I was 15 at the time, and clearly fan-girling over her boyfriends band but she didnt give off even the slightest hint of rudeness, or jealousy, or possessiveness. They were both hardcore heroin addicts and much of their life and their relationship was very, very ugly. It is even hard this far out but so freeingI have terminal cancer and if I could I would have love to have given your daughter whatever it was in me to make this happen so she could be here with you Addiction is a disease and one we need to address in this country very seriously without all the judgementWe shall just pray for all the negative talk out there if there is and the ironic thing is that it is those that judge other addicts that will discover it is in their own family! It was for that, not because he was mean or wanted to date, he just wanted them both to get well and even said he wished Rehab had Co-Addictive Behavior Counselling for couples, which I was trying to help with at Wickenburg. Theyd have taken her by the arms, and said, Not to mention the way she speaks about Jerry Lets not forget that the guy wrote (and still writes) most of the beautiful and haunting AIC music. We lost so many friends its no wonder the ones that are left behind like me and Darin.. suffer from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) not unlike a war torn vet would but the only difference is people dont see us as heroes we brought this upon ourselvesthe uncontrollable addiction that is .. Heroin. We all were our suing a buzz in those days and the idea was to just be careful. I remember I was shooting video for Nancy at one of those tributes five years ago -shooting man on the street interviews outside, and Mike pulled up in a limo and talked to some of us , and we chatted but he was high as a kite. People also asking: . thank you Barbara if you see this for sharing all this information. Me and some other fans have read nearly everything we could find on Layne and there has not been a mention of any girlfriend except Demri. or Tracy Johnson.. all of them can be found on my Facebook friends list. Believe me. BECAUSE YOU ARE SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED!! I also want to be straight up about why Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike are gone now theyre stories should never be romanticized. I have nooo clue i would never have imagined in a million years Id be doing what Im doing today if I was asked back thenI have 3 kids.. @ Eric: Nothing. I am here to support if I can but a simple chat is as far as Ill go. Did Layne Staley lose his teeth? Ive read things on here claiming that she took his money and relied on him financially, but I cant say Ive ever read anything to say this is true. I think there are clues around us every day of something more and that when we die were NOT gone forever so I will continue to believe that something happens I just dont know what it is yet. also if you look up Demri Parrott Dave Hillis, theres a pic of her in not great condition soon before she passed. I guess most all questions have been answered on this lovely site. I started writing about her online about 12 years ago now and some of the pictures I posted can still be seen floating around online like the one of them kissing taped to my wall or the black and white ones of her in the coat and hat.. all print outs I received from Darin from her memorial. Prayers are with you at this Holiday time. I never met Demri but I used to rehearse at Naf and played at the Offramp and RCKNDY , so I met Layne, Mike, Sean and Jerry a few times. The book was poorly written. The drug grabbed a hold of me and before I knew it I was doing dumb shit to get my hands on it. He literally looked up to the sky and said, Thank you for this feeling., DAMON STEWART Right after the release of Facelift, Layne and I became roommates in Seattle. Its a tribute vid, and at 5:45 (and I mean exactly easy to miss!) I hope things are getting better for you and if not you hear me and please go get help. Big hugs! Barbara D. I wish they were still hear every time I listen to him sing I cry its so sad Ive been fighting my addictions for 20 years its a daily struggle but the music keeps me alive for now I pray there together energy doesnt die the spirit is forever. I dont know where he went though, and even the people who he rented from thought he was still living there. The second one has just a part of the interview becouse it also has Primus and Tool too, but the image quality is better. I have been to many drug places. (Im sure this is an exaggeration but you get the idea.) Being so removed from the reality of it all only made it more exciting though, and through all my adult years I have regularly sought out every bit of information I could about the real lives of the musicians involved, and in this case, their significant others. I am aware however that when your in heroin there is no thinking positive when your adducted to it because your brain is drained of the hormone that makes you happy. Then I read this post and it all made sense who this Koa is and what her role might have been in their lives. Dave. Hey would call her to be around him and of course she would eventually relaps and hed kick her to the curb. 3 years ago | 67 notes #demri parrott #demri lara parrott #demri #layne staley #alice in chains #seattle grunge #seattle grunge scene #demri forever "Demri could communicate and socialize beyond her years. I know they seem crazy and all, but I have heard peoples stories on YouTube about how veganism, particularly the type that involves mostly raw fruits (unprocessed raw produce is key) changed their lives. Just one of many reasons I want to be cremated so Im not out in a cemetery forgotten about like by some prick like that! I go to ER find out i have endocarditis again because after u get ur valve replaced it can EASILY get infected again. She also has Demris