Luckily, there are published official data on various sourcebooks. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Guenhwyvar's relationship to Drizzt is unique. if you made her statblock she'd have resistance to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and you'd need to dial up her hit points (I forget the exact limits of her physical resilience, but the fact that you're not hitting her real body makes her much harder to kill than normal figurines). 5th Edition Statistics Size Medium Type Beast Alignment Unaligned Challenge rating 14 General Information Vision Low-light vision Homeland (s) Warm forests Appearance Average length ~4' (~120 cm) Average weight ~120 lbs. 16. Dungeons and Dragons Drizzt Do'Urden Modern Icons Statue. ), In sum, the idea is that Gwen levels up with the player (their stupid astral spiritual hippie bond increases), taking the place of any other equipment/magical items. Gallery For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. [1], es:Guenhwyvar If you issue no commands, the creature defends itself but takes no other actions. Simply spending time on the Prime Material Plane slowly drains the panther's strength. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Press J to jump to the feed. Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider,,,, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. . (+2 defending scimitar), figurine of wondrous power: onyx panther (name Guenhwyvar), anklets of speed . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. she wasn't the statue - her creation process had some things go. ah "sideways" during production. The difference has come up, because her metabolism is much weirder than normal figuring animals - e.g. Astral Plane[3] Guenhwyvar as we know her is a panther from the astral plane that is summoned through an onyx figurine of wondrous power. How do we give this girl some flair and power for a moment of glory so she can shine and show off her stuff to a party whom adores animals. The panther was created by writer R.A. Salvatore, who named one of his own cats after the panther. It understands your languages and obeys your spoken commands. 21.3k. hide. Guenhwyvar I wish fantasy writers would stop screwing it up even further. I've been reading all about Drizzit and Guenhwyvar , and have fallen in love with Guenhwyvar. She's also not enslaved by her summoner, like with normal figurines - she's akin to an actual animal you have to actually befriend. E.g. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development. You are using an out of date browser. But one thing is certain: Whoever owns the figurine will be able to summon a black panther companion called Guenhwyvar. flurry of blows) although this expends twice as much ki as normal (unsure about this, but some of them would be cool). What if she is Drizzt's great8 grandaughter or whatever, and her quest is to find her old family heirloom - the Gwen statue. I am afraid to submit it to make it public for fear of copyright infringement and penalties, as I have already had warnings for avatars that were copyright protected. Other concepts will include the Ranger . It is named after the book series by the same name recounting the adventures of the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden and his friends. If the panther moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +9 Skills Medicine +9, Nature +5, Perception +9 Senses passive Perception 19 Languages Druidic plus any two languages Challenge 12 (8400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 I even saw a 3.5 descrition of Drizzt with barbarian, ranger, and mostly fighter levels. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. I would say that my answer is more based on conjecture and what I could find precedent for. And never do they share the winnings. Designed for 1-5 players, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play. He likely wouldn't be a monoclassed ranger, despite being one in AD&D and in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. Guenhwyvar's figurine was crafted by the finest dwarven craftsman in the Cormanthor region and enchanted by Anders Beltgarden, a 75-year-old human ranger/wizard who lived not far outside Myth Drannor in 253 DR.[10] It was to be a parting gift for Anders' friend, the Bladesinger Josidiah Starym, before Anders died of old age,[11] but Josidiah saw an intelligence in the giant panther's eyes that he felt should not be caged, let alone killed; he thought her body should not be enslaved to magic and a master's command. report. Some I've converted from 2E, while others appeared in 3E material and I just re-wrote them. Guenhwyvar has saved Drizzt's life more than once in their common history. [6] Guenhwyvar herself was described as a "huge black panther."