He then gets a phone call from Elena who asks him if there's hope, but he tells her, he can't find anything and that she should move on. Carpenter (Formerly; Unknown)Nomadic Traveller (Formerly; 1920s)Allies Soldier of World War II (Formerly; 1942)Harvard University Student (Formerly; 1970s)Ambulance Driver (Formerly; 1990s)Immigrant Worker (Formerly; Unknown)High School Student (Formerly; 2009 to 2011)Mechanic (Formerly; 2012)Cade's Soul Harvester[3] (Formerly)The Cure (Formerly) Then Enzo picks up the stake, explaining he doesn't want to kill Stefan. They see an eighteen wheeler pass by. In Plan B, Stefan jumps into a well to try and find the moonstone that Mason hid, but didn't realize the water was full of vervain and he couldn't move, his face and body beginning to burn; Elena comes down to rescue him. She mentions to Damon, that he can leave Stefan with her so that he can continue his relationship with Elena with no interference. Matt pretends to console Elena while she feeds from his neck. Interestingly, Klaus accuses him of putting on a "good show". After Katherine returned to Mystic Falls in the 21st century, Stefan and Katherine became one-sided bitter enemies for some time, mainly due to their conflicting actions regarding Elena. Out in the woods, Stefan tries to defend turning over Enzo to Tripp, but Caroline isn't feeling forgiving. So they need to find a cure and make him mortal so that he doesn't kill everyone. He had reacted calmly to being told he killed his own father, and showed no reaction being informed he had murdered Honoria Fell while walking past her gravestone. As Tyler arrives, Rebekah provokes him into transforming, compelling Elena, Stefan and Caroline not to 'vamp run' in the hallways. In I Carry Your Heart With Me, Damon brings Oscar's desiccated body to Stefan to try to come up with a plan to deal with it, but Stefan tells Damon that he wants no part in it and that it's Damon's problem, not his. Species He had straight, short, dark blonde hair which is often gelled or spiked. She is taking it very hard and crumbling right before Stefan's eyes. He is portrayed by Paul Wesley in the television series CW's The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Both of them go to the school and start dancing while Matt is trying to find the dagger in Rebekah's place. In Death and the Maiden, Stefan's having a dream about how Silas stabbed him and put him in the safe. It was truly a lovely sight. The baby cries again, and Katherine goes to the crib. They have an enjoyable time together, where Elena teaches him some of her skills, she takes him to the Wickery Bridge to remember when he saved her from dying. Stefan's Diaries is a trilogy of novels based and written according to the TV series version of the Vampire Diaries. Stefan often emphasizes the importance of free will, freedom, liberty, choice and respecting one's decisions. Damon says that there's no way for Katherine to broke a deal with Klaus and Stefan realizes that she was going to make Elijah break the deal for her and that some things never change. Stefan explains that falling for someone is about losing control, and he's losing control. Enzo and Matt watch closely as Stefan and Sarah get acquainted. Stefan tries to stop her but Aja uses magic on him and prevents his actions as she's also linked to the other twelve witches and she has great power right now. Stefan soon approached Damon, who recounted seeing the townspeople dragging Katherine into the church and setting it on fire. Stefan owns his own iMac desktop computer. In I Know What You Did Last Summer, Stefan have been in the safe for three months in the lake. After a moment with Caroline, Forbes sends her to get coffee and asks Stefan to look after Caroline when she's gone. They leave the room so that Connor can't listen to their conversation, and Stefan asks Klaus about the Five. In the last moments of the episode, it flashes back and forth as Stefan tries to save Elena. Caroline agrees and says that she'll get Matt and also do whatever people are doing in this situations. Rebekah takes the cure and Damon does nothing to stop her. Then he shows up on Caroline's dorm doorstep with Ivy in a trunk. He than realizes that Elena has invited them to a party in their house and that is why she was texting so much. He immediately recognizes her and calls her his best friend and that she looks much hotter than the pictures. Stefan calls to Caroline, he too tells her about having visions of Elena and thinks he is going crazy, Caroline tells him that he isn't crazy and that something is happening because Elena too is having similar visions. Stefan sacrificed himself before Bonnie was able to break the sleeping spell bound to their lives, though before he found peace, he was able to briefly see her and pass a message along to Caroline through her. The television switches and he changes the channel. Her last words is "I guess this is how our love story ends", Stefan just look at her and she dies. Later, Stefan halts Elena from going after Rebekah with the white oak stake. In Black Hole Sun, Stefan is ready to leave again and return to Savannah when Elena stops him. Stefan viewed Katherine in disdain and rejected any attempt she gave for him to see her positively. Stefan is not talking to