0A1Connect with Us Facebook: https://bit.ly/2yGkp8x Twitter: https://bit.ly/34hH4DK Instagram: https://bit.ly/3c480tp Good Vibes all rights reserved.