Well, technically, you could also just not drop them I suppose. 3 your support hand may not be available. The Glock take down system is an accident waiting to happen and happen it does all the time. The Glock 43 is VERY close in size to the Glock 42, but chambered for that 9mm cartridge some people demand - or at least don't frown on like they do the .380ACP. Glocks are for professional that carry OWB at 3 o'clock where it is possible to see All the way around the holster While holstering the gun. These Glocks have been beat to death and not once has the gun " fired " without some sort of trigger manipulation. The Glock series of semi-automatic pistols features Glock's Safe Action System and a loaded chamber indicator.The Safe Action System comprises three passive safeties. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p28yT3Z3oj8&t=7347s So, as DG said, its a problem in search of a solution. 1 - 20 of 30 Posts. I dont know who else to contact. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. In war or a defensive situation, that will get you killed. I could carry Israeli style, I suppose, and draw-and-rack if it comes to that, but I just saw a training video in which a woman carrying Israeli style would have been killed by a knife had the attack been real. My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. KAER adhere to the business philosophy of customer first, service first, quality first, and provide our customers with high-quality products and perfect service.. We are a professional manufacturer dedicated to the production of gun safes, safe box, pistol safe and other security products. I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. Guns in my bigger safe are in condition 3 (AR rifles and defensive shotguns), except for my SAA revolvers are empty as I dont consider them as a defensive weapon (my hunting rifles and shotguns are empty too), mainly because both have 8 1/2 barrels and were used for silhouette shooting when I was younger. The 1911 has a grip safety as well as a thumb safety. The finger does not go in the trigger guard until Im ready to fire. I have kids, but they have been taught that if it can go bang assume it will if the trigger is touched. His response could be ro shoot you with your gun. Glock likewise provides a slimline design, which integrates features from the Gen 3 and Gen 5 Glock guns. While numbers vary, reacting to something - anything - takes a . One common question among Glock owners is whether or not they can shoot aluminum cased ammunition in their . Here's my situation: Carrying the pistol with a round in the chamber freaks me out. I find the whole thing absurd and literally every firearm expert agrees with me. I ran a corner thru the trigger and around the other side up the grip. They have defense of the State, of their comrades, or of other citizens.. There was also some discussion of Fairbairn and Sykes experience in the Shanghai police with what is commonly referred to as Israeli carry. There are some inherent problems there. He also runs his own Gun Blog and YouTube Channel. Didnt check that the gun was clear. Glocks dont have an external safety because they were designed as a simple to operate as possible. The engineer who designed a take down system whereby the slide has to be forward and you have to pull the trigger must have on that day tripped out on LSD. The gunfight at the end was pretty good otherwise, but at one point Costner gets 16 shots out of his Colt SAA without reloading. First a 5906, then a PPK/S for 20 years. In practice? In order to fire, the pin needs to be hit hard enough to continue forward, past the point of contact with the hammer, and then into the primer. In the case of a fast draw in a conflict, you dont have time to check, but you still have time to keep your finger out of the trigger guard. 21 foot rule gets those people every time. People who carry them are so rare that I felt like it wasnt worth mentioning, and Im probably still right. And being that I am a Veteran the simple act of 1 second as I draw is a negligible amount of time just like the BS of you can only have a 10 round magazine but you can carry as many magazines as you like try it one day drop a mag change it takes less than 3 seconds. We can talk about the merits of being able to shoot effectivly one handed. Mike Cumpston [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsCredit where due, its true that in days long past the best practice was to carry your revolver with the hammer resting on an empty chamber or on an empty primer nipple in pre-cartridge pistols. I dont have to hit a bypass cause its cocked, or turn off a safety, just pump and fire. Let's talk about wh. True dat. Practice your procedure till it becomes a natural reaction without thinking.You will have other things that must be accessed in those fractions of a second. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. this aint 1902 with a Colt .38 Long primitive revolver and you probably aint riding a horse in pursuit of cattle thieves. And its nowhere near so light a trigger pull that you could just bump it and it fires. Personally, I have several, ranging from BP revolvers to modern SA and DA revolvers & semi-auto pistols, to rifles and shotguns. Carry your GLOCK pistol chambered without worry, the same as every other modern striker fired pistol on the market. I know, its a big word, all scary long and has lots of syllables, but try it out. Off the top of my head, I dont remember actually seeing that, but in The Shootist, John Wayne does mention it. as for being out in public goes if somebody gets the drop on me with a knife or firearm at super close range i figure that im only going to be 50/50 on that anyway Personally I dont just carry for my own personal defense, but also the defense of my country, my comrades and other citizens. An empty chamber is worthless when you need it and fractions of a second count. One other one was very tragic. Third, the reason that actual experts (I would say I am knowledgeable to a point, but an expert I am not) recommend NOT carrying in Condition Three is for the reason that it takes a lot of training and repetition to get truly proficient and most people with a lot of training and proficiency dont carry their pistol unloaded. The Gen 5 Glock pistol is the latest generation in the Glock household. Ive always been a SA semi, or when Rugeting for fun, their SA revolvers, like Single 6 w/Wmr cyl. Almost always comes back to the trigger. Always, recent training with Instructor who suggested to always carry chambered. Discharge during take down? I turn it into the five gun question instead. This pistol gained [] If youre going to pocket carry, get a pocket holster. No, but it requires that everything go right when theres a higher chance of something going wrong. And, it actually impeded officers ability to hit a target. It prevents the trigger from being manipulated unless a finger is pressing on it. when I was in the Harris County, Texas courts, I saw many LEOs that had semi-auto pistols with one in the chamber and the hammer cocked and the holster strap between the hammer and the slide. Clearly not enough to train for scenarios where chambering a round can be life or death. #5. Mr Hoober, If you werent too busy arrogantly doubling down, you might consider trying it some time instead of pretending you know everything but I suppose you are probably more interested in getting audience engagement than giving good advice. Many people think walking around with a loaded gun is dangerous, irresponsible, and paranoid. If you want a common username better grab it quick though. I have for almost 40 years and have it properly holstered. All that said, training, knowledge of your firearm's design/function, and practice go a long way to make any firearm safe to carry with a round chambered though some designs are better for a particular purpose. Now getting older, I have trouble with body positions for competitions, so I dont enter very many club competitions anymore. Thanks for the tip. Nice catch. Consider this, if everyone carried a weapon in condition 3, how many mass shootings would there be? I submit extremely unlikely. Yep, if you havent actually ever been in a gunfight before you can shut the f#*k up about what or how I carry. As I mentioned elsewhere here, the trigger pull and safety mechanism are irrelevant to the *proximate* cause of any Glock discharge Im aware of. Of course all of those Glock NDs were due to human error. He grew up hunting, fishing, and trapping. The Israelis didn't invent the practice but it got the name from Israeli armed forces policy. The IDF has quit carrying with a round chambered. Glocks have a feature that prevents the trigger from accidentally being pulled, blocks the firing pin until the trigger is fully pressed, and the pistol is not actually cocked until the trigger is puled. Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. Vlad as always you are full of stupid.most semi auto today are Glock wannabes I have carried a Glock 21 for years I fast draw hip shoot and yes stupid Vlad I always carry with one in the chamber, Vlad as always you are full of stupid.most semi auto today are Glock wannabes I have carried a Glock 21 for years I fast draw hip shoot and yes stupid Vlad I always carry with one in the chamber, Your rants always remind me of that long ago cartoon show. It was called Fractured Fairy Tales. The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. Someone with little firearms experience who feels over confident in his/her carry technique is more likely to find him/herself in trouble. And so it is when carrying a Glock as well. U.S. Now youve introduced a firearm where one might not otherwise have been involved, not to mention triggering the bad guys own sense of self preservation. I want something that goes bang when I pull the trigger, and I could care less how heavy or gritty that might be. If you forget to check the chamber just one time in you life its Sayounara . The chamber under the hammer of any carried revolver is *irrelevant* for the first shot, since cocking the hammer of an SA or pulling the trigger on a DA advances the next chamber to the firing position. oh yeahuhcarry what you like guys. Is it just something one has to get used to? I will say this again: If other blogs can do it, then it can be done.
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