his big brother because he's still mad at him for sleeping with Elena. Valerie clears up that notion quickly. As Tyler begins to transform, Stefan quickly ushers Caroline and Elena out. They bring Colin to the hospital for Jo to examine, but she's feeling less than adequate, having just failed to revive a plant. While they continue to search for Julian's coffin, Stefan tells Valerie that Nora siphoned her spell from Caroline. She adds that they're crashing Bonnie's college visit, as the professor who took over her Grams' classes teaches there and invited her. Katherine breaks his arm, and then leaves when Damon and Elena walk into the house. She sees April and decides to go say hi to her while Stefan goes to find something stronger than beer. Klaus offers him a deal to save Damon from a werewolf bite: he will become his right-hand man, leaving everything including Elena and Klaus will cure Damon. Caroline and Stefan have a moment on the porch before Caroline tells her mom about her weekend experiment. Then Stefan says that he knows they've been through some bad spots lately especially when it comes down to Elena but he just wanted Damon to know that he cares about him and that he loves him (even though the younger brother doesn't actually say it, that is what he implies) and Damon responds by saying that he knows that. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. After relocating to the living room, Bonnie explains that watching the spirits torture her Grams was like she was dying all over again. Elena says she said something she didn't mean and Stefan admits that he did too. Stefan responds saying that all the time and energy Klaus had put into trying to make Stefan and Damon hate each other has actually brought them closer. Later, when Stefan regains consciousness, Damon attacks him and Stefan is unconscious again. Elena tells him that she should be the one to tell her but Stefan refuses and says that he needs to tell her because he hasn't been there for her when she needed him. After talking, Enzo takes the decision of not setting Stefan on fire, he tells him that his best revenge will be when Stefan have to tell Damon that he was the one who killed Enzo, Stefan is confused and then Enzo decides push himself backwards, making Stefan take his heart unintentionally. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Tripp wakes up only to see Enzo and Stefan towering over him. Stefan walks up to the bar and pats Damon's shoulder and tells him he wishes to 'bury the hatchet' before they hug. She also tells Stefan she kissed Liam, which he advises her not to tell Stefan as he would be heartbroken. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. Later, Damon shows him Amara in her cell and explains to his brother that they can use her so that Silas could bring Bonnie back to life. As a vampire, Stefan was described as mysterious, brooding, inscrutable, intense, kind, caring, empathetic, compassionate, loving, affectionate, heroic, noble, selfless, brave, intelligent, protective, and loyal. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. Qetsiyah reveals that he will wake up in time and then mentions to Damon how his relationship with Elena is doomed. He later shares an antagonistic relationship with her. At the end of the episode Elena and Damon leave for New York because Damon wants to follow a lead to the cure and Stefan receives a call from Sheriff Forbes saying that they have a bigger problem-there are six other hospitals from which there was a blood theft. Again, believing that he is drunk, the police officer arrests him and handcuffs him. "It doesn't fucking matter! After escaping the Travelers' camp, Stefan and Elena have holed up at some small store to use the payphone, Stefan is talking with Damon, he ask to Damon how long Stefan is surprising and that Damon didn't noticed that but Damon tells him that he has been looking for them. In Brave New World, at a carnival, Damon challenged Stefan to hand-wrestle Mason Lockwood but Stefan lost. Later on, Stefan goes home to find Damon as he got Damon's text. Stefan had called Tyler and told him to call Caroline and warn her. Stefan then shows Bonnie the special bullets that he took out of Tyler and tells her that the bullets burn to the touch. At the party when Katherine came he had to dance with her or she would kill someone. And he responds that this is not why he did it but because she fed on someone in public. Overwhelmed and shocked, Stefan tried to help him, but Giuseppe refused him, disgusted by what Stefan was becoming. They manage to find their car but Elena and Rebekah are nowhere to be seen. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. Stefan wakes up just as Damon arrives. Was it over? They begin to talk and Stefan lies to him saying that there is family drama that he is getting away from. In Memorial, Stefan wakes up in the woods with Elena, where they spent the night in preparation for an early hunt. In the meantime Damon comes back home with Rebekah and gets a text from his little brother, asking for help. He had trouble with compulsion at first and killed as a "more permanent style of memory erasing". In While You Were Sleeping, Stefan arrives at the college where is Elena, he tells Elena about the seal keeping her inside and what Katherine did. After that, they give Elena their house to protect her from vampires. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. Together they appear at the Original Family's mansion for dinner with Klaus and Elijah. Biographical information Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. Elena then invited Stefan into the house. Elena however doesn't respond and kills the waitress in the diner in front of them while also adding that if they don't stop there will be more deaths they will be responsible for. He expresses that he is just honored to be her date that night. Everyone are surprised and Stefan says that they have to question Elijah's impeccable taste if he's friends with her. He never thought he would feel like that again until he met Elena and now it was over. Then, she's convinced that she sees an age spot on her hand, and Stefan tells her it isn't one and holds her hand. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. Damon walks in and tells him, "You did really well tonight." Stefan was an aspiring doctor during his human life. He adds that he doesn't care what Elena wants right now because she's this close to going off the rails for good and that's not happening. Jeremy who thinks that this is Elena is trying to make her help Bonnie who was hurt but Katherine doesn't have these intentions. He admitted that Katherine had been right and that he had to focus more on moving on from Elena than his 3 months drowning during the summer. Elena then tells Stefan that even though there will be struggles, the important thing is that she will get to live and be there for everyone she loves, including him. Stefan, with a few choice comments from Damon, tells Elena that she was in an accident, that Meredith Fell had healed her with vampire blood the other night and that she had died with vampire blood in her system. Instead of striking her, the front end of the car completely smashes in on itself, just as it would in a car crash, Maria dies on the act. Stefan, Damon, and Valerie are in a car together. Then Matt states "That stops today". Because of this, Stefan always seemed to be much older than his actual age. Stefan Salvatore is seventeen years old in 1864. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. Answers will be shown at the end of the quiz! Stefan watches in horror as Elijah, instead of killing Klaus as planned, fled with him. After Klaus reveals that Alexander had claimed that the Five possessed a special weapon that could destroy all vampires. Damon stated himself that Stefan gave up the fight against him when he stopped drinking human blood. He steps on the brakes of the car and asks what Beau wants. Elijah frees Stefan and Damon, meaning that this is family business. Stefan called her and convinces her to join forces in the race to the cure, saying they both hate their brothers, both have nothing, so they're better off as partners as if they find the cure first, they can decide what to do with it. Caroline compels Jesse to go and hide. They are fiddling while walking, Stefan tries to speed off using his vampire abilities, but he hardly gets a few feet before his ability stops working, Elena say that it was funnier the first time. Stefan talks to Elena, who that thinks they should do something, but he tells her that Damon is stalling Vaughn as Damon has not had enough time to bury Silas' body yet. Stefan is the brother of Damon, also a vampire, and their relationship is rather contentious. Damon understands why Stefan was being nice to Katherine. Lily tells him that Julian is nothing like Stefan's father. Eventually, Mikael shows up and drives his fist through Damon's heart in an attempt to get Stefan to tell him where Klaus is, after hearing that Stefan is connected to him. Through the seasons, both fell in love with Elena and whilst she was the factor bringing them together, she has also been the biggest strain in the brothers' complex relationship. They sip their drinks for a moment before Elena addresses the tension between them. He uses the other to knock Stefan over when he rushes him. That's probably why she stole the cure-she wants to bargain it for her freedom. Stefan showed great strength when he fought the compulsion and told Elena to run. Stefan alerts Elena to the growing pool of blood on the ground. As a result of indirectly betraying Damon, Stefan felt extreme guilt for unintentionally being responsible for Katherine's capture and promised Damon that he would do everything he could to help Damon get Katherine back. This article has been identified as an article that, The Vampire Diaries Season One Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Two Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Five Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Six Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters, Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Elena and Stefan hike along the lake where she told him she never wanted to be a vampire. As Damon tells him of the time when he let Stefan go to war alone, for his own good rather than joining him, Stefan looks shocked. so instead, Stefan handed the phone to Caroline so she could say it. and Elena responds with "some guy I use to date," in an ironic and sweet reference to Stefan. Klaus