[320] Globally, Muslims were younger (median age of 23) than the overall population (median age of 28) as of 2010. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in Europe. [448] (See the geographic distribution of atheism. According to other scholars, many converted for a whole host of reasons, the main statement of which was evangelization by Muslims, though there were several instances where some were pressured to convert owing to internal violence and friction between the Christian and Muslim communities, according to historian Philip Jenkins. H. Patrick Glenn, Legal Traditions of the World. [236] According to Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, the number of Iranian Americans Muslims decreased from 42% in 2008 to 31% in 2012 according to a telephone survey around the Los Angeles region. [26], Only in recent decades have surveys begun to measure changes in religious identity among individuals. The same 2017 survey asked converts from Islam to explain, in their own words, their reasons for leaving the faith. [312] According to The Huffington Post, "observers estimate that as many as 20,000 Americans convert to Islam annually. More recently (20002010), the countries with highest growth rates are Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and some African countries. [328] By the end of 2100 Muslims are expected to outnumber Christians. The estimated world's Sikh population was over 30 million in 2020, and it will reach 42million by 2050. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. About 6% of . [491], Zoroastrianism was founded during the early Persian Empire in the 6th century BCE by Zarathustra. For the period 2000-2013, the figures in point 1. above equate to an average annual growth rate of 1.18% v 1.32%. [385] However, the poll tax known as Jizyah may have played a part in converting people over to Islam but as Britannica notes "The rate of taxation and methods of collection varied greatly from province to province and were greatly influenced by local pre-Islamic customs" and there were even cases when Muslims had the tax levied against them, on top of Zakat. [64][66] Much of the growth has occurred after World War II, when decolonization of Africa and abolition of various restrictions against Protestants in Latin American countries occurred. [272][273] Even though the faith originally developed out of Ismaili Islam, Druze does not identify as a branch of Islam. The absolute number of Muslims is also expected to increase in regions with smaller Muslim populations such as Europe and North America,[360] due to young age & relatively high fertility rate. [271], According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics in 2017, the Israeli Druze population growth rate of 1.4%, which is lower than the Muslim population growth rate (2.5%) and the total population growth (1.7%), but higher than the Arab Christian population growth rate (1.0%). Some metro areas, such as Washington, D.C., have sizable Muslim communities. the survey was based on 50,000 respondents with 90% of those surveyed living in Iran. Religion remains one of modern Malaysia's most sensitive topics, especially when it comes to Islam, the country's official faith . [405] The result is that most countries in the Diaspora have steady or slightly declining religiously Jewish populations as Jews continue to assimilate into the countries in which they live. Based on the data from 49 Muslim-majority countries and territories, he found that Muslims' birth rate has significantly dropped for 41% between 1975 and 1980 to 200510 while the global population decline was 33% during that period. [298] According to the same study "globally, Muslims have the highest fertility rate, an average of 3.1 children per woman well above replacement level (2.1)", and "in all major regions where there is a sizable Muslim population, Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility". [19][20][21][22][23], Statistical data on conversion to and from Islam are scarce. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main [62] Changes in worldwide Protestantism over the last century have been significant. Sociologist Phil Zuckerman's global studies on atheism have indicated that global atheism may be in decline due to irreligious countries having the lowest birth rates in the world and religious countries having higher birth rates in general. [4][5][6] It is projected that birth rates rather than conversion will prove the main factor in the growth of any given religion. Famed new believers like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Keith Ellison seem to get all the attentionalong with flamboyant. Islam will grow faster than any other religion over the next 40 years. But, unlike some other faiths, Islam gains about as many converts as it loses. [280] The Lebanese Druze have the lowest fertility among all age groups after the Lebanese Christians. (1927-2011): Missionary Statistician and Sociologist of Religion", "Barrett, David B. New Delhi: "I have hated Muslims most of my life and today I proudly call myself one," says Siddharth, who assumed the name Shadab when he converted to Islam in 2012. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, between 1965 and 1985 about 2.5million Indonesians converted from Islam to Christianity. by Warren Clark and Grant Schellenberg", "Mxico sigue siendo catlico pero crece el nmero de ateos", "Mexico still Catholic, but number of atheists on the rise", "International Religious Freedom Report 2012 New Zealand", "Sikhism | History, Doctrines, Practice, & Literature", "Religion by visible minority and generation status: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts", "The Daily The Canadian census: A rich portrait of the country's religious and ethnocultural diversity", "B16001LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME BY ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH FOR THE POPULATION 5 YEARS AND OVER", "Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population", "Table QS210EW 2011 Census: Religion (Detailed), local authorities in England and Wales", "2011 Australian Census - Fastest Growing Religions", "2071.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016", "We need to worry about the decline in Sikh numbers", "Proportion and growth rate of population by religious communities, India, 19612001", "1. "[] the insignificant amount of this yearly tax, the fact that it was progressive, that elders, poor people, handicapped, women, children, monks, and hermits were exempted, leave no doubt about exploitation or persecution of those who did not accept Islam. [319] A new study of Population Reference Bureau by demographers Charles Westoff and Tomas Frejka suggests that the fertility gap between Muslims and non-Muslims is shrinking and although the Muslim immigrants do have more children than other Europeans their fertility tends to decline over time, often faster than among non-Muslims. [87] In Singapore, the percentage of Christians among Singaporeans increased from 12.7%, in 1990, to 17.5%, in 2010. The largest net movement is expected to be into the religiously unaffiliated category between 2010 and 2050. It is an autonomous republic in Russia. Do Muslims have more children than other women in western Europe? In India, Islam was brought