[8]. save. Drizzt returned to Masoj and told him his life would be spared if Masoj would give him Guenhwyvar's statuette. . Drizzt and Guenhwyvar are available for pre-order exclusively at Hasbro Pulse. This Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms Drizzt & Guenhwyvar action figure set is available exclusively through Hasbro Pulse, and comes with 6 cards and an oversized Icewind Dale d20. The panther can slip between planes and has frequently saved the Drow Ranger and his companions from threats they could not otherwise survive. [15] Anders intended for Guenhwyvar's spirit to become fused with the onyx statuette; the statuette was to transform into the panther when instructed by its owner, like any other such magical item. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Also, the figurine summoned Guen rather than transforming into her as a normal figurine would, making the magic item truly unique. But as was pointed out in the comments, these books are older. However just looking at the various DMG descriptions of these magical items does not necessarily provide a good answer, because: (i) each kind of figurine generally has different stated powers and abilities; (ii) many descriptions about how Guenhwyvar is called to Faern and its origin story (detailed in a short story published in the 1995 Realms of Magic anthology, and later reprinted in the 2011 The Legend of Drizzt Anthology) conflicts with the generic descriptions of the figurines in the DMG. Drizzt Do'Urden was a drow. Spending a sufficient amount of time there regenerates the cat completely and it can be called forth again. I created a rough 5e version of Drizzt's panther Guenhwyvar in Homebrew. 39.9k. In the fictional universe of the Forgotten Realms, Guenhwyvar is a magical black panther from the Astral Plane. Guen[2] In Sea of Swords, Drizzt and Catti-brie have a "fight", and Guenhwyvar pushes Drizzt to the ground, holding him there. I asked her what type of pet she prefers, and she mentioned cats. He was also Drizzt Do'Urden 's father, his mentor and his dearest friend. I run a 4e campaign for my wife and son, and one of the suggestions I received on these boards for making a TPK less likely was to let them have pets. There is no edition tag. Because of Catti-brie's quick thinking, Guenhwyvar was saved, and once the time of troubles passed things were restored to normal. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? The sentence structure denotes "her" as Guenhwyvar, with the friends in reference being Drizzt and Catti-brie. So did acquisitions incorporated just steal Guenhwyvar from Drizzt? The creature obeys and serves its owner. That being said, I've look across the interwebs, and can't find a good stat block or even half decent for what i'm thinking of her. It may not display this or other websites correctly. [6][7], Guenhwyvar was summoned through a detailed onyx figurine of a panther. Unless stated otherwise, the creature understands Common but does not speak. The Guenhwyvar attacks random targets within a 20-meter radius of Drizzt and as a bonus, is incapable of taking any form of damage. However, the panther is not pronounced that way. temecula valley imaging patient portal. In the novels, Guenhwyvar is actually from the astral plane, and Drizzt summons her into the material world with a small onyx statue that she has been bound to. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? 2023 Wizards. She builds a drow, but demands a tiger pet. [OC] A home for all my 5e things! . Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Guenhwyvar. We all know that he is a drow trained as a fighter. JavaScript is disabled. Her indications of understanding are subtle; she doesn't show off her intelligence, and has a laconic demeanour in her physical responses, suitable to a proud and intelligent great cat. See the editing guidelines for ways to contribute. Some people believe the Onyx Figurine Of Wondrous Powers is an ancient dwarven artifact, but nobody really knows where it came from, and who brought it to Skyrim. Gwen is capable of some of the monk's ki actions (e.g. With the help of the panther and Anders, the monsters were defeated, but the cat was mortally wounded from the battle. Guenhwyvar cannot speak, but can understand Drizzt. "sideways" during production. Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! She can be summoned by calling her name to the black onyx figurine, for up to twelve hours of every 48-hour period. So did acquisitions incorporated just steal Guenhwyvar from Drizzt? He was Fighter 10/Ranger 5/Barbarian 1 in 3.5 and a Skirmisher in 4E. He has darkvision and +2 to saving throws against spells and spell-like effects; he's lost his normal spell resistance, as he's been on the surface too long. [7] When summoned, the figurine emitted a gray mist which quickly solidified into the panther shape. Homebrew rules - Guenhwyvar figurine . Permission to post my version of Guenhwyvar (from the Drizzt series) for insight in balance. [19], Dinin Do'Urden in drider form as he fights Guenhwyvar on the cover of The Legacy, In 1328 DR, Masoj ordered Guenhwyvar after Drizzt to kill him. In the fictional universe of the Forgotten Realms, Guenhwyvar is a magical black panther from the Astral Plane.