then says that he agrees but even if it was Silas who stole it he doesn't see how this affects him. Stefan and Caroline and Enzo find Lily searching for her friends. Damon appears behind Rayna and tells Stefan that it wasn't her idea, it was his. Then Stefan attacks Enzo by clutching his heart but without taking it out. Stefan got her to calm down and showed that this was completely natural. Stefan says that it's not that easy anymore but Damon says that right now it is and that he needs to go down the well. Later, Stefan sits with Elena on the rooftop of the Salvatore mansion. In The Killer, Stefan writes in his journal his concern about Elena, but adds that there's hope now that there might be a cure. He later discovered that this is due to the creation of a sire bond between Elena and Damon after Elena's transition to a vampire. They have a conversation. After that he was accused by Elena of having killed Brian Walkers, he asks her if Damon has recently killed someone and leaves. Caroline tells him that Damon is off the rails and all his victims are decapitated and their skin is desiccated, which leads Stefan to conclusion that Damon is feeding on vampires. Through this, they have proven just how far their relationship has grown from their violent past. Instead, she was turned into a, Stefan enjoys listening to music by: Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Kanye West and he even likes one of. She is very sad about the death of Bonnie, someone that he can't remember. Caroline and Stefan are talking privately as they walk to a separate section, where Sloan and the other Travelers are. Now every time he closes his eyes he sees Silas' stabbing him, he could feel himself drowning and he needs to make it stop or he'll go insane and turn his humanity off. Stefan asks his brother what is he trying to find and Damon explains that Will had a repeat customer-a 5'7 brunette which was probably Katherine back then and he was actually helping her run from him. After finding her personal records and observing her from afar, Stefan determined that Elena was definitely not Katherine. He tries to negotiate with Connor, to no avail. In Catch Me If You Can, Rebekah comes to the Salvatore boarding house talking to Stefan while reading his diary and they decide to steal Silas' headstone, because the others are way ahead of them in search of the cure; Klaus has Jeremy (a hunter) and Shane has Bonnie. After a long fight, Stefan falls rendered next to a car, Enzo continues attacking and beating him. He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. Stefan wondered aloud to his father that even in their death, he still felt ashamed of his sons. Stefan tells her that he would have wanted a child. She tells him of her pregnancy and how Julian almost beat her to death but beat her enough to stop the other heartbeat inside her. Stefan is quiet but he seems hurt by the news. So she said that to save Sarah's life, he had to turn his humanity off as well. He got stuck in the tomb with Katherine because Bonnie is unable to release the spell over it. Silas (Progenitor Of, Distant or Ancient Paternal Ancestor)Unknown Silas Doppelgngers (Distant Paternal Ancestors)Giuseppe Salvatore (Father)Lillian Salvatore (Mother)Damon Salvatore (Older Brother)Elena Gilbert (Sister-In-Law)Elizabeth Forbes (Mother-In-Law)Caroline Forbes (Widow)Unborn Child (with Valerie)Giuseppe's Unnamed Son (Paternal Half-Brother)Zachariah Salvatore (Paternal Half-Nephew)Zachariah's Unnamed Son (Paternal Half-Nephew)Joseph Salvatore (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Joseph Salvatore's Unnamed Son (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Zach Salvatore (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Tom Avery (Doppelgnger, Descendant)Sarah Salvatore (Distant Paternal Half-Niece) Liz explains that the power outage came from three different places in mystic falls, Stefan said the Bonnie is doing the spell and that she was seen with Katherine, Stefan finds the center of the Expression Triangle he and Damon arrive at the school to find Elena, Stefan asks where is Caroline, Elena says that she's inside the school looking for Bonnie. Later, Stefan finds that Elena and Damon have come over to the Other Side by destroying the Travelers. No one knows how they escaped the car. However, Stefan's hunger grew and he attempted many times to escape the family's hospitality due to his thirst for their blood. Damon leaves and Stefan sees Caroline on the street outside. As Elena and Stefan start falling deeper in love with each other, Elena discovers Stefan's deep, dark secret: Stefan is a century old vampire with a mysterious past. She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. They'll drain her, make her weak, and bombard her with everything she loved, including a letter Sheriff Forbes mailed to her before she died. Elena tells him that she doesn't remember anything from his last encounter with Damon, Stefan tells her it's been three weeks since then. Stefan adds that it's better for Elena if Damon stays locked up, until they find the cure and she's not sired anymore-then they could both do whatever the hell they want. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear.
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