by various traders and rulers from Afghanistan and other places. [24] According to a study published in 2011 by Pew Research, what little information is available may suggests that religious conversion has no net impact on the Muslim population, as the number of people who convert to Islam is roughly similar to those who leave Islam. Hinduism's 10-year growth rate is estimated at 20% (based on the period 1991 to 2001), corresponding to a yearly growth close to 2%. Indeed, while aboutone-in-fiveAmerican Muslim adults were raised in a different faith tradition and converted to Islam, a similar share of Americans who were raised Muslim nowno longer identify with the faith. In 2015, the internationally recognized religion was the second-largest international religion in Iran,[413] Panama,[414] Belize,[415] Bolivia,[416] Zambia,[417] and Papua New Guinea;[418] and the third-largest in Chad,[419] and Kenya. [244] On the other hand, demographer Conrad Hackett of Pew Research Center stated that the World Christian Encyclopedia gives a higher estimate for percent Christian when compared to other cross-national data sets. This scenario (Chinese scenario) is based primarily on sensitivity tests. [83], The US Department of State estimated in 2005 that Protestants in Vietnam may have grown by 600% over the previous 10 years. Table 4.1: Police officer leavers, by route of exit, years ending 31 March . It is expected to increase up to 62million by 2100, given that the anticipated growth rate of 1.7% per year and adding at least 400,000 followers annually. [195], Resurgent Islam is one of the most dynamic religious movements in the contemporary world. Conference on Religion and Violence. [73] According to scholar Barry John Tolmay of University of Pretoria there are increasing signs of a Christian revival in Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. [480] The Sikh population has the lowest gender balance in India, with only 903 women per 1,000 men according to the 2011 Indian census,[481] although the sex ratio at birth for Indian Sikhs has rapidly improved from 130 male births per 100 female births in 2001 to 110 male births per 100 female births in 2019-21, now only slightly above the average for India as a whole (108 male births per female births). "God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades". [352] A survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017 found that conversion has a negative impact on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe, with roughly 160,000 more people leaving Islam than converting into Islam between 2010 and 2016. [387], Today, the majority of the world's Jewish population is concentrated in two countries, the United States and Israel,[389] in 2013, the United States and Israel were collectively home to more than 80percent of the global Jewish population, each country having approximately 41percent of the world's Jews. Levy, Robert I. Mesocosm: Hinduism and the Organization of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal. Some seven years later, Muhammad and his many followers returned to Mecca and conquered the region. ), According to Pew Research Center survey in 2012, religiously unaffiliated (include agnostic and atheist) make up about 18.2% of Europe's population,[450] and they make up the majority of the population in only two European countries: Czech Republic (76%) and Estonia (60%). [495][496] From the 10th century onwards,[497] Zoroastrians emigrated to Gujarat, India where they found asylum from unjust persecutions and since then are called Parsi, since Indians called Persia Faras and hence named them Parsi. At the end of 2017, the average age of the Israeli Druze was 27.9. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. [53] According to Pew Research Center study, by 2050 the number of Christians in absolute number is expected to grow to more than double in the next few decades,[54] from 517 million to 1.1billion in Sub Saharan Africa,[54] from 531million to 665million in Latin America and Caribbean,[54] from 287 million to 381million in Asia,[54] and from 266 million to 287million in North America. Australian Bureau of Statistics (21 June 2012). [285][286] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated 109 million babies were born to Hindu mothers and roughly 42 million Hindus died, meaning that the natural increase in the Hindus population i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths was 67 million over this period". [7] Another study found that the number of people who will leave Islam is 9,400,000 and the number of converts to Islam is 12,620,000 so the net gain to Islam through conversion should be 3 million between 2010 and 2050, mostly from Sub Saharan Africa (2.9million). The latest estimate combines informationfrom our 2017 surveyof U.S. Muslims which reported on the prevalence of Muslims among immigrants and other demographic groups withofficial Census Bureau data on the number of people in these groups. [342] Pew study also reveals that Muslims are younger than other Europeans. [305] A 2007 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report argued that some Muslim population projections are overestimated, as they assume that all descendants of Muslims will become Muslims even in cases of mixed parenthood. [270] The fertility rate for Israeli Druze in 2017 is 2.1 children per woman, while the fertility rate among Jewish women (3.2) and Muslim women (3.4) and the fertility rate among Israeli Christian women (1.9). [123] The 2015 Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census study published by Baylor University institute for studies of religion estimates that 10.2 million Muslims converted to Christianity based on global missionary data. Druze is a major religion in the Levant region. [247] According to a report by the Singapore Management University, more people in Southeast Asia are converting to Christianity, and these new converts are mostly Chinese business managers. Most of the net growth in the numbers of Christians is in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population is projected to reach8.1 million, or 2.1% of the nations total population nearly twice the share of today. [330], While the total Fertility Rate of Muslims in North America is 2.7 children per woman in the 2010 to 2015 period, well above the regional average (2.0) and the replacement level (2.1). [295][296] According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, as of 2007 estimated that the fastest-growing religion of the world to be Islam (1.84%), high birth rates in as the reason for the growths. Islam is expected to gain 3.2 million followers, while Buddhists and Jews are expected to lose 2.9 million and 0.3 million adherents, respectively. Looking at suicide as a share of total death is one way to compare differences across the world. Uwe Siemon-Netto confirmed in 2016 that "a global phenomenon is underway: Muslims are converting to various Christian denominations in droves in every part of the world." Indeed, Christian. Although they purchased some toleration by paying the jizya (poll tax), not abolished until 1882, they were treated as an inferior race, had to wear distinctive garb, and were not allowed to ride horses or bear arms.
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