He said, Im here to help you maam. When we give or serve, we set spiritual forces in motion and well experience the results, whether we receive in kind or not. These atoms which consist of various structures of subatomic particles are pure energy which vibrate or resonate constantly within the infinite field of potential. As we covered in She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Because of the delay between planting and harvesting, we do not see immediate results. If you don't sow you will not reap. Scripture makes it clear we might receive the same as we give, such as mercy (Matt. We all want everythingyesterday. Genesis 28:22, I will surely give the tenth. The ancient Chinese. It is to go forth and produce good works. That's rightthe law of attraction is just one of the 12 universal laws, and getting familiar with the other 11 can help us unlock a more spiritually aligned life. Would you expect to find oranges on that tree when it came time for harvest? If that sin falls on fertile soil (a person with all the right tendencies for carrying it to others without regard to consequences), who knows how much destruction can be caused! "Inspired action is that gentle, internal nudge," Kumar says. Arent we prone to concoct every excuse and argument imaginable to justify our sinful actions and then blame the results on others? Keep going once you start with the assurance that your career, your life your family and your health will get better. ties 1. . Larrys books include The Psychology of Spirituality, Love, Healing & Happiness and (as Patrick Whiteside) The Little Book of Happiness and Happiness: The 30 Day Guide (personally endorsed by HH The Dalai Lama). He waited until she started her car and drove off. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. Relatively straightforward, this law highlights the direct relation between actions and events. Unfortunately, many Christians tend to operate on emotions, rather than faith, and they tend to lose hope in the interval between sowing good things and reaping the results. The Secret Kingdom: The Law of Reciprocity - CBN.com - YouTube Pat Robertson continues his Secret Kingdom series with a teaching on The Law of Reciprocity. "It's not always a plan of action.". Such norms can be crude and mechanical, such as a literal reading of the eye-for-an-eye rule lex . How wonderful the analogy is going at this juncture; but it certainly does not end there; the servant with an unforgiving heart turned around, found one of his own servants and mercilessly required payment of a debt owed him, with absolutely no compassion; and when his lord was told what he had done, he was recalled before the king and delivered over into the hands of the tormentors. The servant pleaded with the king to have mercy on him, and he would repay the debt. (Reading time: 2 minutes) The Law of Reciprocity, also known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, causes us to receive as a result of what we give or do. If you don't currently find the external events, conditions and circumstances in your life to be in alignment with your desired outcomes, change the way you think, speak and act and your results will change without fail. (James 5:7b MKJV). These outcomes are not as many perceive them, based on any form of judgment, but based strictly on what it is that YOU choose to receive which is based on what it is that you choose to send out. He attributed this financial increase to his learning and applying the Law of Reciprocity. Here is where it is absolutely essential to your future results that you "become conscious" of the fact that whatever results you are currently experiencing do not determine who or what you are currently, but are merely what you were being at some point in the past. You have been provided the inalienable right of free will to think, speak and act however you choose. Examples of the law of reaping in kind abound. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. Applying this law can help us understand the tougher parts of our lives with greater compassion. Remember, this is a law of The Kingdom of God. It is also not fair that we receive such a large return for sowinggoodhabits,goodthings,and goodseeds. What (or who) is really behind this opposition to Israels (Jacobs) inheriting his birthright that includes a land inheritance whose borders are from Egypt to the Euphrates River in modern Iraq? "subconscious" aspect of mind He didnt look safe, he looked poor and hungry. In the next chapter The Law of Sacrifice we are going to look further into this. The spiritual law of increase may be one of the most important spiritual laws and its relevant to every aspect of our lives. Giving and receiving favors is a common exchange and is an implicit assumption in most of our relationships. (From Forerunner Commentary). The only difference as to what is drawn to you in your life is based on your personal choice as to what you allow yourself to feel and as a result determines what you will receive back. The usual rules of space and time are transcended as spiritual time (Kairos) operates rather than clock time (Chronos). Today, I want to share with you a chapter out of my soon coming book The Irrefutable Power of A Renewed Mind.This particular chapter deals with some very powerful principles that when applied can truly transform your life like nothing else, While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the pastHe had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way. Spiritual laws govern the physical and spiritual realms, define what were able to do and cause our actions to produce related results. Some people think that they can sow wild oats during the week, and then go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure! Although it is often transgressed in human society, justice is unfailing at the greater, cosmic level. How so? Honesty, patience and submission to authority are fruits of righteousness. What did YHVH have to teach Jacob about these fruits of the Spirit? View in context. This word seed will spread to others and they will catch wind of me, my products and services and they will tell other people about themaccording to the kindof experience they had with me. Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. We cannot count on past good behavior to excuse us in the present. It is the quality of your thoughts and emotions which determines what you are asking for and believing you will receive and the Law of Reciprocity makes ABSOLUTELY certain that you receive just that. At the unseen or spiritual level we are dependent on the energy that comprises all things that exist and it is dependent on us and our choices as to how and what it manifests in physical form. Well, you dont have to worry about that. Prayerfully take a long and hard look at your life, examine hardships and trials, and honestly ask yourself the question: Am I reaping what I have sown? I'm Finished With The Law Of ReciprocityTake Me To The Abundance and Happiness Home Page There's REAL POWER in the silence." "When we focus on what we want versus what we don't want, it will show up in our life," says Kaiser. When a farmer plants a crop, they realize the importance of giving that crop time to mature and grow. What is YHVH allowing you to go through to refine you of character flaws and defects to prepare you for the future mission he has for you? This law says that our vibrational frequency can inform our lived experience. The Law of Reciprocity, also known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, is defined as receiving something as a result of what we give or do. This harvest could be yours! Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and immediately it sprang up, since it had no depth of soil. However, the reality is that I just want to get the promotion in order to get the pay raise, have the clout to come in half an hour later to work and delegate the extra responsibilities to others without me doing anything. Achieve your own balance between the divine masculine and divine feminine energies in order to live more authentically. Jacob had to learn this law the hard way. But the Scripture says,Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.. But there does exist varying levels of faith. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. The laws are often associated with Ho'oponopono, a meditation for freedom originating in ancient Hawaiian culture. This opportunity was in management where I would be able to earn considerably more income than I am currently earning. The Apostle Paul worded it this way in his letter to the Christians in the Roman province of Galatia: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. They wrongly assume that they will not have to face the consequences of the daily seeds they are planting. Many people are deceived on this matter. Jesus spoke of the harvest being gradual in Mark 4:28: And He said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knows not how. Feeling run down? Fear creates and projects a much different vibrational resonance broadcast than does the emotions of love and just like a seed planted in nature can only produce a harvest (outcome) based on the kind and quality of the seed planted. All rights reserved. When you give gratitude you will get back. The King of Kings will return one day, and we will all give an account. Not only that, but you have to believe what you're seeking is possible to obtain. It is simply impossible to expect good results from bad actions. Genesis 14:18-20, "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and . One thing is for sure though; they expect to reapsomethinglater on! Christ makes it plain that God is resolute in His promise of reciprocity (Matthew 10:41-42). In an intelligent and ultimately benevolent universe, certain rules or principles can be said to apply. To put it more clearly, when you do something, always do it in an effort to contribute and with the proper intent and you will receive back, with unwavering certainty an outcome based on the level of value that you gave. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take home. Lets face it; we all get what we give in some way or other. In the parable we shared earlier, Jesus addressed the issue of the quality of soils, and in this parable, the soil is a picture of the human heart (Mark 4:3-20). Relativism exists in all things, and in the end, meaning comes down to our perspective and perception. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or two. "Allowing" also called "Detachment" is a VERY crucial and necessary step in the process of conscious creation. In order for spiritual reciprocity to work, there must be a mutual agreement between the buyer and the seller. The effects may be tiny, and often cancel each other out;. Whatever talent God has entrusted to you, use with all your might. Not really, but it . Are you submitting to his refining fires that are burning the wood, hay and stubble out of your life (1 Cor 3:1215), or are you resisting him thereby forcing him to turn up the heat of his discipline to help you to get the point and learn your lesson? Kaiser works with this law through the mantra All contrast brings more clarity. The problem lies that we are not aware that we are planting seeds and therefore not aware of thetype and qualityof seeds being planted! While the specific "reward" or blessing is not stated, what is identified is a spiritual law of reciprocity, that generosity and kindness given always return to us in some way. You are at cause for the events, conditions and circumstances which make up your life experience. Its all a part of remaining faithful. Every action is preceded by a thought, with thoughts themselves having the power to eventually manifest in our physical reality. The Bible makes it clear that we might receive the same as we give, such as mercy; Or we might not receive in kind, such as receiving what we need from God as we make His kingdom our main focus. Psych. We've all heard of the law of attractionbut what about the law of polarity, the law of divine oneness, or the law of correspondence? It is his trust in God that empowers him to show mercy by speaking up forand then by acting on behalf ofJeremiah. The Law of Resonance The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin. When I was a kid, I remember that the trees by my house would produce these helicopter seeds. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Gods plan of design for all life on earth, including humanity, is that we reproduce after our kind (Genesis 1:20-24). Sin seems less serious because there are few apparent consequences. When a man or woman delights in the Law of the Lord, and meditates day and night upon it, they will reap the blessings of God on their lives (Psalm 1). It should be obvious, however, such thoughts are the result of self-centered thinking, trying to use Gods laws for personal advantage. We are oriented in our society to instant gratification we want what we want when we want it. Every seed sown produces results, and every result tends to be of the kind that was sowed. Our actions, good or bad, will receive a corresponding reaction from God. That is the Law of Reciprocity. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Gal. Jacob had to learn this law the hard way. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. To be emotionally healthy it is necessary to give with a willing heart and to receive in the same way part of the cycle of the universe. In the same way, those things that we allow to make it through our conscious reasoning ability with emotion whether they are "perceived" as positive or negative, intensifies the energy or resonance of the thought, broadcasts that energy or resonance which is created as a result outward, attracting to it energy of a harmonious vibratory frequency or resonance and will through the process of creation, more specifically The Law Of Growth, show up in your physical life regardless of how you perceive it. Heres the beauty of this law: If we give or serve selflessly, simply trusting God to take care of us as he thinks is appropriate, then hes free to increase what the Law of Reciprocity would normally return to us. The Law of Reciprocity For every actions there is an equal & opposite reaction . Our actions, good or bad, will receive a corresponding reaction from God. ", Kaiser's mantra for this law? "All of the laws are about mastering yourlifewith love and joy," Kaiser explains. Larry Culliford, M.B., B.Chir. While this is a powerful Universal truth that would radically change almost every area of our lives, the sad thing is that too many people live without consciously being aware of it and purposefully applying it properly. These "super strings" as science refers to them, which were previously referred to as photons, leptons, quarks etc. When Jacob schemed and deceived his father and brother for the rights of the firstborn, he later reaped deception at the hand of Laban and his daughters (Genesis 29:20-26). People will not want to have anything to do with us and soon enough word will get around (gossip) that we like to talk about people. Instead, there are no strings attached. - Chuck Danes. The reason why people dont realize the awesome power of this law and fail to recognize its positive and negative effects in their personal lives is because they are ignorant of five inescapable elements that are tied to this law. As an example you can not think thoughts of fear and express an emotion of fear and expect to receive an outcome that contradicts the resonance or frequency of energy of the fear that you are broadcasting. As St. Francis of Assisi reminds us, "it is in giving that we receive." Topics Discipleship Giving Money Spiritual formation Stewardship Add to Bin About the Author I try to go well beyond what is expected of me. If we are faithful, He will be with us, but we can expect His wrath if we rebel. Was he going to hurt her? It is similar to the law of vibration in this way; it's important to learn how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you're seeking. are continuously vibrating and constantly in motion. But, if you start now, things will change for you. If you repeat an affirmation but don't believe what you're saying, it's useless. However, God will be disinclined to show any mercy to those who have not exhibited mercy and kindness to others. In the same manner, if we sow seeds of, lets say for example, gossip then we will quickly find out that people are hesitant to trust us and our very own friendships will suffer and crumble. If you sow evil or good you will reap the same. Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is entirely possible that not even one person in that thousand would see himself as a cog in the process of spreading potential destruction! Although my seed seems good since at first Im acting kindly and becoming part of the team, the soil (my intention) is bad. are emotions which will draw an outcome to you just as love, joy, peace, patience, etc will. The 2 Most Psychologically Incisive Films of 2022, The Surprising Role of Empathy in Traumatic Bonding, How a Stronger Body Can Transform Your Identity, Two Questions to Help You Spot a Clingy Partner-to-Be. When someone does something for you, they implicitly . Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. He revealed to all of us there that one day he and his wife were sitting down getting ready to do their taxes and they noticed that in the last seven years prior their income had grown by about 100% each year. The law has been present for thousands of years and it will still be in effect long after you and I are gone. In doing so I believe that I am sowing seeds that will produce a good harvest for my business in the form of good word of mouth! The basis for this interpretation involves a kind of dynamic and seamless inter-connectedness of everything with everything else. Who currently is opposing their return and is openly vowing to annihilate them? Now, they dont just sit and wait for the crop to grow, they actually do other things like water and nurture the seeds in order for them to reach their full potential. Resistance happens when you have placed a conscious intention into the Infinite Field Of Potentiality and because it hasn't shown up in your timing or in the manner that you think it should, worry, doubt and fear take over producing an outcome based on the kind and quality of the resonance or energy frequency that doubt, fear and worry create. Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6161tz8j Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) . or "What would love do?. All Rights Reserved. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Now, you might say It is not fair! Its not fair that you attract an overabundance of negative things when you sow bad habits and bad things. It was to serve YHVH and to worship him by giving him one-tenth (a tithe) of his increase (verse 22). How are you living with others today; are you forgiving and showing compassion to others who may offend you- or has your heart grown lukewarm and selfishly seeks to gain only what concerns you and yours I got mind, and you better get yours, some will carelessly dare to say! Closely related to the law of attraction, the law of inspired action is all about taking those real, actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. The Christian Broadcasting. Gen 1:11 "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and .read more. What is the spiritual law of sin and death, to whom does it apply, and how is it related to Gods standard of righteousness? Whether we give of our time, talents, energy, money, or love, its a healthy way to give. 2 Chronicles 15:12-15. Discover how God intends for a Christians character, behavior and spiritual status to reflect the spiritual law of separation. Indeed, the laws we have broken demand our death, but the mercy of God through the sacrificial death of His Son has made a way for us to be accepted. As true as this is in the biological and zoological world, it is also true in the spiritual world. Giving feels good and doesnt leave us feeling victimized or with a sense of expectation. This eastward-westward movement was a pattern followed by Jacobs descendants later on several occasions. Jacob vowing to tithe to Elohim was his acknowledging his submission to Elohim and to his willthat Elohim was the Lord over his life. The Law of Reciprocity as we're using it here, is the Universal Law that determines precisely what is received in return and shows up in physical form as a result of what is broadcast or given out. Discover how the spiritual law of contact causes us to interact with each other on multiple levels, often without being aware of it. Kaiser notes that much of our society has historically operated from a masculine, "hustle and do" mentality, which doesn't allow for much room to just be. When Asa, one of the better kings of Judah, needed some advice during a crisis, God sent a prophet to teach him this important truth. Modern day science refers to this infinite field of potential as the Unified Field, the contents of which is talked about in the latest scientific circles as the "String Theory." This "Unified Field" also referred to as Do not wait to let another season pass you by. Three Missing Kings (Part Two). The seeds planted today are the harvests of tomorrow. Although this law is unwavering, immutable, and predictable, by an individual placing focus on only a specific area or a specific channel of where the return must come from they are in essence limiting the scope of possibility from where it can and often does come which is infinite in nature and as a result fail to recognize the return when it does show up, unable to accept it as a result, thereby establishing the belief that no return was delivered. When you give you receive. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. This applies to matter but also one's personal frequency as well. Later on God has allowed me to discover that the very same man whose life was derailed thru gossip had planted seeds of gossip and slander even years before his fall. But as we learn to serve God and people in humility, hes free to bless us with more than we need to excel in what we do and to be generous to others (2 Cor. It doesn't mean that you will never have what you want as some people think. I can easily understand now how these seeds would end up miles away from the original parent trees, and some, eventually finding some fertile soil, sprouting roots and producing a tree according to its kind of seed. Whatever choice you choose to make it is our sincere and heartfelt hope that those choices will lead you one step closer to a life experience of Love, Joy, Fulfillment, Inner Peace and Limitless Prosperity in each and every area of your life. 5:7). (Proverbs 16:28CEV). In pursuit of this new, very much welcomed opportunity I decide that I am going to try to impress my boss. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? If you currently look at your physical outcomes and attach emotion to them regardless of how you might currently perceive them, whether that perception is "good" or "bad" you are in essence planting seeds into the infinite field of potentiality and the Law of Reciprocity without fail will deliver to you precisely what you have asked it to, at some point in the future. God soon found fault with them and sent them a prophet to turn them to repentance, but they hardened their hearts and rejected God's offer of mercy. Instead, we'd be better off appreciating what we have without needing to compare it to something else. And when the sun rose it was scorched, and since it had no root, it withered away. The principle of reciprocity is similarly the basis of the Golden Rule of conduct, to Do as you would be done by." 9:8, 11). Spiritual circles refer to this place where your vibrational frequencies are projected into as the "Kingdom of God" or as science chooses to call it, the Unified Field.
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