engagement ring that Layne gave her. Thank you so much for sharing your story it means a lot and people who do not understand need to hear it. When they began the KISS tour, Layne had been clean for a (relatively) long time, but I remember he was very scared to leave. Not Demri, sorry. Hope you write that book about the two of them and/or those times! Feb 8, 2019 - Explore Ken Ferrell's board "Demri parrott" on Pinterest. I knew Layne circa 94 99, Demri circa 96 right before shd died. You need to be happy. It is a horrible existence. Addicts in your life should never be seen as selfish assholes.. most are actually just broken and sad and while they may come off as being selfish because they wont get clean for you most are just not equipped to know HOW to get clean or are too scared to try. Demri had a look that seemed to define the musical era, beautiful in a small-town way with her bright eyes, round cheeks, and curly hair. Around 94 Layne began to realize that to become clean and stay with her, she also needed to be clean. Laynes riff with Jerry was for telling him he needed to go to rehab and not going himself, hearing Laynes solo music and taking it to the band and borrowing his 8-track and erasing his stuff with Maynard (I dont think Jerry noticed it was on there). Demri Parrott (demrilaraparrott)'s profile on Myspace, the place where people come to connect, discover, and share. Dearest Dem, I will forever miss you..you silly, sweet, wild and precious fairy child. The picture depicted Staley enjoying a cigarette outside the venue. Its kinda surreal to read some of these stories from people who were actually there. Id love to hear your take on any of them if you do read them though. The did accept him but it never worked out. Hes a different person on coke. Being and ex-heroin addict myself, I know first hand the trials and tribulations that come with doing hard drugs, trying to keep a relationship going with my addicted girlfriend, and playing in a rock band, all at the same time. Layne and "Demri's" families have the right to mourn them with dignity and they have a right to remember their loved one's through very rose tinted glasses. I think this is Rachel that made Andys purple hand hat. . We need to find a way to unite and help our sons, daughters, friends, lovers, entertainers. Especially if youre their parents, siblings or children. But in continuing with heroin and coke, she damaged her body more, to the point of no return. Having the time of their lives, without drugs, and living things up with harmony, peace, and love. I can understand that to a degree, but we were pals, and I wasnt gonna Ward was when Layne went on tour and he quit paying rent there. He wanted a teddy bear that Demri Lara Parrott had and who had stayed with her at the hospital.. The same to you, Barbara, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Very seldom been wrong. This website was also made with the AIC fans in mind and to introduce you to themthe real Demri not just the girlfriend of Layne Staley. We got along at first. I had a rule for my comments if more then one link was added to a comment then it would be held for moderation.. this is to stop people from posting spam comments with links to their websites.. Yes, shes there. Mike met with her because when Layne got mad she refused his calls so Mike did it to tell her off and because he wanted to find out why he was ejected from the band and figured it was from Melinda and Sean breaking up. Their pain or their struggle. I too adore the photo of Demri on the couch, didnt she have the prettiest, most elegant little hands?! I honestly hope so but if not.. no judgment here just love and understanding. I could go on for days with stories, but I wont. Demri Parrott was born on 22 February 1969 in Bremerton, Washington, USA. There are very few who are strong enough to keep up the fight for as long it will take to stop completely and for a lifetime. FULL FILM: https://youtu.be/qMlLfrU5fjsAlice in Chains lineup throughout the Layne Staley era consisted of Layne Staley (87 - 98), Jerry Cantre. Layne and Demri always thought I could help people get clean for some reason when I never did and Mike thought I could help by getting him on the show Intervention. The hat was donated to them because I have never sold a thing of Andys and I was afraid of what may happen to it should something happen to me. All the pain and suffering when their lives could have been filled with so much love and happiness. Yes, they had other loves, yes, they were not dating at the time of her death, yes, Demri was off on a jag, staying with someone else. Layne apparently adored her; he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. Do you know if you have the first version or the second? Im at a low point in my life, and any more information about Demri would be greatly appreciated. I think at that point Jerry got pissed and tired of waiting around and did his own music. Did she have a license? She was loved by many, but always on the run, Layne got her and him a house, but shed stay only a few nights, never moving in. Rosheen and Demri RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997, Demri Parrott and Layne Staley Love Hate Love, More pictures of Demri can be found on my Flickr account at:RememberingDemri. But they just often acted like a married couple. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. I haven't seen her in years, but I had a thing for her since the moment I laid my eyes on her and I can't get her out of my head to this day. Also Layne hid that he used drugs even when people knew he didnt advertise it by being associated with it. People are complex and I never knew her but it seems this tribute site exists because she earned it. He also did Mad Season at some point in there. Photographer unknown. Demri could pull of any look and this picture is a great example of her versatility as a model. God bless you all. I respect that. A loving comment from Kathleen (Demris Mother) after she ran into Darin Lamb and found out about my website for the first time what a blessing. Just let them know youll be there when theyre ready to get clean. Their children. The next year they got invited to play Unplugged and did a couple of songs for a movie and then Demri died in October and Layne kindof shut himself off. She is such a facinating person and it will be almost surreal to see her on video. For opening your heart with all of us, for sharing your love and passion for Demri, for making her not being forgotten I feel a very strange connection to him, like I can almost remember bits and pieces of his life through my own eyes. Im lucky to have 2 beautiful little girls that keep my life full. Gah, Mike Starr was a weird one. The site is great, the pictures are beautiful, and it so wonderful that we can remember them. At that point people were comparing the drugs as to why it was only him. Depends on the person but most would do anything to be all that their families wanted for and from them but addicts can get so far gone and lost that they cant see the light at the end of the heroin tunnel anymore and heroin has become their everything. He is artistic, plays the drums and guitar, he has natural talent. His style was like no other. It could be her though because she would definitely go to that show and she did have long hair like that (although her hair was more wavy I think) and there were a lot of people coming up to her and talking which would mesh with how popular she was. im not an angel either, no one is, but alchohol is my stupid drug, whish it wasnt so, makes you fat and sick. Thanks for keeping this site up. Now I dont have to worry about that anymore. e_wink.gif I was only then getting to know Layne and I liked him a lot. i recently posted this link on another demri question, but check out this site if you want to know about her. My tricuspid valve was infected and a large vegetation had grown on it. I came across this site while listening to Laynes music on line.I along with many others loved his music and now I see why Layne loved Demri.I never new them but feel such a love from this website and the pictures of Demri and Layne. and this: watch?v=LL29f0AehNI Perhaps because her obituary mentions she loved to play in front of the camera, people have a particular hope that a video of her will someday surface. It seems like Demri was homeless, staying here and there. Did you hear this new record by this band? And I loved itI thought it was so cute. And actually now seeing how long this thread is and the content I am not interested it at all. I will pray for peace and healing for you and youre children. He found her like that, turned on the heating, drove home and did his laundry, leaving her in the car. Thank you for this wonderful website. Demri is a beautiful woman. As her mother, when I am missing her most all I have to do is google..I am so happy you made it, I tried to direct Rosheens Mother Tina to your site but she didnt get it so I will continue to try. If it is made up, then she is an amazing writer. I had an office in town and they kept bugging me to come over. I try to study the different religions, lead a good life, treat others like I want to be treated and reach out to others who need it. Are there any pictures of her last months of her life / heroin days? Certain parts of this story are definitely true. I will forever cherish our short time together. By then, Demri had also become addicted to heroin. Bless you, get well, and have a Happy New Year filled with love, happiness, and joy. LoveRats 11:31 PM 11-24-2010 Demri Parrott was former ex-girlfriend of singer Layne Staley from Alice in Chains. I needed to get back to work and Id drive them crazy getting up every couple hours and putting my ears to their mouth to make sure they were breathing. They can numb you from all the pain. Its extremely heartbreaking. I watched so many people either die or just become such a broken mess they probably wish they were dead. I paid a professional hat blocker a lot of money to help me with the final construction, but I bought all the fabric and designed them, I dont even know who Rachel is. That doesnt mean I dont care that just means I wasnt aware. Truly a loving person. Since it didnt kill them at their first try, which it does to many, they continued on with it. She was really sweet and really cool. I am good today but I did have to leave Seattle and start a whole new life away from everyone I knew. Also there is a pretty controversial youtuber whos channel is Freelee the Banana Girl, and she does cuss a lot lol, but her videos can definitely help. SomeoneI dont want to say whobrought him some heroin because they couldnt find any coke. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. I will never be whole again and I keep stuffing the pain down and filling the hole in my soul with heroin but I never am rid of the pain nor am I ever joyful and worst I think of allI dont even feel alive. I heard that methadone is harder to kick than H in some cases. He was not her boyfriend he was older than her parents, but he was in love with her and thought the were going to get married. Given the seriousness of why you were there you thought she would be upset and she was glad to have you there and her gone. I know this is an old post but why did you put Demris name in quotes? According to Alice in Chains: The Untold Story, it was love at first sight. Haha! Young, but very sexy. See at 2:32 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot0g2SWqnK8 there are two girls. It is possible. Much love to you, from W. Seattle xoxo. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. Moreover, his body's autopsy and toxicology report revealed that Layne was laying two weeks before the police found him in his Seattle condo.