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Anna later tells Mary of her troubles. Edna Braithwaite is a supporting antagonist on the series, Downton Abbey, serving as the final antagonist in Series 3, (the main antagonist in the Series 3 Christmas Special) and the central antagonist in Series 4. Robert very reluctantly agrees, and feels sorry that Edith is a "spinster" with no boyfriend or prospects in sight. Bates then disappears and is now on the run. His father was a local farmer and William used to help with the horses. She becomes distant from everyone, and is unable to even bear Mr Bates's touch, as she confesses to Mrs Hughes that she feels she no longer deserves him, and feels unclean. She also feels, knowing Michael granted her power of attorney and she might inherit all he has if he is confirmed dead, that she must give something to their daughter, whom she then decides to reclaim. After a financial scare, Matthew becomes a co-owner of the estate, and begins working on plans to modernise it with the new agent, brother-in-law Tom Branson. Shortly after the war, Cora has Spanish influenza and nearly dies before making a full recovery. Maureen Lee Lenker of Entertainment Weekly described Barrow as one of the series' "most polarizing figures".[14]. In the first film, she reveals she is pregnant with Bertie's child. This section is for listing events that take place prior to the beginning of the series. Gwen endears herself to the family by revealing that the late Lady Sybil had gone to great lengths to help Gwen become a secretary, and that Sybil's kindness had changed her life. From the start it is clear that Lord Grantham finds Jane attractive and he takes a great interest in the education of her twelve-year-old son, Freddie. She later tells Mrs Patmore that she is ready to start planning her wedding to Andy. Downton Abbey is arguably one of the most popular period dramas of all time. It's not such a free place any more. Later, at the memorial, Mary speaks to Bates, certain that Anna will not be convicted, and feels there will not even be a trial, as the police have nothing to go on. An unofficial will from Matthew comes into the family's hand, Thomas plots against Anna, Rose gets involved in a scrap at a servant . Edna is a former housemaid who is conniving and scheming. He is caught by Alfred, who walks in on this scene and eventually tells Mr Carson at O'Brien's insistence. It is he who eventually talks Lady Mary out of her listless grief over Matthew's death. Charles Blake stages a scene where Mabel and Tony come across Charles and Mary supposedly in a passionate kiss, and finally, Tony gives up on Mary and decides to marry Mabel. After Matthew dies in a car accident Molesley loses his job, moves in with his father and struggles to find work as a servant, forced to be a road construction worker and delivery boy. [1] He, however, is not ready for romance because he is still in mourning for his wife, Lady Sybil Branson. The final series also deals with Carson downsizing staff to adjust for the current times. Edna Braithwaite was a general maid who arrived at Downton Abbey in September 1921 and left soon after, then . He eventually takes a position in a smaller household, but when Carson develops an illness, Barrow is invited back to Downton to become the new butler. Andrew serves drinks before a fox hunt. In this, she failed, as Mrs. Hughes exposed her scheme (where she would have found a person to get pregnant by and tried to saddle the baby on Tom. She has a strong bond with her granddaughter Mary, to whom she is the most similar. Elsie worked as a maid at Duneagle Castle for an unknown period of time. The overjoyed couple once again begin to discuss and plan their future. At the end of series one, William punches Barrow for his cruel remarks regarding Lady Grantham's miscarriage and the death of William's mother. Then she learns he got into a fight with some men in Munich after taking exception to what they were saying. Edna claims that Tom still seduced her, and Mrs Hughes reminds Edna it was she who got Tom drunk, then climbed into his bed, meaning she was in no way seduced. When Rose responds that the prince was very popular, the king dryly remarks that "the prince is never short of popularity." "[16], Alexander Chee of The New Republic described O'Brien as the show's "best, most complex villain" and stated that her departure made the show less interesting. Robert later realises Marigold bears a strong resemblance to Gregson, and then tells Cora that he thinks Marigold is Edith's daughter. Shortly beforehand, Thomas signs up to the Royal Army Medical Corps in an effort to avoid being sent to the frontline for the war that is soon coming. Isobel later receives a marriage proposal from Lord Merton, and despite a health scare and his sons' attempts to prevent the marriage, Isobel decides to marry him in the final series. In the third series, she grows to like Alfred but resents Ivy, the new kitchen maid, who steals Alfred's attention. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. When Mrs Bird refuses to work with a former prostitute, she chooses to leave. In the second film, their son, Peter, is an infant, and Edith is once again involved in the day-to-day running of her publishing company and writing articles. The rest of Anna's pregnancy goes seemingly without a hitch. In 1913, Mason's wife dies of a heart attack leaving him on his own on their farm. He threatens Mrs Hughes with leaving Downton in order to find out what is wrong with his wife. "[17] Finneran believed that O'Brien "was great to play. In the last episode of series one, O'Brien comes to believe that Cora is going to replace her. Later, when Kemal Pamuk, an Ottoman diplomat, visits Downton, Thomas attempts to kiss him. By 1923, he still has not been found, but pieces of what happened to him are coming to light. She also seems to have protective feelings towards Daisy when she suspects that some of the other staff such as Thomas or Miss O'Brien are trying to make a fool or take advantage of her. She runs into Thomas, and calls him sly, oily, and smug. In 1920, he expresses his wish to name Daisy his sole heir, and asks her to come live at the farm so he may teach her how to run it. In 1912, she brings private papers of her uncle Jonathan Swire, a Liberal minister, to Sir Richard Carlisle since Sir Richard plans to financially ruin her father. She has proven to be ambitious in moving above her social station. He also helps cover up the scandal that the murder trial of Downton valet Bates would cause. At other times, Mrs Patmore becomes flustered and takes her frustration out on Daisy. She declines. Later, however, he is turned down as Mrs Hughes does not wish to leave Downton, but the two part on good terms. However, Violet and the family remain suspicious of him as he is "new money" and is described by Lord Grantham as "a hawker of newspaper scandal". Edith's grandmother (and Rosamund's mother) is highly suspicious of this plan and discovers later that Edith left when she was around 34 months pregnant to give birth there. Thomas tries to remain calm, quietly asking if Jimmy might try writing. She later takes his arm at the Thirsk Fair. Anna returns to Downton but chooses not to inform Bates of the news until she becomes pregnant again and the stitch has worked, so as not to get his hopes up. Headstrong, ambitious, and determined, Edna sets her sights on the recent widower Tom Branson. But when learning of his status, Matthew (as the heir to Downton Abbey) instructs him to put an end to his relationship with Edith. In the course of a sexual encounter with Mary, Pamuk dies in her bed of a heart attack. Though unmarried, she is referred to as Mrs Hughes according to traditional titles for servants during the time period. Rose becomes restless and persuades Anna into accompanying her to a dance hall in York, where Anna attracts the attention of some young men but barely escapes when a fight ensues. Barrow finds Jimmy just as he is cornered by two members of the opposing team, and puts himself in the way so Jimmy can avoid being beaten and mugged. In series three, she has a breast cancer scare; the lump is eventually diagnosed as benign. Michael Gregson (played by Charles Edwards) (d. around 8 November 1923) is a London editor for the society magazine The Sketch. In episode 6 he insists on paying for Anna to have an appointment with Dr Ryder when she begins to experience lingering pains again, and asks that she stop keeping him in the dark. She firmly believed that she could guilt Tom into responding to her as she represented the same working class that he himself had been part of earlier. In series four, the staff at Downton Abbey receive a letter from Gwen where she tells them she is married. She is unhappy in her marriage, and seeks to end it. Barrow asks Mr Carson to hire Andrew for the job. Julian Fellowes wanted to have Matthew die in series four, but the actor wanted to leave sooner. Robert then asks him to dinner after Tom Branson expresses his wish to baptise his daughter Catholic like himself, a decision Robert opposes. Mrs Drake secretly witnesses the kiss and soon after, the Drakes hire a man to replace Edith. He had planned to make a proposal of marriage to her and took her to the village fair. Before going to Munich to begin his path to obtain German citizenship, he and Edith spend their last night together, making love for the first and last time. Lady Mary prepares a room for Anna and her husband in the main house so they can spend their wedding night together. Anna was the member of staff who helped Lady Mary and her mother Cora carry the corpse of Kemal Pamuk out of Lady Mary's bedroom and was the only one who openly welcomed valet John Bates to the household, despite everyone else's initial prejudice against him on account of his limp. He tells Anna he knows what has happened, and reassures her that he still loves her. Pamuk rebuffs him and later uses this incident to blackmail Thomas, threatening to inform Lord Grantham about his indiscretion unless Thomas agrees to guide Pamuk to the room of Lady Mary later that same evening. By 1923 he has taken a keen interest in Isobel, whom he meets again at a ball at Grantham House. During the Great War she learns that her nephew Archibald "Archie" Philpotts deserted and was shot for cowardice at the front. Although she is usually supportive of Mr Carson when it comes to matters of discipline, she is seldom afraid of speaking her mind when he makes decisions; Carson in turn dislikes proceeding with any choice without her approval. He runs after the car and orders Bates to get out, telling him to get back inside and that nothing more would be said about him leaving. Mary, claiming the emergency to be for herself, rushes Anna to London to see Ryder and manages to get there in time to save the baby. Thomas is quickly drawn to Jimmy, whose flirty and vague behaviour leads him to believe that Jimmy might be interested in sharing a homosexual relationship. Still in the dark about her pregnancy, Anna begins to experience pains in episode 4, for which Lady Mary rushes her down to London, claiming to Bates that the emergency is hers, not Anna's. . But Mr Mason insists to Daisy she has to say goodbye to him properly, and offers to help her find the right words to say. Later, he confronts Thomas about what happened, and though he is hesitant, eventually agrees to be friends. In the fourth series, Mary is pursued by three suitors: Anthony Foyle (Lord Gillingham), Evelyn Napier, and Charles Blake.